In the 16 years I've been alive I've yet to actually own a desktop. All of my computers have been souped up gaming laptops, purely because of transportation and me bouncing between houses. I'm still keeping my current one, but I also want to have something at home that I can use for my main computer and update throughout the years. This thread is me asking for ideas, I suppose. I'm thinking about either going with building my own from scratch, by ordering a cheap tower and swapping out parts, or just buying one pre-made. I'm wanting to do the first one, because I have a semi-tight budget to work with. That all being said, some basic requirements would be the ability to have more than one screen (which would be gfx dependent), and a fairly modern CPU (ie, at least four cores [hyperthreading or an equivalent technology would be great here]). Other than that, I'm open to suggestions on parts.