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Guest Afevis


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EVE has no fanbase on consoles, aside from the people who play EVE and have a console. It should be on PC. Save for Halo, the best shooters have always been on PC. And if you say "Golden Eye," I'll tell you that it was the best console shooter of that genre and would never hold up today. And I really don't even think Halo was that great of a shooter. It was kind of bland and had a very bad habit of telling a story while you were killing things, so you could really pay attention.

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EVE has no fanbase on consoles, aside from the people who play EVE and have a console. It should be on PC. Save for Halo, the best shooters have always been on PC. And if you say "Golden Eye," I'll tell you that it was the best console shooter of that genre and would never hold up today. And I really don't even think Halo was that great of a shooter. It was kind of bland and had a very bad habit of telling a story while you were killing things, so you could really pay attention.

while thats roughly true, DUST 514 doesnt need the EVE fanbase as its a completely different genre and playstyle. There is a good chance the EVE hardcore players wont venture into dust, but will end up paying them to do their dirty work as mercenaries as intended.

Should it be PC? most def, but while this is the first cross-console / game MMOFPS im sure theres a limited tech into it. Then again FFXI was on PC and PS3 at the same time.... Who knows. Either way I know this game is interesting as Ffff and im on board to try it on my PS3 :P

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The game just won't take off like it should. I still say that EVE has no fan base on console, aside from the people who play EVE and own a console. I think it's cool as Ffff that people who play EVE can hire and ferry around a group of mercenaries to attack planets, but communication would go a lot smoother if 514 was on PC. You ever tried to make a forum post on a PS3? Jesus.

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I think their only real setback is going up against other similar games (in terms of theme and playstyle) like Starhawk and whatever else is out. The EVE connection probably won't really matter whatsoever other than the hardcore players, so it has to be a better shooter in some way. The one thing it DOES have is supposedly native Keyboard and mouse support on PS3, which I guess nothing else has thus far?

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Not entirely sure the majority of EVE players would find great enjoyment in a first person shooter. Certainly one on a console. Console shooters? Jesus Christ. I'm 100 percent for this idea, but no shooter of any caliber has had any significant lifespan on a console, outside of HALO. And that's because HALO damn near holds your hand through the campaign, and yet still manages to offer something in the way of competitive online gameplay.

I can't wait to hear a 14 year old FPS kid yell at a Captain, "FAGGOT TAKE ME TO THIS PLANET"

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most of the EVE people are just going to be using the DUST people as in-game tools. IE hiring out mercenaries to capture certain areas. I dont suspect a ton of cross-over players.

@Krow Console has more FPS gamers than PC currently (in total). Especially in games like Call of Duty. BF3 also has a decent PS3 community.


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Developing for console is easier. The reasons being 1: a hard-limit on technology and 2: more accessible customer base.

Its much much much easier to drop $199 every 5-10 years for a new console than it is to constantly update your PC or spend 500-1000 in the same time span for a new one. This is why more people play console.

PC limits are hard to judge when it comes to development. BF3 for example trashes most peoples PC or forced many people to upgrade and spend the same they would spend on getting a new console for a new vid card or ram or something.

as for the kids asking parents to buy games not being gamers, seeing as Ive played and been a "gamer" since I was very very young on an old DOS PC and original consoles I dont think thats necessarily true. Talented? Debatable. Some kids are good, some arent. I ran in Soldier of Fortune II and Tribes 2 Ladders for a long time when I was like .... 10-13?

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My argument is that FPS's on consoles Ffffing suck dick and consoles are holding back the industry's progression.

Also, everything is "dumbed down" for console gamers. Watered down for fear of alienating group. I play console games, but only rarely, when that one gem comes out that isn't on PC. Like Red Dead Redemption.

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