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DamionStJames Webb

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Posts posted by DamionStJames Webb

  1. I have a really hard time whenever I hear the tape of the man on the phone from inside the tower. I could sense his hopelessness, his desire to get out of there, his want to be safe and his frustration at the situation. I am a very emotional person, and I am very empathetic, I can place myself there in that office with the smoke, the tremendous height, and the fear. And then the floor suddenly giving out beneath you as you plummet to oblivion. It makes me sad and broken up to think that man was begging and crying so hard for help and it never was able to reach him.

    I feel the pain and the anguish of the Police and Fire officers that were desperately trying to save lives that day, trying to help those poor unfortunate souls that were trapped inside of the towering infernos, and then to have the world come crashing around them just makes me feel so down that they had to go that way. It doesn't seem fair. It's so cruel to have to have death come so swiftly and never be able to look him in the eyes as it were

    One image that's always frightened me, was the thought going through the mind of that guy at his desk, who turns around just in time to see a plane comming at him. I wonder what went through his mind then. What he was thinking.

  2. This is a question that's been asked of me alot, and now I'm asking you all. Where were you either when you heard the news or where you were at at 0 hour.

    I was actually asleep at 0 hour. I had just quit my job the day before, and I was enjoying a good night's rest for once. I woke up around 10 am Pacific Standard time. At that time it was already 1am at Ground Zero. I walked out into the living-room, and my 14 year old sister was playing with the cats in the living room. I asked her:

    "Why the hell aren't you in school?"
    "Because of the bombing, they let us all out."
    "Someone bombed St. Mary's Academy?" I asked, thinking someone had bombed St. Mary's All-girls academy in Portland. My sister looks at me like I'm a dumb ass and says.
    "No because of the bombings in New York."
    I didn't understand. "They let school out in Portland because of a bombing in New York? Did the President die or something?"
    She grumbled and walked outside, where my mother was pulling up in the driveway. After my mother handed her some Mcdonalds, my mother apologizing that she didn't buy me anything cause she didn't think I'd be awake She broke the news to me.

    I remember saying "How could anyone hijack 4 planes, let alone 1 with today's security? Someone had to be in on it, this has to be an inside job..."

    But I sat down and I watched the horror unfold on every channel. Every channel pretty much was running footage of that day. And much like Dale Earnheart's death crash, they just played it over and over and over. I was mortified and horrified beyond belief, but I couldn't stop watching.

    Since it'd be forever until my mother returned I walked to my local high school, where classes were on hold. Everyone was watching the news. I had just graduated that summer, so I wasn't a student, but I went to go and talk with the guidance councilors as I didn't know who to talk to.

  3. hey man why do you feel it necessary to imply

    someone is gay

    or is that just your own insecurity

    maybe you should move out of your moms basement shave that faux biker beard off your face and get a big boys job

    I loled

  4. Ill miss him.

    (does his best impression)

    In a world of epic determination, the world must now look back and listen to the thunderous and bone rattling sound of...."


    [Religious disclaimer]

    I'm sure you've passed on, and I know that wherever you are, you're doing great. Heck, now heaven and hell can have a great voice over actor...picture it now...

    A man in the utter pitch blackness of void, an undenyably and indescribibly beautiful male angel with scarred and scabbed wings that look beaten and broken stands before the man.

    Satan: You've been a bad boy haven't you.

    Man: N-no...I was a good boy.

    Satan: I don't know, lets go to the trailer of your life...

    The Voice: An event, 30 years in the making...coming soon to an afterlife near you, we bring you: "The Life of _____". Hear how when he was 4 years old he spit in the face of authority and colored on the walls with permanent marker, Marvel how the recklessness of his teenage years rock the very sands of time with the moment where he faked out his first girlfriend by pretending to put on a condom when he really wasn't. And as if that wasn't sinful enough...this guy was a furry.

    This upcoming afterlife, _______ is....Going to hell..."

    Man: Damn. I really WAS bad wasn't I.

    Satan: Mm hmm, and with this THX system we just got installed it really puts damnation into perspective.

  5. I'm curious of those that plan-on or have already made arrangements to go to Rainfurrest in Sea-tac in September. My husband and I are looking for someone to share a room with since I'm supposed to be working two jobs there at the con, we'd be willing to help cover some of the room cost as best we can.

    Also a note, for anyone in the Portland Oregon/Vancouver Metropolitan area we can provide rides if you help chip in for gas.

  6. [14:21] Ruin Nefarious: Hi Boggen.

    [14:22] You: Hey boggen

    [14:22] Boggen Johin: Hola

    [14:22] Kastrenzo Benelli: sling

    [14:22] Boggen Johin: sling

    [14:23] Sera Otoro: o.o

    [14:23] Tuomy Boa: boggen is a swedish word and means Booklet!

    [14:24] Boggen Johin: Its other things too

    [14:24] Kastrenzo Benelli: Someone said Kastrenzo meant something in Spanish

    [14:24] Boggen Johin: It means gay

    [14:25] Tuomy Boa: So you're a gay booklet?

    [14:25] Boggen Johin: No kastrenzo is gay

    [14:25] Boggen Johin: Im just a booklet

    [14:25] Kastrenzo Benelli: am not

    [14:25] Xayvien Rau: Boggen is also an insult meaning Redneck.

    [14:25] Boggen Johin: And something about idiots in austrailian

    [14:25] You: Lmao

    [14:26] Tuomy Boa: I know Kastrenzo is gay..he took my tallest cigar but never smoked it

    [14:26] Boggen Johin: Yeah he does that

    [14:27] Boggen Johin: He sat on a one legged stool with no seat once too

    [14:27] Boggen Johin: He also sleeps with a broom handle

    [14:27] Zania Turner is Online

    [14:28] Tuomy Boa: Dont worry Kastrenzo, we still love ya even if you are a dirty pervert

    [14:28] Boggen Johin: I dont love him

    [14:28] Tuomy Boa: you don't?

    [14:28] Boggen Johin: No that would make me gay for a dog

    [14:28] Xayvien Rau: No, that's the brooms job.

    [14:28] Boggen Johin: Or what ever it is

    [14:28] Boggen Johin: Cat

    [14:28] Boggen Johin: Wolf

    [14:28] Boggen Johin: Monkey

    [14:28] Boggen Johin: Something

    [14:29] Tuomy Boa: I'm a hippo :D

    [14:29] You: Quoting.....

  7. [13:17] Tuomy Boa: I demand to have sex with a donkey!

    [13:17] Justice Capalini: WHAT!?

    [13:17] Inoue Katsu (1): rez:donkey

    [13:17] You: Lol:P

    [13:18] Justice Capalini: why you want a donkey


    [13:18] Justice Capalini: damion is much bigger and stronger.

    [13:18] Tuomy Boa: But he always wants to be on top

    [13:18] Justice Capalini: and very much more vicious.

    [13:18] You: Lol :P

    [13:18] Justice Capalini: hah

    [13:19] You: thanks :P

    [13:19] Tuomy Boa: If I was in to beastiality, Id do bears. Nothing is more manly than wrestling a bear down and then wildly ravishing it

    [13:20] Justice Capalini: <.<

    Because donkies are cool ever since Eddy Murphy

  8. Did you say wood? Well let me tell you how the stain-fighting power of Oxy clean can help cure your wood of those tough to get out stains!

    Heh and yes, I do kind of have a beard don't I?

  9. [19:04] Venes Dagger: Don't tal to damion, he'll eat your soul

    [19:04] Venes Dagger: *talk

    [19:04] You: Awww, you say that like it's a bad thing * puts away the horseradish*

    [19:05] Hitaroki Nakamura: I wasnt issued a soul

    [19:05] Venes Dagger: Lawl

    [19:05] You: Nope you got to see Aryte for those

    [19:05] You: Ive been here a while And i've oly seen one or two issued

    [19:05] Hitaroki Nakamura: I hear they have magical powers

    [19:06] Hitaroki Nakamura: Like an inner monologue voice or something

    [19:06] You: Don't know, I thought Aryte as a level 10 Sorcerer had mastered evoication magic?


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