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Tsukiyomi Yuhara

Victrix Meeting 07FEB2011

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[16:57] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): ok, I'm going to rush this through

[16:58] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): First point of interest! Trainings, With the advice of Keller Teichmann, Cohors A CO, and ThatGuy Andel, Cohors B CO, Trainings have opened up to instead of being Century related, to Cohors related. This means Trainings (Which I'm totally falling behind on doing >.> sorry), will be shared, feel free to join in any trainings you can manage to be a part of ;o. it gets you more QP and makes your prf's look better.

[16:59] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): any questions?

[17:00] Blu Wolf (blu.flux): no sir.

[17:00] Felinie Slayer (felinie): no sir

[17:00] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Second point of interest is our own training Schedule. I would like to start off with scheduling a training every Monday around 4pm. However I will be looking for activity between 1pm and 5pm slt. This training will be open for B Cohors and will be head at 4pm slt no matter what, barring /all/ of B cohors is inactive or raiding. So... yea. Any concerns or comments?

[17:00] Blu Wolf (blu.flux): no sir, understood ^^.

[17:00] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Okie dokie! Scheduling is quite a bitch, especially for me. However I now have a Google Calendar setup I will get txt messages an hour, and 10 minutes before an event scheduled. in which case by that time I should know if I have to cancel it or not. In which case, I appologize if I must do so, however my RL is hectic.So I appologize in advance if that happens. Also if you have a Gmail account and want to be added to the calendar, feel free to IM me your email address and I'll be sure to let you view the calendar. I will also include all of B cohors events as much as possible. However don't expect everything to be on their right away as they are kinda hard to find the times for ;o and Overlap doesn't seem possible for the app on Gmail.

[17:01] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): and yes this is also copy pasta ;D

[17:01] Jayce Iredell: Its delicious copy pasta.

[17:01] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): ;P

[17:01] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): any questions?

[17:02] Blu Wolf (blu.flux): No sir.

[17:02] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Last point! Squad projects! Yes this will be like homework, more rather a volunteer based squad involvement thing. Such as, the first one: Design a squad logo. I would like to have you all create a squad logo for Victrix. This was brought up by B Command, and was first done by B-2 Rapax. I know many of you are talented and good at designing. Does this seem like something you all are interested in?

[17:03] Blu Wolf (blu.flux): Yes sir, I would have to do it on paper, then pc, then send it, itd take a while for me to do so tho.

[17:03] Jayce Iredell: I have no design talents.

[17:03] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): I already have some interest about doing this brought to my attention, but again it will be more of a group vote thing

[17:04] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): heh, Jayce your ability to draw may be lacking, but I know your creativity is top notch ;P

[17:04] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): it's a squad project, communicate with each other and see what you all come up with

[17:04] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): I'll setup a Logo creation thread in the Terra section of the forums. I would like to setup a few guidelines for this: The logo must fit on the UCA left shoulder. It cannot resemble a Ordo Division Logo. The Logo should be vector art, allowing for smooth resizing. Lastly I would like it to be grayscale, the Alpha squad logo's all have colors, however they have squad colors. Victrix does not have a squad color. If you wish to participate. Let me know and I'll give you any information I can to help you out in designing it.

[17:06] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): anny questions?

[17:06] Jayce Iredell: Nothing right now.

[17:06] Blu Wolf (blu.flux): no sir.

[17:06] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): heh, awesome, that took all of 6 minutes

[17:06] Blu Wolf (blu.flux): :D

[17:06] Blu Wolf (blu.flux): Hi5!

[17:06] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Normally I would have a open floor, but hostiles on sim. Report for defense please

[17:07] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Dismissed

[17:07] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara) salutes!

[17:07] Jayce Iredell salutes!

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