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Tsume Xiao

Weapon Auth Levels: At A Glance

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I was talking with Arokh this morning and he brought up a good point on how people can't seem to figure out weapon auths and/or think that every weapon must be assigned a specific auth level, which is not true.

Each auth level has guidelines, and while each weapon in the Ordo arsenal has a auth level matched to it, third party ones are not listed in the same document, and normal people probably don't memorize the auth levels.


Information provided below in the flowcharts are for quick reference only and have many exceptions. A list of official guidelines are listed on this thread

[Ordo] Policy - Equipment Authorization Levels and Issued Status


The Diamonds are the questions you ask yourself. If the answer to the question is "Yes" you go downwards. If the answer is "No" you go to the right.


Example Exceptions:

Titan Industries M4A1 AXE is classified as Heavy Auth because it's reload is not reasonable for a standard weapon with it's capacity (2.5 seconds for 100 rounds).

Select Fire Shotguns, such as the AA-12, are able to be used in semi-automatic mode for medium auth.

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