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Apoca Ailen

Signatures + Other Stuff

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So, I enjoy playing around in Photoshop. One of the things I enjoy doing is making signatures. I am by no means good at it, especially since I lack the ability to create my own art for it. All the stuff in my signatures (besides the text and borders) are found via google. I render/rip stuff myself. I say this to make sure that you know how your signature is created if you ask me to make you one.

I am more than willing to create signatures for anyone who ask. To make it easier, if you request a signature, please post the following:

Name (that will appear on the sig):

Rank (that will appear on the sig):

Style (what kind of style do you want? Tech, military, medieval, etc...:

Link(s) to avatar to be used in sign:

Link(s) to background(s) you would like to be used:

Notes (anything you would like me to keep in mind):

I will also be using this thread to post any other artwork or photoshops I do.

Here are some of the signatures I've made so far:






(Never finished, unfortunately :S)








Posters, emblems, etc...











Photoshops and drawings:


(from three seperate pictures. A random landscape screenshot from Mortal Online. A screenshot of my friend showing off his new equipment in Mortal. And a dragon from Skyrim)


A skyrim Dragon attacking Meduli, a Mortal Online town.


Was originally from a cover of a Greenlantern (I think) comic book. Done because Wurm Online kept crashing for some reason ;_;


Done with google sketch-up, to help my guild be inspired to slave for me so that I could have my fortress >=D For Wurm Online.


Made to inspire guildies to join our Shores of Hazeron chapter. New Tyrena Industries was chosen as our faction name because our capitol was called New Tyrena, for Tyrena on the planet Corellia in Star Wars Galaxies (which has recently closed down at the time).


Made to inspire a guildie to work with me on an alchemy-themed PDF file, for the game Mortal Online. About 100% of the info in that is BS'd.


A note; I suck at art. I have ADD or something, as I can never stand spending enough time on it to make anything that is decent. I was coerced in to doing these by my girlfriend, who is an artist :P

This is the newest one I did:


It did it because I was over-joyed at getting a Schooner (I think that's what ship it is, can't remember) in Darkfall. As you may be able to tell, I quickly lost interested and never got anywhere near finishing it.


First drawing I ever did on my own (not in school). On the Left is the original. On the Right is my version.


Second attempt at drawing. I screwed up on the hand, but never had the will to fix it :D


Third attempt.

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man i would love one of your Signatures man you are awesome! I wish i was that good with drawing and such. but alas i'm not ;P

Name: MPOChief

Ranks: just started in this guild

Style if you could do like PS2 but with Master Chief in it or something if not heavy assault guy be fine.

thanks man!

PS either have like Quoted "Lolaty onto Death" or some Ordos quote thats kinda like the terran one :P

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I posted on the Planetside 2 forums but I think I should have posted here, instead.

I want one of your sigs. Seriously.

Name: Kurama Bingyi

Rank: N/A

Style: Ordo Planetside. Terran Republic Medic.

Notes (anything you would like me to keep in mind):

Would like it done in the same style as those used by Huttser and yourself.


Let me know if there's any changes you want.

MPOChief, I'll get yours done by the end of today. I just want to screw around with fonts and some other stuff and see what I can change to make the sig feel more TR/PS2'ish, if that makes sense. Right now, the fonts are for a medieval fantasy game. I am also thinking about putting the url to the forums in tiny text on one of the borders.


What do you guys think?


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I'll go back and change the text of the old sigs to the new text sometime tonight.

As for an intro for my videos.

I was thinking of this: Finding a good battle against the NC. Something with a lot of explosions and fighting going on. Then, we'll drop some squad beacons. Then, I'll get on a cliff or somewhere high (maybe in a mossy or something) and get a good angle. Then we'll have 20 or more guys drop down all on the same spot (perhaps set up a waypoint to make it easier to fall at the same point).

Then, we'll use that clip for our intro. I'll put in some text and, the OrdoPS2 symbol thing I've been using, maybe some kind of transition (instead of just a fade) and a link to our forums (maybe TS info if you have no problem giving that out).

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Here are all of the signatures updated with the new text + forum link. For added fun, when you are putting in your signature on the PS2 forums, please do it as such:





Here are the same signatures, resized to work on the Ordo forums.




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