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Trevor Russell

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Posts posted by Trevor Russell

  1. Was a misunderstanding. The EM thought all the base prims were under Imperial. Es not a big deal!

    Since they have to be replaced, replacing them on Imperial would make the most sense, no?

    I estimate transfering the build would take 15-30 minutes max. This is based on it taking a (very generous) 15 seconds to link the base.

    Plenty of other groups do it, it's a matter of security.

  2. Straight out of the handbook and sim covenant, anyone in a hostile group is automatically treated as hostile unless OIC says otherwise. If OIC says nothing, a hostile is to be shot. If they are an unknown, and unarmed, unless there is just cause (blank profile, noob AV, troll, copybot, etc), opening fire on them without just cause would be killing a civilian, and thus punishable.

    As for off-topic during combat, we are all guilty of it a little. If the person ignores the legitimate order, IM the OIC about it. If you are OIC/SoG, IM the person. When I am OIC, I wind up globally muting the person for a minute when they do it. It solves the problem, and gets the point across without being an administrative punishment. It also keeps me from having to call them out on it.

  3. /bump again for confusion. Please read people. It's also in the handbook v2.1.

    Request a copy/move to the Reports section where the other simular orders/clarifications are presented (and because it keeps getting harder and harder for me to track it down every time I quote it lol)

    We are working on a policy repository, to make that easier.

  4. The parcel also contained Schrodinger's cat, by which to end the world with quantum physics.

    I don't fit into parcels.

    (Tiri often refers to me as Schrodinger's cat <_<).


    Tiri would most definately shoot himself if his office were invaded in such a manner.

  5. i made an account for the wiki and i followed the email link it sent me but now i just keep getting an error :\

    read the instructions under Help: Accounts. It tells you what you're supposed to do. There is a link provided on the error message.

  6. Aw, that's too bad. I always relish the opportunity to boss around Ordo people in RL the way I do in SL, i.e. checking the rank of everyone I'm presently hanging around with, declaring myself OIC of the group, and then leading my brothers in arms to victory at the liquor store. :awesome:

    Since you're in my squad, I would've made you my gopher/bitch the whole time.

    And that was the con where aryte actually demoted someone irl.

  7. Just as a curiosity, what about the scripts for the invisiprims in digi legs and such (for the furs)

    Why do these need scripts?

    An invisiprim script sets the texture. Once set, the texture doesn't need to be changed, it is permanent (unless you fuck up and change it). As such, a script isn't needed. If you have digitigrade legs which still have scripts...i'd recommend removing them, because the builder didn't realize this.

  8. I wrote this document during work, typed it during class, and consulted with numerous veteran officers. Finally, I consulted with Aryte Vesperia, who instructed me to post it here with his blessing.

    Responsibilities of the OIC/SoG

    The post of OIC is of utmost importance, but is often underused. This document serves to outline specific guidelines and areas of improvement.

    Firstly, it is important AT ALL TIMES to maintain an OIC. As this is a military organization, someone should always be in charge. It cannot be stressed enough, as every scenario on base dictates the need for strong leadership. If there is even one person on base (which, the base should never be empty) then there should be an OIC.

    As such, the most critical part of constant OIC maintenance is the Ritual of the Transfer of Command. The OIC checks the sim, and starting with the highest rank, begins to message available personnel. It is NOT recommended to solicit the post over the COM channel. Officers can (and often do) ignore this, and the post is most likely to fall to an eager but inexperienced NCO. Next, after a willing person is ready to take command, the OIC relinquishes command on COMS, and the new OIC takes over on COMs. It really is as simple as that! If there aren’t any online officers on base, check your friends list for off-base officers. Only after that is fruitless do you consider giving it to an NCO, using the same process of IMing. Do not resort to COMs solicitation, as it is not nearly as effective.

    Once an OIC is established, he must establish an SoG. Many OICs completely ignore this part, but this post’s importance must not be underestimated. The OIC has the option of maintaining the current SoG, or appointing his own; either is acceptable. If the SoG must leave, he must announce it to the OIC, who is then responsible for appointing another SoG. It is NOT acceptable for the SoG to choose his successor.

    If you are the OIC, you should be well aware of personnel on base. If you are an NCO, you should make a concerted effort to hand it off to an officer when possible. If an officer shows up on base, ask them how long they will be online, and if they are willing to take OIC. Any officer not detained in an important project and planning to be online for 30 minutes or more should take OIC. By important, this means Ordo-related, productive, homework-related, and usually time-pertinent. If, instead, you are an officer, it is courteous and recommended, although not outright required, to offer the post to anyone of a higher rank. Furthermore, if you are not OIC (and are an officer), the OIC is an NCO, and you are not otherwise reasonably detained, you should assume OIC (politely) to maintain an officer's presence in command.

    This leads into the next point, which is the laxity of officers on base. To put it simply, if you aren’t willing to command, you should not be an officer. Command is THE PRIMARY duty of an officer. Many officers as of late have neglected this, often out of laziness, leaving command of the sim to less-qualified personnel. NCOs should be a last resort, not a regular occurrence. What is more, neglecting command should be a punishable offense.

    Another common problem is lackluster command. The OIC’s primary duty is to coordinate defense, but often this is underperformed. Even with a single attacker, the OIC should be organizing the defense against this one person. Also, OICs and SoGs are prone to go inactive, usually for phone calls, bathroom breaks, or food runs. Depending on the duration, the OIC/SoG should have a plan. Anything less than 5 minutes with no hostiles present, the OIC should inform the SoG to take the lead for the time. If the SoG is leaving briefly, he should inform the OIC. The OIC then has the choice as to whether or not to take SoG duties, or appoint another SoG, either temporarily or permanently.

    Considering it is a post often held by the Imperator himself, the responsibilities of the OIC are paramount. ANYTHING that occurs on base should be known by the OIC. The OIC monitors enemy positions, assigns troops to specific areas, maintains near constant communication and coordination with the SoG, and calls for aid/admins when needed. The OIC is also responsible for discipline on base; including dispute resolution, administering minor punishments, and generally keeping the base orderly. This isn’t to say that having fun isn’t permissible, but base security and defensive readiness should NEVER be compromised.

    The SoG has similar, though distinctly different responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the SoG to contact every non-Ordo person that enters the base. Hostile armies are an exception, as their intention is clear. When contacting, the SoG should be polite, but also professional and official, insistent even when needed. He should find out who the person is, are they suspicious (known alt, known bot, suspected bot, suspected alt, griefer, blank profile, et cetera), and forward all of this information to the OIC and/or the COM channel. The SoG has the secondary duty of assisting the OIC with all of his duties, particularly by micromanaging while the OIC is macromanaging.

    Footnote: Aryte mentioned he'd like me to say this:

    Don't make Aryte OIC. He will take it when he's ready. If you need him to, ASK him, don't just make him OIC and don't tell him.
  9. I believe the hostility has come from your take on this in the past. Many hostiles have been killed for doing this. I specifically recall Mikael being engaged in the spawn for alt-camming around base. Back in 2008, as I recall, you considered an act of reconaisance to be an act of hostility. Could you clarify?


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