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A new MAIN ORDO HUD will be released on Christmas Eve. ALL former Ordo main HUDS (the ones with /2 com) will be decommissioned. You must update your HUDS when it is released, spare no exception. This is not an option! Communication channels will not work with the old HUD, likewise, the use of the GOTO in the form of the old HUD will be severely punished!

This is your warning!

Following is the notecard for the new HUD:


Ordo Imperialis Utility HUD v1.0a


Operator's Manual - 12/22/2008 (Current)

Note: The Utility HUD uses Mercury for authentication. Individuals with the ability to add or remove names from the

authentication database are responsible for keeping the list up to date and accurate to ensure the continued security


TO MERCURY AND CANNOT HELP YOU. (If you get a script error when it's trying to auth, contact me. If you get a "do not have

access" message, dont contact me.)

Communications Systems


The Utility HUD has one main channel that you will always use to issue it chat commands. This is called the "command channel".

It defaults to channel 0 and can be changed at any time by using the listen:### command, where ### is the number of any

positive channel 0 through 9999999999. In addition to using that channel to issue commands, you will also be able to

hear anything anyone else nearby broadcasts through that channel. **PLEASE NOTE** There is NO option to have any

additional listens other than your active command channel. (Removal of "unlisten:" command from old HUD) DO NOT SET YOUR

COMMAND CHANNEL TO A NEGATIVE NUMBER. You WILL break it, and have to delete your current copy and replace it with a

different one. I could fix this so it's impossible, but I'm an evil bastard and I think it will be amusing to see how many people

dont actually read instructions and start crying about their HUD being broken.

The secure communication system operates through channel 2 at all times. It cannot be changed, nor shut off. Also, avoid

setting your command channel to 2, nobody wants to hear you giving your HUD commands. ANYTHING YOU SAY ON 2 WILL BE

BROADCAST TO EVERYONE WEARING A HUD. The secure comm system works anywhere in the same region, and can be set up with

remote relays so that it will also work in Chronus, Ratin, etc. It's important to note that while communication is relayed through

a high digit negative channel, that anything you say on channel 2 CAN be heard by anyone in chat range who happens to be

monitoring channel 2.

-Communications Related Commands:

-listen:### / Changes your command channel to ###, previous channel no longer works

-/2 <message> / Broadcasts your message on the secure communications system

-check / In-sim report on all HUD wearing personnel

Sensor Systems


The HUD is equipped with several advanced detection systems. These include the AV radar and the PVP collision reporting


-Radar: The radar display is shown in floating text next to the command bar on your HUD. It displays avatars within 96m

of the operator along with their range and various other status information. The status flags are: (M) - Mouselook, (S) -

Sitting, (T) - Typing, (F) - AV Flying, (A) - Away, (B) - Busy. Range is displayed in meters from the operator.

-PVP: The PVP collision detection system will give the operator a report every time he/she is struck with a physical scripted

object. (Such as a bullet) It will show both the object's name and the owner's name.

-Sensor Related Commands:

-sensor:on / sensor:off - Turns the AV radar on and off (Default ON)

-pvp:on / pvp:off - Turns PVP reporting on and off (Default ON)

-color:<###,###,###> - Turns the radar display a different color. Make sure to use perfect vector format. <###,###,###>

Combat Systems


Several elements have been changed and combined into the new HUD. Our grenades and demolition packs have been integrated

into the single unit, so there's no longer any need to wear the old demolition pack seperately. Grenades are thrown with the

gesture included in this pack, **REMEMBER TO DEACTIVATE YOUR OLD GRENADE GESTURE**

- Grenades: Several grenade types are available. HE Fragmentation, Flashbang, Sticky, Thermite Incendiary, and Smoke.

All grenades as well as their fusing can be selected through the HUD menu (Clicking on the grenade button). Grenade types

can be selected by the drop down menu but NOT through chat.

-HE: Standard high explosive fragmentation hand grenade. 7m blast radius, 7 second delay between throws.

-FB: Flashbang. Blinds everyone in mouselook within 10m for a few seconds.

-SG: Replacement for the Bouncing Betty landmine. Throw, it sticks. Someone walks into it, they die. Has a 4m physical

detection sphere, and only kills a single target upon impact. It only sticks to the ground and prims, NOT to people.

-IG: Short range (4m) area denial grenade. Ignites the area around detonation in flames for approx. 20

seconds. There is a 10 second delay required between throws.

Fuse settings:

-Contact: Detonates on contact with the ground, a prim, or a person.

-Contact+1: Detonates 1 second after colliding with the ground, a prim, or a person.

-1/2/5/10 Seconds: Detonates after said delay regardless of collisions.

-Satchel charges: The standard Composition-4 (C4) satchel charge is included. These have a 10m blast radius and SHARE a

10 second cooldown with grenades.

-timer:### Sets the grenade timer to ### seconds.

-det Detonates any satchel charges currently placed on sim

-die Safely removes any of your satchel charges currently on sim

-place Places a satchel charge.

-Melee attack: Push the top button that looks like a fist, or type .dp in your command channel chat.

Utility Systems


The HUD has several utility functions for both combat and everyday use. These include the goto: feature, grappling hook,

deployable barricades, and movelock.

- TP System (Goto): The goto:cam and goto:person functions have been removed and are not coming back. Fixed TP points

only. Also note, these only work in Titan.

-goto:armory Rez's a TP to the Armory

-goto:outpost Rez's a TP to the Outpost

-goto:hangar Rez's a TP to the Hangar

-goto:bridge Rez's a TP to the Bridge

-goto:radar Rez's a TP to the Radar Room

-goto:spawn Rez's a TP to the Spawn

-Grappling hook: The grappling hook is identical in function to the old one, however it no longer works at unlimited range.

Click the grappling hook icon on the HUD to activate the grappling hook, it will turn orange and you will see the mouselook

button appear. Aim in mouselook, click and hold the left mouse button... Keep holding the left mouse button, once the hook

hits something solid you will be reeled towards it. Continue holding the left mouse button until you arrive at your destination,

or earlier if you desire.

-Deployable Barricades: Standard deployable barricade system. Type "bar" to deploy, "unbar" to remove any barricades in the

sim. They will die after 1 hour on their own. Also may be deployed by the barricade icon on the HUD, click once to deploy and

once more to remove.

-Movelock: Locks your position in place, keeping you from being pushed off ledges, etc. while you're AFK.... Dont even think

about using it for anything else, or I will personally eat your eyes.

-Rez system: Use rez:ItemNameHere - Self explanatory. Drop an item into your HUD, then use that to rez it. Make sure you use exact capitalization, etc.

Credits and Such


-HUD Graphics: Intus Infinity

-Incendiary Grenade: Thunder Rahja

-Vector Rez Passing for TP: Ethan Schuman (<3)

-Everything Else - Vladimus Nikolaidis

If I forgot you, yell at me and I'll add you. XD

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