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Kytec Switchblade

Combat goal: looking back.

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- Looking back on our assault on TFM where vangard showed up in mass, alot of the problems we were having was due to being limited to an incredibly small corridoor or sim design flaw. I was thinking about a solution to this and only had to remember counterstrike's biggest asset in said situation. Flashbangs and smoke grenades.

- While reading up on it the Utility hud usage it dawned on me, If we had laid down a line of smoke and lobbed a couple flash grenades over their wall we could've had more fluid entry into the TFM base.

- I will be outlining a training session to be distributed to anyone who wants it including appropriate use along with the counter measures needed when facing the same problem against us.

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Well the current one spits out lots of particles over a period of time. What I'm suggesting is lesser particles over a shorter time. Just make them bigger. We dont need to think too hard about making them terribly effective as the smart ones (relatively speaking) know to just turn particles off. So why have a grenade last 15-20 seconds when it takes all of 2 for most people to hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift+=? Make it quick, make it disorienting, and make it so we can utilize it's cover before they can adapt.

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I believe it should be fairly easy to make a larger particle to cut the amount in half, and the lenth would be easy to rescript.

The issue with enemies using wireframe is inevidible, but somewhat disorienting. If someone uses wireframe it makes it easier to spot avatars behind walls, but you generally lose most concept of objects in the way. Also it opens up the posibility for people behind a somewhat safe wall to draw fire away from the rest of the group.

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