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Sekonda Huet

Sculpted Trees @ Ground Level

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Does anyone else have difficult with the Scultipe Trees?

Yesterday during combat my machine which averages 75fps barely got 3fps yesterday there was so much going on in my view. I disabled Scultipes and got up to 25fps.

Anyway we can have them maybe... replaced with standard linden trees or are they there as cover or something for enemey forces?

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I don't suggest using the LL trees. They lag the simulator to hell. Remmeber LL had to play tricks with them server side becasue the flexi LL trees came out well before flexi-prims. LL have admitted that they add a lot of lag to a simulator.

As it is, if the defenders don't like it well then boo hoo. We can't build the sim to garuntee that we will never lose, that's just cheap. Deal with the trees like a soldier.

As for the lag problem, that's got to be on your own end, try the old fashioned cache clear/Client reinstall/Driver update.

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A few trees would be nice, but they are a bit of a nuisance, at least to me. I don't like the fact that they are so populous.

A few tree stumps or bomb craters, I agree, would be of preference. I honestly think that it should look intimidating, as a millitary base ground.

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Moy Loon wrote:
Phillip Hultcrantz wrote:

I don't suggest using the LL trees. They lag the simulator to hell. Remmeber LL had to play tricks with them server side becasue the flexi LL trees came out well before flexi-prims. LL have admitted that they add a lot of lag to a simulator.

As it is, if the defenders don't like it well then boo hoo. We can't build the sim to garuntee that we will never lose, that's just cheap. Deal with the trees like a soldier.

As for the lag problem, that's got to be on your own end, try the old fashioned cache clear/Client reinstall/Driver update.

hahahaha what?

the flex is 100% client side, LL trees don't effect the server

cache clear will only make you lag more (by downloading all the images over again, it gives a false performance increase (when images are loading, they're tiny grey textures, so it will perform better because there is less in the scene for a few moments))

client reinstalls normaly don't do anything because there is nothing that changes in your client folder

driver updates on the other hand are normaly a very good thing to do!

I know what your saying Moy but when I manually delete shit from my cache folder I get a pretty drastic performance increase for a good few days then it slowly dies on me as the cache builds up.

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