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Christmas Eve Address - 12/24/08

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[15:58] Aryte Vesperia: Feel free to sit down and such.

[15:58] Sera Otoro is Online

[15:58] Dascede Aluveaux is Online

[15:58] Jayce Iredell (COM): Uh nah, christmass in half hour.

[15:59] Zero Itamae (COM): Well I fixed it >:(

[15:59] Krin Redgrave: i has no chair ;_;

[15:59] Zero Itamae: Ditto :P

[15:59] Aryte Vesperia (COM): "goto:outpost"

[15:59] Aryte Vesperia (COM): Come, come.

[15:59] Gulliver Carpool: Syl, you have a lightsaber?

[15:59] Aelus Janus is Offline

[15:59] ShadowFang Blessed: sling

[15:59] ShadowFang Blessed: r

[15:59] Endra Ashbourne: Eeep.

[15:59] Endra Ashbourne: Placed a charge.

[15:59] Syl Kiranov: No, I have a light wristblade though.

[15:59] Cyphre Iredell: its a cooler one

[16:00] Aryte Vesperia: Head over to me, you all. In the outpost.

[16:00] Gulliver Carpool (COM): We're going to take pictures where we sit on Aryte's lap and tell him what we want for Christmas.

[16:00] Krin Redgrave: -_-

[16:00] Zero Itamae (COM): Hah

[16:00] Inoue Katsu is Offline

[16:00] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Sera Otoro

[16:00] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Dascede Aluveaux

[16:00] Jayce Iredell (COM): Watch all the furriesline up.

[16:01] Dascede Aluveaux (COM): Hang on a moment. TP not working. Keeps timing out on me. ):<

[16:01] Krin Redgrave: eeeee

[16:01] Krin Redgrave: goto:aryte

[16:01] Krin Redgrave: phail

[16:01] Tandem Destiny: goto:aryte

[16:01] Tandem Destiny: no?

[16:02] Aryte Vesperia: Haha, all right.

[16:02] Dascede Aluveaux: I thought goto:person was no longer a function

[16:02] Aryte Vesperia: It isn't.

[16:02] Dascede Aluveaux: Okay.

[16:02] Jester Spearmann is Online

[16:02] Julia Faulkland is Offline

[16:03] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: Lost contact: Julia Faulkland

[16:03] Sera Otoro: D:

[16:03] ShadowFang Blessed: owned

[16:03] Aryte Vesperia: Ha ha ha.

[16:03] Aryte Vesperia: Well!

[16:03] Aryte Vesperia: Another year, another Christmas Eve.

[16:03] Sera Otoro: my first

[16:03] ShadowFang Blessed: sling

[16:03] Blaze Wiles: sensor:off

[16:04] Dascede Aluveaux: sensor:off

[16:04] Cyphre Iredell: HOCRAP Kitsy outta uniform!!

[16:04] Cyphre Iredell: practically naked!

[16:04] Aryte Vesperia: This year, we're going to do things a bit differently. Lot of us have functions to run off to, so I don't want to disturb anyone.

[16:04] Krin Redgrave: screenshot or itdidnt happen

[16:04] Aryte Vesperia: If you want to frolic and hijack the stream, feel free. You can use this room and have fun.

[16:05] Niiya Narayan is Online

[16:05] Aryte Vesperia: Every year, I usually write Christmas cards. But somewhere down the line of the fifth one I figured out they all sounded the same.

[16:06] Aryte Vesperia: I figured it'd be better served just to tell you all in person.

[16:06] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Niiya Narayan

[16:06] Jordi Doobie is Offline

[16:06] Ahnoh Echegaray is Offline

[16:07] Aryte Vesperia: The whole charitable gift giving and excitement of Christmas is something I really dig. Minus the music, this time of year is awesome. Ha ha.

[16:07] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: Lost contact: Ahnoh Echegaray

[16:07] Agares Tretiak is Online

[16:07] Kitsy Bunnyhug: ...

[16:07] ShadowFang Blessed: does this mean i get a raise?

[16:07] Kitsy Bunnyhug: no

[16:07] Aryte Vesperia: No.

[16:07] Aryte Vesperia: :)

[16:07] ShadowFang Blessed: >:

[16:07] Sera Otoro: your pay has been cut...

[16:07] Hokusai Otsuka is Online

[16:08] ShadowFang Blessed: `D:!

[16:08] Bruce17 Zabaleta is Online

[16:08] Tyenshinsi Takaaki is Online

[16:08] Akurei Sieyes: now you owe us money, sicne it was zero ;o

[16:08] Krin Redgrave: Audit D:!

[16:08] Aryte Vesperia: As any of you who asked "what does Aryte want" probably found out, there's really nothing I could ever hope for as a "gift." The opportunity to be able to spend the last year, and hopefully many years to come, with all of you, is gift enough. I know it sounds corny, but I love what I do, and that's because of people like you all.

[16:08] Kanaki Hornet is Online

[16:08] Aryte Vesperia: Minus Kanaki.

[16:08] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Kanaki Hornet

[16:08] Aryte Vesperia: He'll see this in the log.

[16:08] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Agares Tretiak

[16:08] Xayvien Rau: (I'm his favorite.)

[16:08] Aryte's King Of The Castle Chair: Cyphre Iredell, say 'Hide' to hide me, or 'Show' to make me show. Or just right-click and sit on me to use me.

[16:08] ShadowFang Blessed: lol'd

[16:09] Sera Otoro: pick on the fat on as usual...

[16:09] Poon Voom is Offline

[16:09] Aryte Vesperia: Ha ha.

[16:10] Dascede Aluveaux: Not corny, sir. x3 We appreciate you as much, and I don't think any of us could hope for a more responsible and bright leader, in all honesty. When I joined a little over a month ago, I didn't really expect you to care about us personally as much as you do.

[16:10] Aryte Vesperia: As the holiday looms ever closer, I do hope everyone here realizes some things about myself and the Ordo. First of which, when I mean "if you need anything," I really mean it. The preservation of the group has entirely to do with the happiness of the members, not just my actions.

[16:10] Aryte Vesperia: Aw, I appreciate it.

[16:10] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: josey Bingyi

[16:10] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Hokusai Otsuka

[16:10] Krin Redgrave: He dont care about me ;_;

[16:11] Zero Itamae: :o

[16:11] Aryte Vesperia: Ha ha, I do too.

[16:11] Krin Redgrave: he just keeps me around to burn me with grnades

[16:11] Faril Iredell: nobody cares about me because im a noob :<

[16:11] Tsume Xiao is Online

[16:11] Xayvien Rau: I love you Faril.

[16:11] Aryte Vesperia: Now, I have my moments and I certainly get cranky as hell. But somewhere under there, you're all on my cool kid list.

[16:12] josey Bingyi: <3

[16:12] Krin Redgrave: (watch out for dotts "...")

[16:12] Sera Otoro: .....

[16:12] Krin Redgrave: D:!

[16:12] ShadowFang Blessed: >_>

[16:12] Hokusai Otsuka: Wow

[16:12] Cyphre Iredell: Scrooge McVesperia <_<

[16:12] Aryte Vesperia: Hahaha.

[16:12] Hokusai Otsuka: Alot of people.

[16:12] Aryte Vesperia: Psssh.

[16:12] Teron Gray: When's the part we take turn's sitting on Aryte's lap and telling him what we want for Christmas?

[16:12] Zero Itamae is Offline

[16:12] Aryte Vesperia: Hah!

[16:12] josey Bingyi: this place is a lot more holiday lik ethen the an base

[16:12] Jayce Iredell is Offline

[16:12] josey Bingyi: then*

[16:12] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Thunder Rahja

[16:12] ShadowFang Blessed: I WANT A PONY

[16:12] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: Lost contact: Jayce Iredell

[16:12] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: Lost contact: Zero Itamae

[16:12] Agares Tretiak (COM): Tezsting, testing. Whee!

[16:13] Krin Redgrave: I want a lump of garlic D:

[16:13] Gulliver Carpool: I want the M4 Benelli!

[16:13] Zero Itamae is Online

[16:13] Aryte Vesperia: I feel absolutely blessed to have gotten so far in the Ordo. Three, going on four years ago, I spent my time being pelted with watermelons in a sandbox by Kitsy.

[16:13] Xayvien Rau: I want something fluffy.

[16:13] Thunder Rahja (COM): Do not want.

[16:13] Teron Gray: ....what did I star?

[16:13] Teron Gray: start*

[16:13] Cyphre Iredell: we've had a lotta christmases <_<

[16:13] Endra Ashbourne: That sounds like fun too though.

[16:13] ShadowFang Blessed: :o

[16:14] Aryte Vesperia: Considerably more challenging back then, I add.

[16:14] Endra Ashbourne: Now you get pelted with watermelons on base by Kitsy? :3

[16:14] Aryte Vesperia: Considering push still existed.

[16:14] Aryte Vesperia: Exactly.

[16:14] Hokusai Otsuka: Also, is there something up went ventrilo?

[16:14] Poon Voom is Online

[16:14] Aryte Vesperia: Not that I noticed.

[16:14] Kitsy Bunnyhug: pfft sandbox?

[16:14] ShadowFang Blessed: i want a pony

[16:14] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Zero Itamae

[16:14] Kitsy Bunnyhug: anywhere and everywhere

[16:14] Sera Otoro ponders cutting off faril's tail...

[16:14] Hokusai Otsuka: Shit, my passwords got reset x.x

[16:14] Faril Iredell: I want the other two phases of training :D

[16:15] Akurei Sieyes: x3

[16:15] Krin Redgrave offers sera his knife

[16:15] Aryte Vesperia: Hah.

[16:15] Aryte Vesperia: Anyways.

[16:15] Xayvien Rau takes photos of Sera to stash into his bag.

[16:15] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you all, it's always a real pleasure.

[16:16] ShadowFang Blessed: <3

[16:16] Aryte Vesperia: . . Almost always.

[16:16] Sera Otoro: no sir... thank you, without you, we would not be here... we all owe you our thanks

[16:16] Syl Kiranov: Was until I joined.

[16:16] Aryte Vesperia: Hahaha, oh shush.

[16:16] Syl Kiranov: <3

[16:16] Dascede Aluveaux: It's a pleasure to serve for you, Imperator, sir. I hope that I may continue to serve you as long as I exist in SL.

[16:16] Sera Otoro: i state the truth... :)

[16:17] DamionStJames Webb is Online

[16:17] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. The benevolence is adored.

[16:17] Endra Ashbourne: Yup. As far as I'm concerned, you're family, sir. Merry Christmas. :3

[16:17] Thunder Rahja: I hate it.

[16:17] ShadowFang Blessed tugs arytes beard to see if its real

[16:17] Krin Redgrave is Offline

[16:18] Mikael Khalamov is Online

[16:18] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: Lost contact: Krin Redgrave

[16:18] Cade Stirling is Offline

[16:18] ShadowFang Blessed: good news people. its the real aryte

[16:18] Aryte Vesperia: Psh.

[16:18] Hokusai Otsuka: x3

[16:18] Faril Iredell: The words of our Imperator

[16:18] Tandem Destiny is Offline

[16:18] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: DamionStJames Webb

[16:18] Faril Iredell: Straight... to your heart...

[16:18] Sera Otoro: i shall cut off your hands...

[16:19] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: Lost contact: Tandem Destiny

[16:19] Smulet Back is Offline

[16:19] Tags Writer is Offline

[16:19] Aryte Vesperia: That's really it.

[16:19] Gulliver Carpool: Thank you Aryte. It's a pretty damned good group you've got.

[16:20] Aryte Vesperia: You all have a great Christmas Eve.

[16:20] Tandem Destiny is Online

[16:20] Zero Itamae: You too :o

[16:20] Mikael Khalamov: Merry Christmas Eve.

[16:20] Mikael Khalamov: :o

[16:20] ShadowFang Blessed: you too sir

[16:20] Aryte Vesperia: Well. It's a pretty damned good group we've got.

[16:20] Sera Otoro: and a christmas day for me :D

[16:20] Kanaki Hornet: listen:1

[16:20] Mikael Khalamov: Wait, what did I miss?

[16:20] Mikael Khalamov: D:

[16:20] Tags Writer is Online

[16:20] Mikael Khalamov: I just got online.

[16:20] Aryte Vesperia: It's everyone's. Not just mine.

[16:20] Akurei Sieyes: Your late! Demotion!

[16:20] Mikael Khalamov: D:

[16:20] Aryte's King Of The Castle Chair: Aryte Vesperia, say 'Hide' to hide me, or 'Show' to make me show. Or just right-click and sit on me to use me.

[16:20] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: Lost contact: Agares Tretiak

[16:20] Gulliver Carpool: You missed a big promotion Imperator gave to those who were here.

[16:20] Ordo Utility HUD v1.0a: New contact: Tandem Destiny

[16:20] Aryte Vesperia: You missed me talking crap about Kanaki again.

[16:20] Aryte Vesperia: :D

[16:20] Mikael Khalamov: /cutz

[16:21] Aryte Vesperia: I'll post it on the forums.

[16:21] Aryte Vesperia: Haha.

[16:21] Mikael Khalamov: K

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