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Everything posted by Maceman

  1. What for? :| Also I am quite sure he will do it based on RL EB again just to kick Sonja's ass.
  2. You are welcome, but as I said, we will need assistance to make another group, Sir. That is why the operation still up. And he still have information that may be important.
  3. Sonja is the most insane as she was the one who denied our help...again. Just to let Melina come back to EB and ruin it again.
  4. Ok, here is the thing. The progress was being AWESOME, and I thank everyone who was participating, but we had a issue here, and now I am going to explain. Sonja ( the main owner of the group) decided to be an ass once more and said that she would not accept the deal with Ordo ( again you fatty?), on other words, Melina will come back to EB, sinking it on the mud again, so that is why I said to abort it, the general who was with me on the operation, Tags Writer left the group already after that stupid decision, SO here is the thing. Two things may happen now. -He will join Ordo or -He will create a new EB and without all Sonja's crap, and THIS IS why I say that the Operation is not completaly dead yet. So for those who are REALLY willing to help, the material will be given, also here is the list of people that we may need. -Scripters. -Builders. -Builders for weapons. If those who were applying still on this Operation, thank you, you guys are making something really big here.
  5. Operation Rattlesnake is ABORTED. Reasons will be given to everyone, but for now the Imperator is the priority.
  6. It is just terrilble. It is outdated and laggy. They still using the same gear since it was found by the first time. ( During the days that Ordo was also being found). Just to give you an idea of the situation. Their armored vehicles also are not armored at all.
  7. I just mentioned the things that could be done during the explanation of the Operation itself. We need scripters for the weapons, vehicles or people to redo all their weaponary (building at this case)
  8. As many of you already know, Adstutia, the group that was found three weeks ago had been on a Operation to assist EB in exchange of politic assistance, keeping up a positive relationship with Ordo and of course, keep Melina and Hessel away from their new sim. The progress was just impressive, after their main leader get demoted, all their other members and generals began to focus on the project, their new sim is already done, me and Tags had been working on it everyday, it took like one week or less. Today, 17 of November of 2011 some people already tested the new sistem and approved, one of our objectives was reached, make the combat fair. BUT we still have too much to do, and that is why I am here, this Operation is for everyone who is willing to assist, we need scripters and people who are willing to rebuild their vehicles and weapons, their sim is done, and their organization part was also done, so come and join us, one thing is sure my friends, your assistance will be really important, and of course just saying "Thank you " for the hardwork will not enough to convince some, so be sure you will be rewarded for the help! Come and join us, this is also a good opportunity to prove that you are good enough to join Adstutia, we still have rooms open.
  9. Aaaand if it is not clear yet, those combats were COMBATS WHILE MOVING, on other words, it was a simulation of a real combat, I did not pass one second standing on the same place. And honesltly, only one ground vehicle was able to take down the APC, Dictator. And not all the times, if one missile hits it, it is game over, the vehicle gets unstable.
  10. One word. Exploded. APC left with 83 HP after exploding Infensus.
  11. Yes, Burr the main intention of this topic is to say that the Tyrant is not really being a "tank", I mean, it is taking more damage than the APC, and the tank got only one function, get into get fight and give heavy fire support, while the APC usually WAS supposed to transport people is able to be more effective than it most of times. I mean, I remember Ira could resist more than Tyrant, and Tyrant replaced yep. It was supposed to be a tank, on other words, be resistent and give the proper assistance. To prove this we made lots of tests with almost all the ground Ordo vehicles, results, APC was able to destroy almost all of them without being destroyed.
  12. Not really. Try to use the Gunship against it. Sometimes it really does the AT damage, but other times it deals 3 /5 damage.
  13. Hey Fata, Mangusta got exploded by the APC easily. left with 83 HP yet.
  14. It is already something that I had already noticed months ago, when Tyrant was placed on the lockers, it seems that our APC, Praesidium tends to be more effective than the Tyrant most of times, even if it is supposed to be the "tank". Here are some points that made me take this kind of conclusion: -Armor: Praesidium's armor is different from Tyrant's armor, the APC tends to take less damage than Tyrant sometimes, a good example would be when you shoot it with the Gunship rockets, on the APC it deals something like 1HP, but on the Tyrant it deals lots. And while APC is able to resist to lots of people shooting it, the Tyrant is not at all. -Speed and size: Praesidium is obviously way faster than Tyrant, but for some basic reasons, deploy units, but even so it is something that can resist more than Tyrant, consequently it would be more effective on quick assaults, being able to reach places faster than Tyrant and because its shape is "thin" compared to Tyrant, it is able to fit in places that the tank is not able to. -Firepower: This definally would be the most important point, because Tyrant is suposed to give people fire support, but just take a look at its weaponary compared to the Praesidium's one: - Tyrant: -Primary Armament: XR44 144mm Railgun. 5-Second Reload. ( -7.5m Radius / On default) -Secondary Armament: XPMG-2 Machine Gun, Mounted Coaxially. 700RPM. -Praesidium -Primary Armament: M242 25mm Auto Cannon. Anti-Personnel/Anti-Armor. ~10 Damage To Armor. 5m Radius -Secondary Armament: 2 x Dumbfire Pod Rockets. ~50 Damage to Armor. 10m Radius. -Tertiary Armament: Coaxial 7.62x51mm GPMG. Do I even need to say that the Praesidium can easily explode tanks and infantry? While the Tyrant just can launch one cannon shell, the APC is able to shoot two rockets and it also have an autocannon to clear the grounds. And if you think it is not enough to prove what I say, try to put a Tyrant to fight against a Praesidium. I made it once, Tyrant was destroy 2/3 times before stopping the APC. So I would say that the Praesidium is "the boss". Haha. Show your opinion and we will see if you agree or disagree.
  15. Maceman

    Opening my mind!

    Adding more stuff: Las Bolter: /> Shoulder Rail Gun: /> Some more weapons: /> War truck: /> Razor- stuff ( Armors created by myself. :p ) /> /> /> />
  16. Maceman

    Opening my mind!

    Hello everyone, I was passing some hours drawing and I just had the random idea of begin to post those, some of them are projects, some of them are random things, some of them are just totally nonsense. They may be or not ordo-related anyway, feel free to give your opinion, but make sure you take easy. I probably will be posting some more drawings during the weeks, just to see how it goes, and I may be accepting ideas just to see how it would be like, also here are the first ones. Some weapons: /> AA-ACP vehicle: /> Some weird kind of artillery: /> Assault Tank( My favorite. :D) : /> Siege AA: ( It got flame-throwers on the front part to convince people to GET OUT. ) /> Rocket Launcher: /> Badass Ordo hot road :D : />
  17. Translated from portuguese. [15:20] Radryl Allen: What is the first thing that passes by your mind when someone makes fun of our country? [15:22] Droitd Chronowire: Nothing. [15:22] Radryl Allen: How so? [15:24] Droitd Chronowire: I just melee them if they are close to me, that is why I almost got banned from Base, I meleed snow mew after taking a look at the local chat. [15:25] Radryl Allen: They wanted to ban you because of that? [15:26] Droitd Chronowire: Not really. After doing that I began to think, so I said that he is so fat that he got a gravitional field around of himself that makes fennecs float around of him while he makes his phone sex stuff. [15:28] Radryl Allen: I see... [15:29] Droitd Chronowire: And Snow mew killed me then I said "Did I make snow mew get stressed?" and well, I was told to me or they would ban me. [15:29] Droitd Chronowire: To leave* *Bro fist*
  18. I do not know why but I really feel to take "someone" down with a golf bat right now. >:|
  19. Guest Appearance form Name:Radryl Allen Rank:E-1/Milites Division:Terra/Rapax Show Day:Sept 18th
  20. Tonet was afk using a weird gesture and I just did my work there.. GET DA COIN, TONET!

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