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Desereck Creeggan

Terra Meeting - 22OCT

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**********Meeting Report**********





SUBJECT: Terra Staff Meeting


SUMMARY: Discussed Terra reform.



[2009/10/22 19:05] Aryte Vesperia: So. Let's start from the beginning. How many of you even know that a Terra revamp idea has been proposed? Show of hands.

[2009/10/22 19:05] Jayce Iredell raises hand

[2009/10/22 19:05] Desereck Creeggan: o/

[2009/10/22 19:06] Zero Itamae raises hand.

[2009/10/22 19:06] Anlysia Gregoire: .o/

[2009/10/22 19:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein raises his hand.

[2009/10/22 19:06] FireFox Breed does since hes writing it mostly >.>

[2009/10/22 19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Haha, okay!

[2009/10/22 19:08] Aryte Vesperia: All right then.

[2009/10/22 19:09] Trevor Russell late-raises hand.

[2009/10/22 19:10] Aryte Vesperia: To quickly summarize:

[2009/10/22 19:10] Aryte Vesperia: The Ordo Imperialis Terra is the single largest assault unit within the Ordo Imperialis. By itself, it is also larger than most other major militaries within Second Life. At any given time, the unit exhibits roughly fifty percent activity—a stable norm within an online unit. With recognition to the constant growth of Terra and the need for effective management, alignment and structural changes are necessary. The primary goal of the previous arrangement (Cohors>Century>Octet) was within the belief that personnel management and attachment to an individual unit would improve morale and control. This holds true. However, the arrangement has largely misused personnel and left otherwise solid officers stuck with questionable command positions. For example, Century II elite unites exhibit 90% activity rates, whereas their counterparts, Century I units, face about 40% activity.

[2009/10/22 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: Currently, the Ordo has three cohors, each with two centuries and two additional octets beneath them. In effect, however, the biting edge of every cohors is their elite unit—Antesegnani, Fulminata, Invictus—whereas the other units serve as largely ineffective pots. These pots hold a handful of active, excellent soldiers, who are intermingled into a much larger pool of inactive members. This puts the unit commanders of these inactive units in command, in reality, of just a few people. Not only does make those commanders redundant, but it makes the unit entirely useless combatively and administratively.

[2009/10/22 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: We are currently exploring the idea of:

[2009/10/22 19:12] Aryte Vesperia: Cohors A – Century 1, Century 2, Century 3. (Antesegnani, Fulminata, Invictus.)

Cohors B – Century 1, Century 2.

Cohors C – Century 1.

[2009/10/22 19:12] Aryte Vesperia: [Cohors A]: Cohors A will be the highest in prestige, housing any and all ‘elite’ designated units. Antesegnani, Fulminata, Invictus will all be moved into this cohors. Cohors A will be led by a centurion.

[2009/10/22 19:13] Aryte Vesperia: [Cohors B]: Cohors B will be designed as the entry-level and “general member” holding pool. Filter between Cohors A and C. Or, for casual members who have no interest in trying to be in an A unit.

[2009/10/22 19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Cohors C]: Cohors C will be an auxiliary/reserve unit. This is specifically designed to be just that. All folks who are inactive will be assigned here. The commander of this unit will pick up additional duties, as he will be required to be an active lead. It would not have to be a centurion. For example, the head of Antesegnani could pick this up of he has free time. Or, any of the officers from the aforementioned units. Oooor, if a centurion was available, a centurion could preside over C while doing administrative work. People here are basically the “I show up on base once a month” people.

[2009/10/22 19:14] Aryte Vesperia: Why are octets gone? It’d make more sense to extend the use of centuries, and use the octet leaders as NCO adjutants within the century. The idea would be to make any century semi-autonomous, like an elite unit is now. This would allow for deployments as a unit and remove an unneeded step (century leaders are very underused).

[2009/10/22 19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Octet leaders would assume command NCO positions in the new century levels.

[2009/10/22 19:15] Aryte Vesperia: In addition to that, the century units would feature other specialized positions . . like: - aquifiler: standard bearer; honor position.

- CO; commander of century.

- XO; 2nd in command of century.

- NCO adjutant staff; command NCOs.

- NCO trainer.

- Enlisted orientation member; someone responsible for befriending all the new guys.

- Liaisons to tactica, etc.

[2009/10/22 19:16] Aryte Vesperia: Tentatively, it'd look like:

[2009/10/22 19:16] Aryte Vesperia: The names are NOT final.

[2009/10/22 19:16] Aryte Vesperia: But that should give you a general idea as to what we had in mind.

[2009/10/22 19:17] Aryte Vesperia: This will create more positions overall, and increase the overall potency of command.

[2009/10/22 19:18] FireFox Breed nods

[2009/10/22 19:18] Aryte Vesperia: What we have to do now is:

[2009/10/22 19:18] Aryte Vesperia: 1. assign staff.

[2009/10/22 19:18] Aryte Vesperia: 2. assign personnel (ie; inactives to C).

[2009/10/22 19:18] Aryte Vesperia: 3. Release a new command expectations.

[2009/10/22 19:18] Aryte Vesperia: 4. finalize!

[2009/10/22 19:18] Aryte Vesperia: Questions thus far?

[2009/10/22 19:19] Trevor Russell raises hand

[2009/10/22 19:19] Jayce Iredell raises hand...

[2009/10/22 19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. William T. Russel.

[2009/10/22 19:19] Aryte Vesperia: +l.

[2009/10/22 19:19] Trevor Russell: may I voice an opinion?

[2009/10/22 19:19] Aryte Vesperia: Yes.

[2009/10/22 19:20] ribena Homewood raises his hand on Terra's behalf.

[2009/10/22 19:20] ribena Homewood: (lol old gesture)

[2009/10/22 19:22] Trevor Russell: I feel that the Cohors C proposal would be somewhat negligent. While My octet has several inactives, i still talk to them on occasion, and have managed to encourage a few into getting on base more often. They are listed as equal ordo members with equal access to staff. However, I feel that this proposal would negate that, and with 70 people under 1-2 persons command, they would go largely ignored. Furthermore, by being relegated to Cohors C, it would be less motivation to raise activity, when they are listed as what i forsee will bee seen as "lesser"

[2009/10/22 19:23] Trevor Russell: furthermore, i really believe thatthe octet system helps new people, by giving them a small unit commander. This commander can work with a handful of new people to help them get started in ordo, that might not be seen with 2 cohors b centuries.

[2009/10/22 19:23] Trevor Russell: that is all.

[2009/10/22 19:25] Aryte Vesperia: The single most complaint I receive from command officers is: x amount of my unit is inactive. An individual could move up to a B unit with as simple as "I'd like to move to a B unit and be around more often." The point of putting them under a limited command is . . to not waste command, whereas most of those people would really not be there. The octet system will still be alive in spirit, in the sense that the command NCOs will be responsible for slates of individuals withint heir given century. This will increase oversight and interaction, by putting personnel pools directly in the century commander as well. W hereas in the past, people who are century unit leads (non-elites) sit there going ".. sooooo."

[2009/10/22 19:26] Trevor Russell: but my main point is that i have been able to encourage individuals to be more active, and i don't forsee Cohors C being able to do that.

[2009/10/22 19:26] Aryte Vesperia: I see absolutely nothing stopping A and B units from trying to recruit from C in the same manner.

[2009/10/22 19:27] Keller Teichmann apologizes, got carried away playing the new KF DLC. D:

[2009/10/22 19:27] Trevor Russell: hmm, alright.

[2009/10/22 19:27] FireFox Breed has a few things to point out

[2009/10/22 19:27] Aryte Vesperia: I see your point, however. Noted.

[2009/10/22 19:27] Aryte Vesperia: Iredell?

[2009/10/22 19:28] Jayce Iredell: Is this chart, just an example, cause it looks confusing.

[2009/10/22 19:28] FireFox Breed: can someone pass keller alog of what he missed?

[2009/10/22 19:29] FireFox Breed: also i will point out the system more in detail in a moment

[2009/10/22 19:29] Aryte Vesperia: It's actually pretty simple, just unexplained. But yes, this is just an example.

[2009/10/22 19:29] Aryte Vesperia: The Cohors command groups are the centurion and his staff.

[2009/10/22 19:30] Aryte Vesperia: The slots beneath, veritcally aligned, are the centuries.

[2009/10/22 19:30] Aryte Vesperia: Horizontally, are equiv positions.

[2009/10/22 19:30] Aryte Vesperia: Ribena?

[2009/10/22 19:30] ribena Homewood: The thing about our inactive personnel being thrown into Cohors C, does that apply to Cohors A personnel whom are inactive also, are they tranferred into Cohors C? And yeah, I love the new idea.

[2009/10/22 19:30] Aryte Vesperia: Hm, depending upon HOW inactive they are. Guidelines would need to be established.

[2009/10/22 19:30] Aryte Vesperia: The elite squads currently have much higher expectations.

[2009/10/22 19:31] Aryte Vesperia: The C unit is literally for people you . . well, people who have no idea there's a revamp going on, and probably don't know there's even a such thing as a cohors.

[2009/10/22 19:31] Aryte Vesperia: Folks who want to be in the Ordo, promise they'll show up someday, but do maybe like once a month. Lol.

[2009/10/22 19:31] Aryte Vesperia: And Firefox?

[2009/10/22 19:32] FireFox Breed: I just want to point out a few reasons why the chart is the way it is and a few things on why this is happening. (in my tipical typo way)

[2009/10/22 19:33] FireFox Breed: Before with the old system each level of command was just one person. If you all look at history you can tell what happens when lets say.. a O-2 goes mia? noone knows what he was doing and someone has to be grabbed, trained and put into the spot

[2009/10/22 19:34] FireFox Breed: Also there was a need to bring NCO staff more into play with responcabiltys and doing what NCOs are. they are supposed to be the backbone of a military (least irl)

[2009/10/22 19:35] FireFox Breed: Since this is second life and we are all not required to do our jobs in the ordo by law (unlike my drill weekends and like how i am ordered to be part of a weapons convory next month :| ) we can not count on 1005 attendence

[2009/10/22 19:35] FireFox Breed: 100%

[2009/10/22 19:36] FireFox Breed: so this way there is 3 people in each level of command that are in the same sheet of music. so if 1 or 2 disappear the chain of command is not broken and the ball keeps rolling

[2009/10/22 19:37] FireFox Breed: i do see trevors point about miving all the inactives into c will cause a "oh well.. fuckem anyway i wont show up" kind of mood. the risk of that is small compared to what we are gaining fromt he change

[2009/10/22 19:38] FireFox Breed: now since people who are active will be with 10 to 15 other people who are active ( a tipical B squad once changed) they can work togetherand do training just like a elite squad now.. exc

[2009/10/22 19:39] FireFox Breed: Also if people where sharp... i copyed the military chain of command of a compony/troop/battery almost exactly

[2009/10/22 19:39] Aryte Vesperia: Yeah, I noticed.

[2009/10/22 19:42] FireFox Breed: i have been in the ordo for a long time now, i saw the 3 cohors turn into 1 big terra, back to what it is now. From what i gathered this might be the best move for terra. We need to change and adapt to the times. The ordo was not this big when i joined.. i guess it was around 50-60 members. So we need to adapt.

[2009/10/22 19:43] FireFox Breed: n thats my soap box moment

[2009/10/22 19:44] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Firefox.

[2009/10/22 19:44] Aryte Vesperia: Anyone else? :D

[2009/10/22 19:45] FireFox Breed: OH

[2009/10/22 19:45] FireFox Breed: Also the number of squads in B is not fixed. We can split the members up as needed. >.> Done

[2009/10/22 19:46] Aryte Vesperia: Haha, thank you.

[2009/10/22 19:46] Aryte Vesperia: Any questions, concerns?

[2009/10/22 19:48] Aryte Vesperia: All right then.

[2009/10/22 19:48] Aryte Vesperia: What is everyone's impression of this?

[2009/10/22 19:49] Aryte Vesperia: Everyone. Like.

[2009/10/22 19:49] Aryte Vesperia: All of you.

[2009/10/22 19:49] Anlysia Gregoire: It's kewl because nothing changes for me.

[2009/10/22 19:49] Anlysia Gregoire: \o/

[2009/10/22 19:49] Jayce Iredell: Time will tell, thats all I can say.

[2009/10/22 19:50] FireFox Breed: opinions are helpful. if anyone has any ideas or anything

[2009/10/22 19:50] Trevor Russell: other than comments made, I like it. I think the tiered approach will work well, i just hope we dont forget about new people and inactives!

[2009/10/22 19:50] Furry Thor: Seems alot more organized yet complex. All I can say is that it will take some time to get used to but overall I think it's okay

[2009/10/22 19:50] Aryte Vesperia: I think your concerns will see the birth of some sort of century position that lives to try to bring people out of inactive status.

[2009/10/22 19:51] Aryte Vesperia: So thank you for bringing that up.

[2009/10/22 19:51] SoulBinder Wolfstein: Its different, as such its worth a shot, we have yet to find a perfect system for Terra`s organisation, this could work though. As Trevor said the key will to be keeping people from feeling left out...but thats always been a concern anyways.

[2009/10/22 19:52] Vinnie Lei: A lof of it is beyond me, hahah. But I welcome any positive change to Terra, or Ordo in general :D.

[2009/10/22 19:52] Xayvien Rau: I enjoy the idea, as it finally clumps people together into three sections, which in the future could be a simple way of advancing from that point.

[2009/10/22 19:52] Aryte Vesperia: Haha, well, if it doesn't work out, we'll re-fix it. So we've nothing to lose! :)

[2009/10/22 19:55] Aryte Vesperia: Cool beans.

[2009/10/22 19:55] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you guys. I'll keep you all informed!

[2009/10/22 19:55] Aryte Vesperia: We'll hold a raid shortly. Dismissed.

[2009/10/22 19:55] Aryte Vesperia clasps his fist to his chest, presenting a salute.

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In re Trevor's misgiving that C people will be overlooked. Conceivably, since there'll be a higher ratio of inactives in that pool, the members who wish to move upwards and contribute more will have more access to the person above them simply because there'll be no competition.

What I like about this format is it makes more cooperation between the Alphas an intuitive given and basically enables one third of Terra to be as dynamic as it can be because it'll pool all the most active members together. Without a doubt, the first qualification for an Alpha member is participation. Summed together... they're gonna fuck shit up.

But I should recuse myself as I'm named the leader of that group in the prospectus. For the record, I'd love the shit out of that and in my current RL situation, I think I could contribute more that way. But WTF? I shouldn't vote.

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