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17DEC11 - Weekly Meeting

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[18:01:51] Aryte Vesperia: Good evening to you all. Calling to order: meeting begins now. Please be certain to raise your hand and to withhold out of turn commentary. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the meeting. Thank you.

[18:02:39] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics

Members: 314

Cadets: 7


New: 6

Accepted: 0

Denied: 0

Review: 6


Defensive: 108

Offensive: 17

Allied Assist: 0

[18:03:11] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes: due to recent changes, the political elements will be discussed as part of the primary meeting portions.

[18:03:24] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening?

[18:03:25] Ethan Schuman raises his hand for Astra to cut off Hollow because he's gone first for the past 334343 meetings.

[18:03:30] Hollowmengitus Yifu: :c

[18:03:39] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman.

[18:03:53] Ethan Schuman: From Sebby-poo for Palaestra: With finals done and some serious issues that happened this week sorted, I should be more available for other things. Regardless, Thanks to Rykiana and Wayne as well as our newest instructor Afevis Palaestra continues to roll with the training. We have several Terra personel that has signed up for BFT and are awaiting it. So far only Yoki has made some progress, the rest still await their Phase 1. This would be a good opportunity to get all of them in a group. Intrustors were told to modify their material to better fit terra troops and they have done so. WayneX has been authed and qualified for the Malice by myself.

[18:04:14] Ethan Schuman: From Addison for Letalis: Good week, unfortunately a slow week, which I'm taking responsibility for. I've become very Ill (mono, strep, tonsillitises. All at the same time, its some sort of outbreak here in WA) and fucking trying to gain all the strength to log on and carry out some sort of raid for letalis. In recruitment news, we have room for 2 more members. Would -love- to fill those slots asap. Anyways once I'm able to log on SL and actually stay on for more then, idk a half hour, raids are going to be held, you can expect hell week to show back up on the grid here shortly. Still no word on our Uniform mods and its been like, 2 months? Anyways, so yea Im going to go take my drugs and passout. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE

[18:04:30] Ethan Schuman: From Xoza for Aquila: Been AFK all week because this was my last week of school this year, I will be contacting everyone this week to see how their holidays are kick some raids maybe get some kind of event or flight night going as per planned its regular basis, however due to it being the 'holiday's' and a good time of the year to sit back, take a break and enjoy it, even many of us I'm sure will find our time scarce, but we'll be doing what we can when we can.

[18:04:45] Ethan Schuman: From Achtai for Reapers: It's been a slow week for reapers this week as with Christmas coming up, alot of people are prepping for that, although with that said there hasnt been any major issues within the wing and things should settle down and return to normal after this weekend.

[18:05:56] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:05:59] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Yifu?

[18:06:16] Hollowmengitus Yifu: COHORS A:

> A-I, Invictus: A slightly slower week than last for Invictus as we grow closer to the holidays. We plan to hold a few more trainings the following week and also we do have a few openings left in Invictus so if you are curious about what we do feel free to talk to anyone currently in the squad or approach me!

[18:06:57] Hollowmengitus Yifu: > A-II, Evalidus: It's been weird week for Evalidus. However, we have lot of new activity coming up soon so tune up ! We have slots open too ! So if you are interested, contact Huttser Ishelwood or Awanken Wasp. Hot spots are taken fast so be quick !

[18:07:11] Hollowmengitus Yifu: > A-III, Insidiae: Strong week for Insidiae, raids increased three-fold! We added two new members, Ookami and Marc, Welcome Aboard. For any others who wish to become members of the elite squad Insidiae, contact Ron Bleac or Mackenzie Macbain.

[18:07:41] Hollowmengitus Yifu: > A-IV, Praescius: We came up with a concept for an Arc Launcher type weapon. Other then that, nothing new to report. Contact Havoc Sparta or Afevis Sodertelge to join.

[18:08:07] Hollowmengitus Yifu: > A-V, Saevitas: In other news Saevitas is floating along just fine. Funny thing about floating; You chugging along and then ya just sorta set there drifting. Floatin around without care in the world and bam GARY MUTHA FUKIN OAKS! So yaa see kids its poke' and the man' and the drifting and the floating. Ya Saevitas lookin good on them raids. Trainings are going out; Things continue to swim along just fine.

[18:08:26] Hollowmengitus Yifu: COHORS B:

> Thatguy: Didn't do his report. :c

> Praefectus Note: Ensure that you are all doing promotion exams! I grade them. Often.

[18:08:50] Hollowmengitus Yifu: That's all from me.

[18:08:53] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reportS?

[18:08:57] Drasamax Python raises hand for the IEA.

[18:09:02] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Python.

[18:09:09] Drasamax Python: From myself for The Imperial Education Administration: A few Schola, a ton of Armatura classes~, and no Ludi classes this week in the IEA. (I'm sure theres some folks that may want to take armor academy or the NCO-A? Would be good idea to hold some Ludi classes since its been like 2 weeks.) Also thank you Vain Composer for dominating mostly with tons of Armatura classes this week, its much appreciated but try not to burn yourself out in the process for the future. XD

[18:09:28] Drasamax Python: Since Schola Materials revamp was completed one of the next things on our big ol' list of things to do within the IEA would be to do an Armatura material revamp for improvement and to reflect the basic style of the new already completed Schola material revamp. When will this happen? Well... we can't tell you that yet because we have yet to get started on the project and even so, it will be a bit time consuming to get everything thought out and fixed up etc. No worries we will be sure to mention the progess when we do start working on it.

[18:09:47] Drasamax Python: Schola Director needs to replaced still so its likley I will throw up a thread explaining the role on the forums for interested Magisters to post in to let us know if they are interested in the position after the meeting sometime tonight.

That is all from the Imperial Education Administration.

[18:11:04] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:11:11] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports?

[18:12:06] Aryte Vesperia: Moving right along, then.

[18:12:49] Aryte Vesperia: ✠Events with 2142

[18:13:17] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you whom have paid attention to the forums, you are already aware of events that unfolded earlier this week. Regardless, it has been deemed necessary to take some time to delve into the details of the matter.

[18:14:08] Aryte Vesperia: Foremost, the story leading up to this week: over the course of this month, our intelligence division repeatedly picked up indications that foreign assets were vividly aware of communications between officers. At first, the indication was that an accidental or technical leak had occurred, resulting in Vanguard being aware of bidding activity by the Ordo for New Jessie. However, as time progressed, the repetition of the leaks and depth attracted the attention of the AiR Special Services command.

[18:15:28] Aryte Vesperia: Through careful examination and our technological security elements, AiR monitored and set out feelers—a series of misinformation trails with specific tag lines. The matter appeared to be isolated to forum threads, specifically threads that discussed 2142 or Vanguard. By 10DEC11, the list of potential suspects had grown rather short.

[18:16:32] Aryte Vesperia: On the morning of 12DEC11, during a routine check of connections to bait information, the AiR noticed an anomaly. An officer based in the US had checked the forums . . . from England. Within minutes, two months of history were pulled, all indicating repetitious connections from various IPs around the Leicester area.

[18:17:47] Aryte Vesperia: For security, the individual’s account was immediately locked and the owner interrogated. Through cooperation with other intelligence bureaus, the AiR matched the IP connections to an existing member of the community: 2142’s leader, LordBob Boa.

[18:19:32] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Boa was promptly confronted and presented with the damning evidence. He admitted ownership of the transgression and indicated he’d received the login information some time ago from a malicious source. Based upon the simplicity of the officer’s password, it was determined that it was more than likely brute forced over a year ago.

[18:21:09] Aryte Vesperia: Promptly, all command passwords were reset. However, no indications of other accounts being implicated were found. Additionally, it appears that, for the most part, information LordBob Boa had been siphoning was relatively benign: the officer who had their login compromised was not a member of any intelligence division.

[18:22:25] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Boa issued a letter of apology. Ordo command has largely rejected the statement, citing clear feelings that there was hardly any remorse until being caught. In response, the Ordo has severed all political ties: the 2142 ambassador was sent home and discussions suspended indefinitely. A decree has been issued, prohibiting any negotiation with 2142.

[18:23:15] Aryte Vesperia: Furthermore, 2142 has been reclassed as an officer target. Command has been given specific instructions to fight on our terms, under scorched earth policies—both on defense and offense.

[18:24:07] Aryte Vesperia: ✠ Weaponry Classifications

[18:24:57] Aryte Vesperia: As a side note, we will be modifying and creating a sort of omnibus list of weaponry—specifically, outlining each device’s level of authorization. In the meantime, we are announcing one critical modification: pump action shotguns will remain light authorization, while semi-automatic shotguns are now to be considered medium authorization.

[18:26:01] Maverick Garfield: mmm

[18:26:13] Ookamiwulf Lemton: \o/

[18:26:15] Aryte Vesperia: ✠ Christmas Plans

[18:26:30] Aryte Vesperia: Christmas is just right around the corner. I sincerely hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. Ordo wise, we will be closing for half day on Christmas Eve and the full day of Christmas. Casual dress will be permitted during these times. Additionally, we will hold light festivities during Christmas for the sake of fun. Probably some officer story time and potentially malicious games to amuse me—like catch the grenade. Or pin the tail on the Maverick.

[18:26:40] Aryte Vesperia: (And chankhakhjuha for Tsume.)

[18:27:59] Anlysia Gregoire: Aryte Freezes an Enlisted he doesn't like and we push them around like air hockey.

[18:28:31] Altus Nirvana: I know how to set up a game of IED shuffleboard.

[18:28:52] Aryte Vesperia: ✠ On Duty: Balancing service and excellence.

[18:30:10] Aryte Vesperia: To begin, it must be noted that this is written with the clear understanding of the reality of things: yes, it is a naturally slow period on account of final exams. Additionally, yes, there are a couple of prominent game releases that have drawn attention. Nevertheless, it is a topic of importance that is worth its weight in gold to be examined here.

[18:31:20] Aryte Vesperia: Initially, the plan was to withhold this topic and cover it exclusively with the officer corps. However, after careful consideration it was determined that it would benefit all individuals—officers, future officers, NCOs, and enlistees. Now, by approaching the topic of “balancing service and excellence,” we are examining a rather broad matter by sampling events or habits that exist. This is, in no way, neither targeting anyone nor offering fail proof suggestions. It is, however, outlining behaviors that will benefit anyone in a command role (or wishing to seek one).

[18:32:34] Aryte Vesperia: To make it manageable, it is necessary to divide this into chunks. First, we will discuss the meaning of service with excellence. Then, we will discuss pitfalls that are apparent today. Finally, we will discuss methods of overcoming those pitfalls.

[18:33:26] Aryte Vesperia: Foremost: service. For all intents, service is the act of performing one’s duty. Duty being the obligation bestowed upon any given individual as result of their position, moral expectation, and “place” within the organization. Excellence is the act of carrying out a service with expertise, passion, and determination. Carrying out one’s duty in service to the group (or anything) does not entail excellence. Excellence is not axiomatic.

[18:35:18] Aryte Vesperia: An individual in any given role can, for all intents and purposes, perform their service to the group without exhibiting a hint of excellence. These are the seat warmers: individuals who are entrusted to hold a particular position, but generally skate by without really exerting effort. Seat warmers exist in every organization, both on Second Life and elsewhere. Anyone who is employed or has been employed more than likely can name at least one.

[18:36:12] Aryte Vesperia: On the flip side, there are those who carry out their service to the group with unequivocal excellence. These are the pace setters: individuals who, frankly, pull their weight and the weight of the seat warmers to keep the organization moving. Pace setters often time find themselves doing the work of the many, and many times unexpectedly are shielding seat warmers by the level of their success.

[18:37:10] Aryte Vesperia: It is when a pace setter retires, changes positions, or takes a leave that the seat warmers become vividly obvious. Consider it from a raid perspective. Again, this is prefixed not from any intent to insult, but draws a rather clear picture. There is no one in this room so daft as to not be able to name on one hand which individuals produce 90% of our raids in any given week. Ookamiwulf Lemton, for example. Ookamiwulf diligently sets the pace; he performs combat deployments and carries out his service, his duty by position, with passion. When Ookamiwulf takes a break, there is always an obvious dip in raid activity. I note: this is not a rule, but a commonality—there are, as mentioned, others who carry that raid weight.

[18:38:18] Aryte Vesperia: On to pitfalls. The above scenario aside, I would like to highlight a series of repetitious events that really get under my skin as an administrator. Again, I do stress these are not rules that apply to every individual—but habits that pop up from time to time, that everyone should avoid.

[18:38:52] Aryte Vesperia: I: The holding of a command position—whether it be Cohors, flight, divisional (anything)—without the intent to use the role to make improvements or be proactive. A command position exists for day to day maintenance, while actively pursuing greater establishments or routine. There is not one position or element in the Ordo so perfect that a leader may simply sit within the role churning out reports weekly with the tag line “well it was a slow week because of X excuse.” Commanders, regardless of whether they are NCOs or officers, should be actively pursuing improvements throughout their unit. Too often does a position of authority become the hallmark of stagnation; one should leave a command position more effective and vastly superior than when they entered it. Failing to will earn a commander nothing short of a permanent station in that role, or, worse, a removal from it.

[18:40:04] Aryte Vesperia: II: Ill demonstration of a willingness to participate. Any individual within command should not only be the most active, but the most visible members of the Ordo. There is a reason that only officers (and commanders in other groups) may be seen by outsiders via the group menu: you are the public face of the Ordo; the representatives of our might. So by all means, it is definitely rather perplexing that someone is capable of spending forty hours on Skyrim, but can’t manage one hour a week to pull together the one raid they are expected to bring to the table.

[18:41:13] Aryte Vesperia: III. Planning endlessly without fruit. Ideas are wonderful, but they are just that: ideas. You can think about how awesome a new tank would be, or plan grand political schemes that will shape the future of the community. But an idea is just that. An idea. They do nothing without elbow grease and a will to get up off one’s ass to do it. An idea is a /waste of time/ if you are not going to use it.

[18:42:43] Aryte Vesperia: IV. Blatant disregard to use the tools and resources provided. This includes reading the forums, using the policy on the forums, the systems of reporting outlined, and actually participating in meetings (not simply sitting here, while pretending to pay attention). Tools are created to aid and guide. Meetings are held to inform and bring everyone on to the same page. There are few insults as great as simply wasting people’s time by not even bothering to use the items provided.

[18:44:20] Aryte Vesperia: Let us cover opportunities to correct the aforementioned when they arise. Foremost, on the matter of intentions and use of command for improvement: there is endless availability of methodology to make this happen. The single most are is, however, in the nature of the reports that everyone is expected to produce on a weekly basis. Reports are an opportunity to communicate with personnel, to convey concerns, and to build esteem among the troops. A report should be laced with the will and efforts of a unit’s personnel: each and every one should notate a unit’s success, exalt its members, and point out room to do better next week. There is no point in doing a weekly report if the only thing it’ll contain is “we had a slow week” or “we raided a couple places.” We already have metrics to see that—we can check the offensive threads to see if you raided. How about “X member completed Tier 3 ART; our unit now has X members in this category. We didn’t manage to get everyone to their 2 raids a week >

[18:44:27] Aryte Vesperia: > goal, but next week we’re going to commit to making up for it.”

[18:45:48] Aryte Vesperia: Further, no commander should ever be content with what they have. It doesn’t matter if you’re leading an elite unit or recruits. You can improve. Your training can be better. Your activity can be better. You can push your forces to levels of superiority beyond the threshold you currently hold. If the goal is two raids a week, push for three. If every member of your squad is Tier 3 qualified, develop a fourth tier. When the time comes, you should be able to point to your squad and go “look what we did. I am ready to move up to the next level.” Gear is /not/ a recruitment tool. Performance is. Especially in competitive squads: the basic limits that are set out as goals are not there to restrict you; they are there to encourage you. If you can’t meet them, then you concede and move to a less competitive unit so someone else can take that role and produce success.

[18:47:04] Aryte Vesperia: On the matter of participation: make the time, or step down. It is incredibly easy to put enough effort into a role to produce results; you simply have to use your time effectively. Delegate, monitor, assess performance, and devote additional time when things are off track. There are individuals here who work full time, come home, make things happen, and time to spare to go hunt dragons in Skyrim. It is a matter of fore planning and a willingness to do it. Everyone has the capability. But not everyone has the desire. There is no harm in that. But there is harm in holding a position when there is no intent to use it effectively.

[18:48:16] Aryte Vesperia: Regarding planning and putting plans into motion: make a list of every idea that you’ve come up with, refuse to add to it until the ideas already on the list are completed. We are not a perpetual think tank. Practical results from practical concepts. Thinking outside the box is fine, but thinking in space the whole time is gigantic waste of effort. Be real of the limitations within Second Life. We would all love if SL had the physics of an FPS. But the chances of that ever happening are pretty much zero. Ergo, hold yourself accountable to the plans you make: your ideas will never gain traction unless you start producing results from them.

[18:49:21] Aryte Vesperia: Finally, on the matter of using tools. Everyone here has an endless wealth of resources—if it isn’t written down somewhere, you have points of contact. Myself included. Use them. Ignorance is never an excuse. Do not be afraid to ask questions. If you have one, someone else probably does too.

[18:50:59] Aryte Vesperia: In closing, I want to remind everyone that we did not get to where we are today by sitting on our hands. Nor is everyone here doing so now. But are a large, dynamic group. That leaves room for individuals to fall between the cracks and for others to be forced to pick up that slack. I am a huge fan of sharing the burden. There is no task, no order that I will ever pass down that I myself am not willing to carry. I will hold OIC, I will do applications, I will defend the base at 3 AM, I will personally lead a unit if there is no one else available to. If everyone in a command role—if everyone in general—equally shares the burdens that come with running an effective, professional organization, the burden will be so miniscule, it couldn’t even be considered a burden. Think about it: if every qualified raid leader led one raid a week, where would that leave us? Way beyond our goal. If every individual responsible for OIC status held OIC, how long would each of them have to hold it? About thirty minutes.

[18:52:37] Aryte Vesperia: It is not realistic to expect 100% participation, but we can damn sure strive for it. We are the Ordo.

[18:53:12] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you for your time. Promotions will be up tomorrow. Mr. Bleac is planning a raid expedition. Try not to stray too far. You are dismissed.

[18:53:15] Aryte Vesperia snaps his fist to his chest, presenting a brief salute.

[18:53:20] Shizzerk Kostolany salutes!

[18:53:21] Drasamax Python salutes! "Fidelis ad Mortem."

[18:53:22] Azimuth Summerwind salutes!

[18:53:23] Intus Infinity presents a salute.

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