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Posts posted by Keno

  1. I'm not saying we shouldn't eat meat, we should, were suppose to eat meat and there is a friggen lot of us but we really need to rethink this whole system. If we can send robots to other planets i'm pretty sure we can come up with different methods if we tried.

  2. Sera Otoro wrote:

    ergh... i cant watch any more of that...

    Sadly this is the attitude they talk about in the video, "It's too horrible, I don't want to know.".

    People eat the stuff and contribute to this, the animals at least deserve you know how they die.

    Some of the figures are horrific, if you add them all up we kill somewhere between 10 billion and 20 billion animals a years, a figure that's raising at a astronomical rate.

    Makes you kind of dissapointed with humans, none of us are perfect, this video makes me very sad and I would have rather not have known, none of us would.

  3. I find it funny people try to make out we have large numbers because we like to fight unfair etc.

    Have you considered your just jealous because larger numbers tends to mean we are more popular? We don't let any random newbs in either, unlike some groups, yet we still have superior numbers also have you noticed the Merczateers has more people than Ordo yet you don't complain about them having too much, perhaps your too busying cowering in your "throne" room being ass raped by us.


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