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Kitsy Bunnyhug

Reporting Incidents! >=O

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I would like to state that Curia is NOT psychic despite popular opinion. We cannot read your minds and see what things are wrong. We can take a guess from heresay and 5 weeks after the fact. But this is hardly efficient nor acceptable.

The investigation over the previous weeks on an individual brought out more than the orginal incident we were investigating. Things we never even knew happened.

Therefore if you want something done, don't wait for Justice or myself to come and ask cause we won't unless we know something is wrong. I have no idea that in vent so and so called you a bitch and it hurt your feelings. If there is something wrong please report it to Justice or myself. Neither of us are psychic and I'm quite certain we don't want to know whats going on in your head most of the time(Firefox) looking for what's wrong.

There is a website you can submit Incident reports to Curia for they are only visible to Consul's and Aryte so you do not have to worry about someone out for revenge. We also accept notecards and IM's.

If you are worried about your name coming up to the person you reported I will have you know that we keep your name confidential so that drama does not start between you and the accused.


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