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Sebris Montpark

Portal 2: Perpetual Testing Initiative.

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Just a few days ago, the latest Portal 2 update has included a new DLC that allows you to construct custom test chambers and submit them to the Steam Workshop for others to download if you so choose.

When it comes to the editor, There is the ability to switch to game view at a snap. However, whenever you make any changes to the design, you have to click the "rebuild" choice under the File menu or hit Build and play in the top toolbar to have the in-game rendering match your design. It takes a while depending on how much you put in it but they gave it a progress bar at least, lol. They do not give a visible limit in its UI on what you can add in there. There is a limit on how far/deep/tall/wide you can make a room or hallway but it isn't very limited thankfully. In terms of items added, the map will take as much as the game thinks your CPU can take (Which, fortunately, also isn't very limiting. If it's too much, it will tell you upon trying to rebuild the chamber). If you are on the edge of that limit, and you lag while you test it out, Fear not, these maps will be more optimized when you submit it to the workshop, and will be lag free (assuming your Machine has the specs to run Portal 2 well).

Playing community chambers is pretty fluid. What you would do is after going to the community chambers section and choosing play community chambers, you will be presented a Que list. When adding maps to the que, steam will open the workshop page and you'll be able to add featured maps, or subscribe to anyone that makes them so that they get added to your Que automatically upon it's submission. When playing the Que, it goes through each chamber like it was the Campaign mode, only without an actual story line and Cave Johnson talking to you in the test chambers instead of GLaDOS. I;ve been having a lot of fun with this new DLC. Upon completing a test chamber, before the lift takes you to the next one, it will ask you to rate it.

So far I've created and submitted one Chamber that I am relatively proud of ^.^ for a first.


Some of the lag in this video was due to running fraps and something happening with the External hard drive it was being recorded to. Also the countdown and music(obviously) isn't a part of the UI. I just put that there in the video for fun X3

If you are playing this new DLC as well, feel free to leave replies of your own Test Chambers or any recommendations you may have.

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