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Knightblade Fayray

Worst week EVER!

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Okay, i'll bite. Found out my grandfather's condition was getting far worse. Missed the only two days of work I had in the week due to both health and emotional problems. My mother had been found unconscious at the Devils Ridge Golf Club (This is pretty much the unthinkable, my mother isn't known for drinking that much.), alot of drinking was involved, and she supposedly tripped. She was brought to the hospital, and for about 5 hours I didn't know what the hell was going on and was scared shitless. Step dad was just as bad, he was pretty much passed out in the street. Work didn't get much better after that, mother and step father continuing their continual arguing and such. I had also found out I failed 2 classes that week.

I sometimes wonder how i'm never very stressed with alot of the bad stuff in my actual life. o.o

Edited by Zero Itamae
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The day the world shat on me, by Kytec Switchblade

I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming, my dad was having a heartattack, we drove him to the hospital unsure of what was happening, but I had plans that day. I was going to 6 flags with my friends, and had been wanting to go for a month or more. I got home, got ready, and got into my car, the car which i had dumped $5000 into getting a new engine and body kit mods the week before. On my way my car exploded. Fire and smoke along with various liquids gushed out from under the hood, and since my cell phone was dead, i was many miles from an exit, and my tripple A card was used up i had to wait for 3 hours for someone to find me. Once my car was towed away and diagnosed totaled i finally called and hooked up with my friends, whom were already at 6 flags enjoying themselves with me having no way to catch up. So i went outside to play with my dog Tootsie, and noticed a strange lump. I notified my mother who took her to the vet. My dog had cancer. So the day from hell goes on, I went to my room, nothing was happening online and i was bored shitless, at that time i had an Iguana named squall, big mofo 5 ft long at that time, but i noticed that he had this huge scab like thing on his chin, that no lie fell off and he was missing half his jaw. I looked it up and apparently it was somewhat normal, but it freaked me out because i could see his tongue hanging out and all. I started getting paranoid because everything that could go wrong was going wrong. I had been sick for a while, was allergy season, nothing much, but the stress caused me to spike a fever and it went downhill from there. That night my grandfather who had had both legs amputated and multiple stents put in for his heart conditions and diabetus was admitted to the hospital, he died later that week. This was 2 or so years ago, since then my Iguana and Dog have died from what happened that day. Some people on sl may remember my 2-3 hours online and how messed up I was, but it was before ordo so I don't know who would.

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