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Phares Sarjeant

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Posts posted by Phares Sarjeant

  1. On another tangent the North Vietnamese General was brilliant in tactics. He knew he could not compete with American Air Power, So the goal was to bring his ground (no pun intended) forces as close to the American military as possible via the tunnels, via deception. Whatever it took to neutralize the US air power.

  2. As far as Authority, when Aryte was in battle under a raid leader, for a raid i was in, he even took orders from this much lower ranking raid leader... LOL so this person complaining about authority was probably one of those sort full of subconscious resentment, and as a result can't be pleased with any level of authority in an organization. Authority is actually necessary to ensure the integrity and orderly growth of an organization.

    Resentment is a very difficult thing to overcome. Resentment is usually the root in some random reason as to why someone will not follow instructions. Rooting out resentment in ones self will free them up to offer ideas and then accept the decision of the authority in place should it come to that. Resentment results in pride, unnecessary ego, and generally being an unpleasant person to be around.

    Resentment could come from anything.. i was only allowed wheaties for breakfast growing up therefore i will never take orders from anyone without finding some reason as to why they should be disobeyed. -my advice is find out why you have resentment, root it out, and get on with your life. All ordo are champions not resent filled embittered folk.

    These sort of people think.. "if only i were in such and such a position, i'd do things so much better".. I've personally placed such people in a position where they could do anything they wanted, and they pretty much failed. I've seen this attitude in myself, it's a part of growing up. Get over yourself, do what it takes to succeed and enjoy life.

    Authority does not mean that one person has ALL the answers.

    As long as the vision is the same, more brains working on a problem will usually ensure a complete solution. In addition capacity to answer questions is also improved. Say there are 20 problems to address. 1 person can certainly answer them all But 5 people with the same vision and unity of spirit can answer 20 questions in 1/4 the time.

    Heh heh, this topic was so long ago i doubt anyone will read this answer. But it's almost medicinal replying to it. LOL

  3. Russian leadership is very much based on popularity.

    Stalin wanted Zhukov to beat back the Germans but didn't like Zhukov's popularity. Considering the Germans had just been incredibly brutal to the Russians, when Zhukov became the tool of retribution against the Germans, those suffering from the German invasion would obviously see him as their savior.. Zhukovs popularity increased tremendously, thence becoming a threat to Stalin.- a vicious cycle indeed. \

    ~master of the obvious.. thank you thank you.

    As far as politics, that's best left to the authorities. The individual has to place 'What works' above ones' self. That's the great thing about war. Only what works succeeds. Failure is final.

  4. One of Napoleans Strengths was used against him when he invaded Russia. Napoleans army was the best at foraging for supplies. This allowed him to have much smaller logistical supply lines than other militaries, and move much quicker. But when he invaded Russia, it was pretty much his downfall and the russians operated a scorched earth policy where they burned everything as they retreated... Hitler also had logistical problems in Russia because he believed the war would be over before the Russian General Winter could influence the outcome and his men were not equipped with winter gear. Plenty of lessons there on ego, cutting off the enemies source of supplies.

    If i recall correctly Scipio first invaded Portugal/Spain in an effort to undercut Hannibals supply line (Hannibal had established his supply lines through spain and then continued on over into Italy. Scipio then attacked Carthage and defeated their military, which forced Hannibal to leave Italy and defend Carthage, where he had to scramble in some untenable situations, and then suffered defeat against Scipio's Brilliant command using strategies he may well have learned from Hannibal.

    Best defense is a good offense.

    Guard your lines of travel.

    I haven't read about Trajan or Hadrian yet.. Currently i'm making my way through J.F.C. Fullers military history. Which has covered Alexander the Great, (took on 1million with 40K and won.. at the age of about 32.. Aryte still has time. Heh heh.) along with several of the great roman generals, Macedonians, Greeks. Interesting reading.

    I'll try to look up more info on General Zhukov.

  5. For all you military history buffs out there.

    Just wondering who some of your favorite Great Military Leaders are and what books to read on them out there. Also if there were any in particular individuals that seemed more SL relevant than others. I haven't done much reading of russian leaders yet so that would be very interesting.

    I've read Vegetius, -very applicable to the ORDO setup.


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