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Typhon Perun

Vent raid comm chatter control

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I've been noting on a few raids how folks are always saying, got him, or I got this on vent which aren't really useful to the mission. So here are some ideas that I want to try and point out to improve understanding during raids on vent.

1) If your being a medic, please announce if you are TPing folks in to a hot spot or not. Don't offer intel that might distract you from being a good medic.

2) Only say what is needed to be said while on a raid. We have a raid commander for a reason. Don't offer intel or say how well you are beating the enemy. This is a distraction, one that could lead to problems down the line.

3) Do say if you need support and where you are. Keep it short and brief. If you want to acknowledge your on your way to support someone say something like "Typhon moving to support (whoever)" There's no need for any more chatter then that.

4) Try to keep personal chatter to a zero. Folks on a raid don't care what your watching or how many kills your getting by standing in there spawn, or even close to it. It's just useless chatter and makes it harder for those in charge to hand out orders or plan changes when there needed.

Mind you these ideas come from RL military experience, and when I play things like Team Fortress 2, and such, it actually helps get things done faster and more efficiently. Saddly I am only posting this as the raid chatter on ventrilo has gotten to the point, in my opintion that I can't tell what is going on anymore let alone who is telling me what I need to hear so I can get the job done.

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I agree with most of your points, Typhon. However:

1) Medics should also deliver information that they deem pertinent to the raid leader, if the point's about to be taken out you may want to let everyone know that you're going to get shot any moment now, unless something is done.

2) Some Ventrilo coms chatter is completely acceptable in my PERSONAL opinion, if for nothing else it's for morale reasons. Constant updates from troops 'in the fray' can only be useful, a raid commander does not have his eyes on all of us at all times. He is always in there with us. Whether it's "I'm in their base, taking fire. Need support." or "Hell yeah, guys. I'm totally kicking ass all the way down the corridor" it lets the raid leader know of /something/ that's going on. It may be considered useless, but perhaps some people do not understand how important feeling is to some. It's encouragement, it lets you know personally that you're doing well. Of course blaring into the microphone about how awesome you just killed that guy by placing a well-aimed rifle grenade into his eyesocket won't do much good. In fact, personally I'd consider Ventrilo chat unbearable if someone's breathing into the microphone or playing loud music and completely disrupting the raid.

All in all, just stay frosty. Keep your head clear and keep that info coming.

That's my 2 cents.

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I agree with most of your points, Typhon. However:

1) Medics should also deliver information that they deem pertinent to the raid leader, if the point's about to be taken out you may want to let everyone know that you're going to get shot any moment now, unless something is done.

2) Some Ventrilo coms chatter is completely acceptable in my PERSONAL opinion, if for nothing else it's for morale reasons. Constant updates from troops 'in the fray' can only be useful, a raid commander does not have his eyes on all of us at all times. He is always in there with us. Whether it's "I'm in their base, taking fire. Need support." or "Hell yeah, guys. I'm totally kicking ass all the way down the corridor" it lets the raid leader know of /something/ that's going on. It may be considered useless, but perhaps some people do not understand how important feeling is to some. It's encouragement, it lets you know personally that you're doing well. Of course blaring into the microphone about how awesome you just killed that guy by placing a well-aimed rifle grenade into his eyesocket won't do much good. In fact, personally I'd consider Ventrilo chat unbearable if someone's breathing into the microphone or playing loud music and completely disrupting the raid.

All in all, just stay frosty. Keep your head clear and keep that info coming.

That's my 2 cents.

Saddly Ron... when it's more then one person doing that, I find it confusing, and it does make my job a hell of a lot harder. As of now, I'm actually trying to ignore any useless chatter on vent, just os I can figure out where to go and do on a raid. the last one was not the first time this has happened, to me, where I whent the wrong way because of it and felt like I couldn't be of help to anyone dispite my best efforts. Having more then one commander in a raid can make these problems over and over again, espically if one says to go one way and another says to go another way. So my opinion on this is sticking to where it is, as right now after several raids like this.... It's making me wonder if vent is worth the hassle.

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I can understand your troubles, but there is only one commander on the raid, and that is either Ruin or someone appointed by him. The reason you hear multiple orders on Vent is because people are directing eachother into more advantegous positions to better kill the enemy, otherwise we'd all be bee-lining to one certain point on the battlefield. It's nothing more than picking out what is useful and not, and that's an acquired skill, not something we're naturally born with. When it comes to voice communication over the battlefield we aren't all smackdamn cool headed, some of us speak more than others and that's -completely- understandable and can never be utterly erased. No matter what amount of training, or no matter the person there'll always be chatter and that I can guarantee. The only thing you CAN do is control it, or try and deal with it. Once again, I feel your pain and it's a problem, but it's the smallest problem we have on a battlefield. We're all humans, we think and talk.

However, there are some ways this can be mended.

You can split a Combat Operations channel into multiple subchannels each with two to three people in them. Those smaller units would then co-operate between eachother with the general orders and objectives in mind. Co-operation with other units would mainly be text based. However there's a drawback to this, that means not everyone can communicate with eachother at the same time. This is why it's better that we're all in the same channel.

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its kind of the same thing when people say "i got him"... in all honesty it doesnt really matter... if ya get someone, thats cool, but just say something like "tango down" or something generic... as much as claiming kills turns into a joke every now and then, just bare in mind we're all the same team, so lets keep it that way... :D

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It is occasionally pertinent to the situation to announce that an enemy defender is down during a raid, such as if said enemy defender is belligerently holding a choke point with a tank. In the case that you eliminate this defender, you ought to announce that you've killed him and that there is a window for advancement further into enemy territory.

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