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Trevor Russell

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Posts posted by Trevor Russell

  1. Step One: Buy Trevur a gun. Preferably in pink.

    Step Two: Visit Trevur.

    Step Three: Go to Siesta Key wif Trevur.

    Step Four: Make religious bigots in Gainesville awkwardly uncomfortable (wif Trevur).

    Step Five: Show up on CNN Evening News wif Trevur for participating in Step Four.

  2. The idea was behind a long standing idea that the old "threat level" system wasn't enough. One lvl5 entry does not have the same urgency as 20 lvl5 entries. This is why DEFCON was used in ordo, as I recall, to differentiate it from threat levels.

  3. Also would like to add: It gets really frustrating when people are hanging out in the build area and defense is down to 2-3 people. Titan needs a minimum of 5 defenders per policy. If you are building something during low defense, it is strongly requested that you join defense if you can. If you are, like many people have done, simply hanging out and watching the builders during low defense, there is no excuse.

  4. This is a hate crime isnt it...


    In all seriousness. I'll change it tomorrow cause I need to finish school work and stuff now.

    Your's is fine, actually, once you size it down!

    The forums auto-renders all avatars to 150x150, however, linking off-site can allow you to post images bigger than that. If you size it down yourself and upload it to the forums, it will actually look better! Why? the forums resizes the images using XHTML/CSS resizing, whereas if you do it yourself with Photoshop, The GIMP, or othe decent program (don't use Paint Dx, it fails), it is equivalent to running a video game with antialiasing (no jagged lines, etc.) In short, well:

  5. [11:19] Unable to create requested object. The region is full.

    That's right. When I checked, Titan was listed at 41 prims remaining. I URGE all builders to pick up anything that does not need to be sitting around. All spare prims to be cleaned. Any training courses not in use to be picked up. Offices to be trimmed a bit (they are getting replaced anywho with the new build). Our current build is primmy, and a new build is on the way, we need the free space just for combat.

    Also, any Estate Admins willing to go through and clean up, it would be greatly appreciated.

    This is a problem.

    (Gloom, despair, and agony.)

  6. Dear Trevor,

    Ham comes from the thigh and rump.

    Back bacon ("Canadian Bacon") comes from the loin.

    Conclusion, you are retarded.


    Everyone in the entire world.




  7. Protip: You uploaded it big and let HTML size it down. That makes it look crappy, AND uses extra bandwidth. Size it down in your adobe software, then upload it, it will solve a lot of issues.


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