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Detox Exonar

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Posts posted by Detox Exonar

  1. Regarding Proxima Centauri - I visited their sim and met their leader last night and another whom I believe was their 2IC. Specific to ASTRA they are open to have joint exercises with us even conducting announced friendly combat challenges. I am sure they would be open to Terra joint exercises also. Sim is a clean build Roman or Greek themed - wide open and good for air to air combat exercises. Leader said they had 8 pilots in their AD. I wanted to assess their aircraft and weapons capabilities and challenged either of them to a dogfight and the 2IC accepted. Their aircraft is a sit based version with guns and bombs and I went 4 rounds with him and realized the weapons systems are very weak - or, the skills of the pilot. Either way - they seem to be good folks and were very hospitable to me. Go check them out.

    Detox Exonar

  2. Actually Detox ... They are now an Alpha Squad. They are the instructors too yes, but the Apostles are now the elite squad of Astra. Why do you think all the Apostles got the Alpha Contubernium merit?

    Corsi - I really don't care if ASTRA was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor - Alpha squad or not - the point is the APOSTLE's primary responsibility is to be a teacher and mentor to our cadets and unless you are an APOSTLE you might want to abstain from trying to define or re-define what our primary role and objective is.

    Detox Exonar

    Keep em Flyin'

  3. Corsi: Apostles: Simply put they are thought of as just the skilled pilots of the Ordo. But remembering that not everywhere there will be Aireal combat, they have a secondary purpose. They are equipped with weapons that are meant to assist the other three ground squads. When the ground troops are assisted by the Apostles, no one survives the assault. Their weaponry includes a modular weapon that can fire as a long range support weapon, an SMG, and even as a shotgun and M203. It's the most versatile weapon of the squads though like a Swiss Army knife, the actual tool is better in the long run. In the air, they are feared. They command the most dangerous crafts in the Ordo and bring on a pain that cannot be fathomed. They fly in hard and fast, bombing strategic locales on the map and shooting down everything else.

    Correction - The Apostles first and foremost responsibility and mandate is as an INSTRUCTOR to teach and train Ordo ASTRA Cadets in the art of aerial SL combat in order to Rule the Skies and defend and protect our brothers and sisters on the ground.

    Let no one lose sight of this - all else is subsidiary.

    Detox Exonar

    Keep 'em Flyin'

  4. If I may add - I always thought Luca was what was BEST for the AN and what was WORST. He was the most fearless, cunning, unbeatable warrior ever to have worn military armor - but then again - in my opinion, Luca had a bad side about him. I think it went to his head a bit. But as a young AN recruit taking my basic training from Luca - it got real old hearing him yelling at all the cadets and calling us 'fags' and anything else that came to him. I did not appreciate that side of him for sure.

    And then when I became an ANAD pilot - I started to think somehow that ANAD was trying to be made impotent because the ground troops and high command had so many rules mandated against the pilots - flying too high or going past the bulwarks - never being allowed to fly and patrol the sim terrain. I would privately believe it was really because the Infantry was envious of ANAD and these new rulings were their way to hold them back - unfounded I am sure. But it was always Luca yelling at us over comm. So one day he said something to me over comm - I don't recall exactly what it was - and I just snapped off a retort over comm ; "Ah, don't get your skirts up in a ruffle". DAMN ! The wrath from hell was unleashed on me. Luca made me immediately rez to the ground and proceeded to pulverize me verbally and endlessly - geeeez - I wish I would have saved that chat log - lol.

    Just thought you all might appreciate this little anecdote since it is a good time for us all to reflect on the Alliance Navy and all that it has meant to the military grid.


    Keep 'em flyin'

  5. Yes Ky and Sera - not that I have any first hand knowledge of any prejudices Judge held for Ordo because I did not but I had already assumed Judge would not be pro alliance. Being 'old school' he would fight hard to bring back AN back to its former status on the grid. Not that it ever was my intent to consider Judge in order to break the alliance - it was not. Aryte fought so hard for this Alliance which is frankly amazing in itself and I would not want to do or say anything to impact the current status quo. Nevertheless, sometimes I long for those old days of epic combat on land and air but the bottom line is AN needs to do what is best for AN and they will choose the right course for themselves. I will just remove myself from this discussion at this time as I do not want to open any old wounds because of sensitive issues such as these.

    Keep 'em flyin'


  6. I really believe they should approach Judge Hocho to lead them back to their former greatness. If anyone can do it - Judge can, and I know this first hand as I flew under his command as a fighter pilot in the ANAD as Tracy Laszlo. I am sure there will be many that will adamantly oppose this idea because Judge was hated and respected with equal furvor. Judge was a military man in RL and so was I - so I perhaps have a deeper appreciation for what he can do. The question is - would he entertain the thought to even going back to the AN if he was sought after? I don't know - but I am sure he is keeping his ear to the flame and is totally aware of what is going on news wise with AN at this time. Should be interesting to watch how this all plays out. Biz/Jim/Nanou/Luca/Judge - possibilities are interesting as hell.

    And yes - Jason was a true friend to us all - a great guy. His spirit really shined through that SL AV of his - nothing could hide his soul.

    He will be missed for sure !


  7. WOW - talk about being hit over the head with a sledge hammer - stunning !

    This news of Biz stepping down and our great friend Jason taking the reigns of the mighty Alliance Navy.

    All I can say is - way to go Jason - AN is in great hands with you at the helm and you can count on ORDO watching your back ! It is definitely a new age.



  8. Kronus >> (even though I just heard you left us!) Thanks for being there as a mentor and friend when I came back to ORDO as Detox and I will never forget the cool AV skin, hair, tats, and AO you gave me - way to go !

    Kraa >> What do you mean I can't use the 'wristblade' ??? DAMN !!!! You are a good guy Kraa - and dig that snake AV for sure !!!

    SERA >> What do you say about someone who is already so damn EPIC - Sera is SERA - and you are the best damned LIMEY I know. Never change my friend and always remember the old days !!!

    Just wanted to get these (3) in !



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