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Lestat Umarov

Urramaich Union Info

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This is a report on the information of the Urramaich Union Splinter Group.

Region Name: Aussie aAlliez

Class: Full Sim.


Dralkanen Hextall

Esichs Sonnerstein

Iccarus Infinity

Kono Kestenbaum

Luzina Ishtari

Mazzy Fastback

Rebecca Snowpaw

Sasami Zwilling

Silver Meridoc(Still In Ordo)

Xegras Xue


Vincent Lucerne(Weapon images in sim, no builds)

Mack Rachter(Found on Map, was running around in Agressor, Full Armor)

Status of Development.

They have a full sim already, and a base in building. They have the first verisons of their armor built, and have serveral weapon designs in the works. Their Leader is Mazzy Fastback, with Second in Command falling to Dralkanen Hextall. Their aim of developement is for a moment "future" based group.

This is all the information I can gather, as this is very short notice.

-Praetorian Karlhockey Forte

LU: We really need to have a meeting and discuss the recent edict that Aryte put up.

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