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[Ordo] Promotions: 31OCT10

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> Missing a PRF? Please refer to your unit lead; if you've already done so and said unit lead has not provided a remedy, feel free to notify me. I will remedy it.

> Curious why you have not received a promotion? First, consider if you have fulfilled the necessary minimum requirement exams. If you have, feel free to ask me-- we can discuss it and provide direction.

> Otherwise, keep in mind there is always next week! Keep up the good work.

> Are you an E-5 and waiting on a bump to E-6? Or an E-6 waiting on E-7? . . ooor an E-7 eyeing E-8? Send me a list in notecard form about what positions you currently hold! Thanks.


Wolfe Hardin

Kithsuneca Eilde

Zanndor Aeon

Kyra Vixen


Afevis Sodertelge - [Good Conduct] +25

Awanken Wasp - [Combat Prowess MKII] +25

Bradley Petrov- [E-3]; [Corona Vallaris]; [Armatura] +100

BurrWolf Qin - [indoctrination] +25

Carter Blackrain - [Combat Prowess] +25

Drasamax Python - [Corona Obsidionalis] +100

Fox Cheri - [Ordo Achievement] +100

Hessel2008 Inglewood - [Combat Prowess] +25

Huttser Ishelwood - [Dominatum Primus] +50

Kalas Drascol - [E-2]; [Medicus] +25

Keller Teichman - [Castorum Primus]

Kiba Rubble - [E-3]

Kithsuneca Eildie - [Homeland Defense] +25

Kyra Vixen - [Marksman] +25

Lyle Watanbe - [Combat Prowess MKII] +25

Mark Karlfeldt - [Medicus] +25

Maverick Garfield - [Combat Prowess MKII] +25

Ookamiwulf Lemton - [Combat Prowess] +25

Pr0wer Miles - [Combat Prowess] +25

Ron Bleac - [Custos]

Stirn Aurotharius - [Combat Prowess] +25

Tsukiyomi Yuhara - [E-4]

Tsume Xiao - [Custos]

Winterz Silverfall - [E-4]

Wulf Lykin - [E-4]

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Database updated.

Congratulations everyone, especially those Primus merits.

It may not seem like it but there are only three Castorum Primus merits recorded on the database and two Dominatum Primus merits recorded. And thats including Keller and Huttser's addition.

Maybe we can increase that number a bit ;].

Edited by Acheron Gloom
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