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Revelation on Zrazor . .

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. . Kind of funny:

[21:34] Aryte Vesperia: Zrazor has been trying to rally the troops, talking about how he managed to kill me.

[21:34] Aryte Vesperia: Or rather.

[21:35] Aryte Vesperia: Spent . . three days killing me. In a game. Where you get shot.

[21:35] Aryte Vesperia: And die.

[21:35] Aryte Vesperia: Pretty often.

[21:35] Aryte Vesperia: . . so he spent three days getting close enough to kill me at my homepoint by rezzing a grenade on me. It takes someone three days to kill me. That's pretty flattering.

[21:37] Aryte Vesperia: I don't recall. I am not phase about going back to my homepoint.

[21:37] Aryte Vesperia: I don't think Zrazor realizes how insignificant that was. It's pretty funny he put so m uch effort into just . . sending me to my homepoint.

[21:38] Farrago Chandrayaan: Indeed, when he could have simply pulled out a gun and attempted to shoot down you and all the praetorians in the meeting room.

[21:39] Aryte Vesperia: If he was really trying to kill me.

[21:39] Aryte Vesperia: He'd of done it then.

[21:39] Aryte Vesperia: Taken you.

[21:39] Aryte Vesperia: Several officers.

[21:39] Aryte Vesperia: And four Praetorians with him.

[21:39] Aryte Vesperia: Christoph woo'd him.

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Zrazor Rozenstrauch is apparently mis-informed about the events of October 12, 2008. This pick (and the other picks) aim to correct the falsified information.


Zrazor: He successfully assassinated Aryte under a grand-plan made by Christoph.

Truth: After seriously quitting Vanguard and three days of wanting to join the Ordo Imperialis, Christoph offered him a better position in Vanguard. To cover these facts, he rezzed multiple grenades under Aryte at his homepoint and called it a grand-scheme assassination attempt authored by Christoph.

[19:22] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Is everyone pissed?

[19:22] Dagger Exonar: Confused.

[19:22] Dagger Exonar: You killed him on his home point?

[19:23] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: I guess. Is his homepoint in the office?

In Zrazor's pick, he refers to it as "Fucking owned." Taking three days to rez multiple grenades under Aryte at his homepoint is not owned.

Zrazor Rozenstrauch is apparently mis-informed about the events of October 12, 2008. This pick (and the other picks) aim to correct the falsified information.


Zrazor: He fooled the Ordo Imperialis Frumentarii.

Truth: Zrazor had undergone a simple interview from the Ordo Imperialis Frumentarii October 12, 2008. The point of the interview was to better evaluate his situation. No conclusions were made at the time of the interview.

(I did not reply to this statement. Please consider the significance of him asking this question.)

[18:05] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: I'd ask you what you thought of my answers, but I don't imagine that's up for discussion.

(Notice how Zrazor contradicts himself in an attempt to cover the fact that, indeed, no conclusions were made.)

[19:01] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Naw, I think your creepy little psych-out interview failed pretty hard at uncovering me, gg.

Zrazor Rozenstrauch is apparently mis-informed about the events of October 12, 2008. This pick (and the other picks) aim to correct the falsified information.


Zrazor: He fooled "a few hundred people in the process," of him assassinating Aryte. (Christoph, Vanguard Group Notice, OCT14)

Truth: Less than ten Ordo Imperialis personnel knew of Zrazor and his situation. Most of this figure did not want him to join the Ordo, due to his origins.

Zrazor Rozenstrauch is apparently mis-informed about the events of October 12, 2008. This pick (and the other picks) aim to correct the falsified information.


Zrazor: Christoph, in a group notice, states "... The Imperator has been assassinated, fooled, and the world now knows how easy it is to spoon feed someone bullshit to make them believe and trust you with anything..."

Truth: The Imperator was not fooled. As before, no conclusions were made.

The point of this particular pick is to demonstrate the calibur of leadership Vanguard has. This also demonstrates the calibur of /personnel/ actually in Vanguard (Zrazor).

In general, all of my picks regarding Zrazor are to show the world exactly why Vanguard is held with such distaste by sensible militaries and individuals(notice the cleverly placed sensible). For anyone in doubt, please contact me with any questions. I will be happy to inform you.

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I can't... FATHOM the amount of stupidity behind this. Ordo actually wants to help the community progress in a mature fashion, a point I advocate seriously, and people like Christoph and militaries like Vanguard just want to hold the community back.

Vanguard is like the new Sparta. And the best way to deal with the major crap from Vanguard is just to freeze them out of the community as best as possible. Leave them alone and they'll start fighting themselves. If we pose any front against them, they'll galvanize and come together.

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Garinovitch Raviprakash wrote:
Dagger Exonar wrote:

In all honesty it looks more like a combination of us being "so serious" and Christoph begging people to come back that caused him to change his mind - If you've looked at his profile, the guy is a super troll.

He's head of Vanguard, what do you expect? :P

... Christoph is, Zrazor isn't...

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Garinovitch Raviprakash wrote:
Dagger Exonar wrote:
Garinovitch Raviprakash wrote:
Dagger Exonar wrote:

In all honesty it looks more like a combination of us being "so serious" and Christoph begging people to come back that caused him to change his mind - If you've looked at his profile, the guy is a super troll.

He's head of Vanguard, what do you expect? :P

... Christoph is, Zrazor isn't...

Zrazor rejoined VG, now he's a fieldkommander.

they misspelled Commander. Man, those VG guys, they'er so dumb! LOL!

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Garinovitch Raviprakash wrote:

......You do relize its German right? In German grammar, its very common for the letter C to be changed to the letter K. Like the Afrikakorps, in america it would be Africa Corps.

No, we had no idea it was German, not a clue in the world. Thank you for enlightening us with your vast knowledge on foreign languages.

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