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Arokh Takakura

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Posts posted by Arokh Takakura

  1. [16:29:23] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): mercury

    [16:29:27] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): mercury

    [16:29:29] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): wait

    [16:29:31] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): you're not mercury

    [16:29:38] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): oh god I am so tired

    [16:30:31] Lyle Watanabe gives you a virgin and a beer and sends you to sleep on your hoard

    [16:31:03] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): I thought you were mercury

    [16:31:19] Lyle Watanabe: I figured that out

    [16:31:27] Lyle Watanabe: perhaps you should go to sleep ?

  2. Let me know how you get on with the corsair tsume, what you think of it etc. I like it for its just right amount of functionality, it's not caked in buttons, and the optional weights give fantastic feedback in fast paced combat. It also has a nice Ordo look/feel to it with all the brushed aluminium and blue backlights behind the scroll wheel.

  3. [15:01:14] Criss Riel (criss.ixtar): arokh

    [15:01:21] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): Yes?

    [15:01:28] Criss Riel (criss.ixtar): that armor makes you look fa...

    [15:01:32] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): >:|

    [15:01:34] Criss Riel (criss.ixtar): bulous

  4. Iphone Ordo Theme take 2, and this one is available on Cydia now btw. I uploaded it.



    The Ordo themed style text and faded icons in the previous version were seperate features from FontSwap and WinterBoard, I didn't include them in this screenshot as I wanted to showcase the theme 'as seen', this is what you get when you install it.

  5. I live in the middle of butt-Ffff nowhere so I get piss poor reception regardless of provider or device, xoza. Other than that it's just a few subtle modifications to the icons via jailbreak apps on cydia and an alpha layer background logo over a black wallpaper.


  6. [10:49:01] (COM) Krow Ames: Someone ask my why I wear my sunglasses at night.

    [10:49:24] Bro Ames (krow.ames): Ask me.

    [10:49:46] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura): why

    [10:49:55] Bro Ames (krow.ames): Because the sun never sets on a badass.

    [10:50:05] Arokh Blackheart (arokh.takakura) facepalms so hard he shits his teeth.

    [10:50:07] Skippy Solmunko (huttser.ishelwood): ...

    [10:50:11] Skippy Solmunko (huttser.ishelwood): wow

  7. Played it all yesterday, it's kind of a buggy turd at times, textures occasionally not loading after a load transition (blue dogs, faceless npcs with floating teeth, invisible interiors) but the most annoying thing. And I'm not the only one to get this. Is the random and unforewarned sudden blacking of the screen and the game quitting out like you hit alt f4. Due to this I've developed an OCD of repeatedly hitting f5 on the keyboard whilst walking around. Though it does have funny bugs too. Such as the capability to steal a horse in front of an entire town so long as you crouch behind it first. I steal everything, always carry my trusty 'head bucket' for those things I really want. I dont like the stupid horses sometimes. Got off one I had just bought for 1000 gold to fire some arrows at some giants down a grassy knoll/cliff thing. Horse: DURR I CAN HALP. -charges off cliff, gets hurt by the fall, continues to charge giant which pummels it into the dirt with one swing-, thank Ffff for fast travel.


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