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Training Ideas; Discussion

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Sosarin passed me this a week or so ago, just wanted to share it. I definitely find this viable and something to look forward to in the future. Having a dedicated training sim will open up the possibility quite well:

Imperator Vesperia,

The following are the compiled ideas of myself and a few others concerning the upcoming addition of the second sim.

It is the understanding of most people that this second sim will serve as a training ground for Ordo personnel. With that assumption in mind, we continue with the following:

Personnel throughout all levels of the hierarchy get [combat] bored from time to time. Boredom escalates goof off factors ranging from dropping military etiquette to stripping uniforms to flash banging eachother to even killing eachother obnoxiously.

First and foremost there is the responsibility everyone should have to monitor themselves and maintain discipline. Above them there is the Officium Curia should their assistance be necessary. All-in-all though, the boredom will remain untreated.

A solution would be to see more SL combat. Because of the fragile political climate, the state hostile militaries, ruleset conflicts, and other factors -- having frequent combat on foreign soil is not always possible.

Another way to see SL combat would be on our own turf through "war games," being impromptu (unscheduled, unplanned, and not necessarily training) battle exercises encompassing all aspects of combat or possessing certain rulesets (Ex, pistols only, capture the flag, king of the hill, multiple teams, etc.) Whether they be joint branch exercises or fun competitions, the possibilities are endless in the new sim. We do have war games on occassion, but not as often as we could.

Overall, the purpose of this notecard is to suggest that a system be put in place where certain if not all members of the officer cadre be given the privilege to authorize/host impromptu war games during most times of the week. Even having something that lasts for only an hour every other day can make a big difference in alleviating combat boredom. It is possible that a system could be made that doesn't warrant a schedule, but stresses that those involved work around everyone else's (Terra training, Assaults, etc.) Officers who have this privilege could even go as far as let those in the extended branches of their cadre (WO's, NCO's) handle these events. This will give them a great responsibility and opportunity to demonstrate themselves.

Next up are some possible problems we could think of to this idea and the solutions to them:

Problem: Drama may erupt during or after war games.

Solution: Rules must be clearly established before a war game. An understanding must be set that any conflict with either the rules or an incident during the war game should be conferred privately by the involved parties. It is up to the one hosting the event to make sure things run smoothly. A precedent could be set that anyone who starts drama during or after a war game could result in being expulsed from future games (this is assuming the issue couldn't be solved privately and professionally).

Another thing worth mentioning is that the individual hosting the war game should not be a participant. This will give them more attention on the field and on the participants to make sure things run smoothly. Also, they'll be able to pay attention to the COM should something crop up.

Problem: Our defenses will be spread thin if too much attention is put onto the war game.

Solution: Guard regulations apply. During green condition, at least five people should be in the trenchline. It wouldn't hurt to have one pilot on stand by, either. Obviously, war games shouldn't be hosted during orange or red conditions.

Should a situation escalate in Titan, it is up to the one hosting the war game to put a halt to it and instruct everyone to head to defensive positions and await orders from the OIC.

Problem: Officers (WO's and CO's included) may be too busy to manage wargames.

Solution: Responsibility can be given to appointed NCO's to host and handle war games. These individuals will be in charge of not only setting up and monitoring a war game, but would be responsible for reporting back to the officer who authorized it to touch base and make sure things ran smoothly. It is an opportunity for younger members to add to their leadership experiences.


Vexillarius Sosarin Demar

Vexillarius Ascadian Stonewall

Contributing Personnel (individuals that participated but did not read/sign this notecard):

Optio Gunau Sodwind

Sesquiplicarius Vaalkk Zenovka

Tessararius Lestat Umarov

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Very interesting. I actually thought of a way we could train with allied factions that will reduce any sort of malice or anger begin formed between the soldiers.

I shall make a quick diagram to demonstrate.

Ordo Imperialis Allied Army

/ \ / \

Group A Group B Group A Group B

Then mix Ordo group A with Allied Group A and Ordo group B with Allied Group B.

Make sure there's an officer or Warrant officer or equivalent in each group, and let one lead initially, then switch off. Or, alternatively, let the officer/w1/commanders of the respective groups function cooperatively over the other's forces, I.E. Mercz commander leading Ordo and an Ordo commander leading Mercz as a joint effort against the other team.

This way, the soldiers can mix and mingle, and it can keep the sense of camaraderie, since neither side will be comprised solely of one groups soldiers, forming a total "Us and Them" mentality will be far less likely. And it will let our allies be more familiar with us, and vise versa. With a large trainign orientated sim, this could easily be accomplished, and can be used to develop methods of combined assualts on enemy forces in the future, deepening our overall strategy and cooperation.

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I love the possibilities, I worry a bit though of sim design. I have a lot to say on the subject but this is not the time or place.

I like the idea of an Xfire/Xbox Live -ish idea of starting a wargame when there's enough animo for a good match.

I would like to put forward a suggestion. Which would be a great solution to the sleeping problems the European members like me would have if we started living by SLT time.

I suggest we don't just do big wargames. I suggest that matches of all sorts be allowed. Wether they're with 2 players in a head to head match. 8 in all sorts of teams. (4 teams of 2 or 2 of 4, or franctic FFA) Or just like a few weeks ago 20 vs 20 (strategic) combat.

As an Astra pilot I suggest something of an obstacle course or something to mix up the daily life of a pilot. (5 m coloured rings in the sky 'n stuff would make an obstacle course to get rivalling times in)

One sim floor, well thought through, maybe a similarly large floor over it, and a few smaller skyboxes. Depending on recources like bandwidth. (No experience with that.)

But I'm sure if that's up for discussion it will be in some other thread. It's why I don't post things on arena design.

Equally important, I want to know about the name for this new sim. I hear Blood Gulch's gotten a few good responces when the sim was announced during that last wargame.

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