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Anlysia Gregoire

Best Freeware game I've played in ages.

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It's called Iji and it reminds me tremendously of Out of This World and Flashback (if you don't know those games, shame on you), except without the constant instant-death and memorization bits.

Give it a whirl, I lost a good hour and a half to it without even noticing, just this morning.

Also, side note, can we make links a leeeeetle more obvious, Intus? I have to keep underlining mine because the text colour difference is so minute.

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Yay! Someone else who's heard of it. Iji is a very detailed game, depending on how you play will change how the story is presented. If you're a pacifist, you'll have different dialogue than if you were a complete killer. Theres dozens of secrets to get, and alot of incentive to play the game probably around 4~ times though.

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