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Seb Yakan

History of the Cupcake

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Alright, so I thought I'd contribute to the mass posting of veteran bios with my own!

I joined Second Life back in November of 2005 on the Teen Grid (the other side of SL where all the kiddies are) and at first I thought SL had to have been the most pathetic game I had ever seen. Now, it didn't help that I had joined on the Teen Grid: at the time there was about 15 public sims and no private sims. You could literally walk from one end of the grid to the other, however, with this came a familar community among the residents. Everyone knew everyone. It was like living in a small town of a couple hundred, and it was kind of a neat feeling. I decided to give this game a chance -- I made friends quickly and began to understand that this wasn't a game at all, but actually a virtual world (yes, I was slow). Like I said, everyone knew everyone, and because of this it made the experience kind of enjoyable. It didn't take much to become well known, and with such a small group of talented individuals there was incentive to build, script, or make something of yourself. The furry population on the TG (Teen Grid) at the time was almost non-existent, although I did make a good friend who considered himself a furry, and it was this person that introduced me to the fandom and sparked my interest for it. We decided to create the first furry community on the TG, we had heard of other furry communities on the MG (Main Grid) and their success and fame, and thought it could be a rewarding experience. With that idea, we created "Furry Plateau." I wont bore you too much with the specifics, but it's safe to say we were successful with our efforts and we created a well known community that lasted years: click the link if you'd like to learn more about it! I'm proud of my efforts with this community, and although it's now long gone, I feel it was an important part of my SL and RL history. I took from it valued memories and a variety of friends; some that are within the Ordo today. I feel that my involvement with this community helped younger individuals that may not have been so comfortable with their lives connect with others that shared similar interests who could show comfort and support.

However, that was all before I found out about the Ordo. Soon enough, I moved to the MG and eventually made friends with Caine Toll, I'm sure you're all familiar with this one. I'm skipping a bunch of irrelevant stuff to get to the point of how I came into the Ordo, but we at first both joined the Merczateers. I enjoyed my time in the Mercz, and moved up the through the ranks quickly, I never made it to any position demanding of responsibility, nor one that had much authority, but I did advance far for the time I spent in the Mercz. Eventually, Caine Toll came to me and told me that he was going to be enlisting in the Ordo Imperialis. I knew nothing of this organization, but I had grown bored of the Mercz and heard good things about the Ordo, specifically Aryte Vesperia. He told me they were just about to reopen and that I should check it out. I remember speaking to Aryte directly about my interest in his military, and .. not much else. Blah Blah Blah, I remember standing in line at attention to the instructor orally presenting the Schola material and exam; it was a nerve racking experience as I didn't expect such strict guidelines for enlistment. At the time, the sim was under construction by Sly Axon, however, I don't believe he ever got around to finishing the sim. I remember I was looking forward to the "Slybucks" under construction in the center of the sim, but sadly, it never saw it's opening day. But, even more depressing, I cannot seem to remember much else from that time. Just bits and pieces. Over time I rose up the ranks, and eventually made it to warrent officer, and for the longest time I stayed at that rank. Was offered advancement into the Officer ranks, but didn't feel it was for me. I took up the position of Schola Instructor at one point and remember processing countless cadets, such as, Sosarin, our Astra Legates. Hehe! We even had a special event held in the armory of the Vae Victus to show of the different divisions of the Ordo when I had to process a large handful of cadets. From the beginning of my history in the Ordo to the present, I have always been with Astra, and at one point took up leadership roles within the division. However, like all my involvement in the Ordo, it's in short bursts. I remember taking a bit of a break from the Ordo, and upon returning took up the rank of E-1. Most recently, I took up the position of Curia Lictor, but as usual, I found myself becoming increasingly busy with real life events and had to resign the position. As of today, I am E-5 and would like to participate more in Ordo events and positons, however, I'm having difficulty finding the time. Thus far, I've had a lengthy, but exciting and beneficial experience in the Ordo. I feel that my time within this military has been beneficially to my real life as well, and I'm thankful of this. I have met a great deal of people I find myself close to today, and wouldn't trade these experiences and memories for anything. I don't see myself leaving the Ordo anytime soon, and I'm almost positive I'll be with it until the end.

As for my cupcake, well uh.. I can't recall why I stuck it on my head, but it's been there for years. It's kind of my trademark. So don't eat it.

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