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Ron Bleac


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What the hell is it?

Tactica is an organisation within an organisation that is responsible for field reconnaissance. Providing information to raid leaders on today's battlefields is critical, and we are here to do just that. On the constantly evolving battlefield that is Second Life there is never enough knowledge, never enough maps, never enough pictures or illustrations, never enough planning or foresight when it comes to attacking an enemy base. A wise raid leader can only do so much without knowledge, and we are here to provide that. Maps and detailed descriptions could be what saves your life, and your raid on the field! Sweat saves blood, brains save both.

Tactica and its men and women are a dedicated force that scour the battlefields of Second Life looking for rule sets, and compiling detailed reports on each sim build. The fact that these rules and builds are constantly changing means we need to be prepared to move with that change, and provide our fighting men with the knowledge needed to defeat the enemy. It also means you'll never run out of work! It's not simply documenting changes and recognizing them, Tactica is also an organisation that provides strategic advice. We develop and refine the art of war.


It's nothing like this.

Marine reconnaissance teams beach somewhere over there. Picture kindly provided by the United States Marine Corps, picture is in public domain.

Tactica members are expected to reach out to the community, to meet new faces and explore new areas where no Ordo has gone before. But in most cases, you'll find that a place you're looking at might actually be familiar. You may even have raided there before! It's just that now it's time to look a bit deeper. Peek under the curtain, and document every useful detail. Being in Tactica grants an enlistedman, or even an officer, several perks. One, you get bragging rights at messhall and you can tell all your enlisted friends that you're a pretty solid dude. That, and we offer solid opportunity for advancement within the Ordo, because we can show people you're smart. And being smart in the Ordo is really, really good. If you're a raid leader, and have an itch to kick someone's teeth in and show the community how being a true warrior is done, you might just want to consider signing up. You'll be the first to find out, and the first to put into practice what every soldier needs. Battlefield intelligence.

Sounds good, doesn't it?

How do I sign up?

You can apply. Anyone can. But there are a few requirements that you must meet first!

  • There are no essential rank requirements.
  • Your Curia record must be clear.
  • Must have completed Armatura, or equivalent training for Astra personnel.
  • Coherent use of the English language is appreciated.
  • Must be able to abide by rules and regulations of the Ordo Imperialis, including uniform standards.
  • Must be able to do boring deskjobs.
  • Must be able to withstand mosquito bites, malaria and angry noobs. (Bring your raincoat, and personal hygiene needs for several days)
  • Must be able to work in a team.

There is also a small task involved.

Any applicants must attach a small 200 word essay on why they are interested in Tactica, and what you expect of your time here. Do be aware, if you get accepted you will have a trial phase ahead of you! Nothing big or bad, merely a test of your tactical thinking skills.

The application is attached below:


Present date:

Date of enlistment:

So when filled out, it should look something like this:

Name/Rank/Unit: Ron Bleac / P-1 Praetorian Initiate / Ordo Imperialis Praetorian Guard,

Present date: 24MAY10

Date of Enlistment: 4OCT09

All applications should be sent notecarded to me, in Second Life. Or through the forum private messaging system.

Thank you!

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From now on all applications should be placed into the Public section of the Tactica forum. (Check it out, it should be visible for everyone.) If you're shy about displaying your writings, send them to me and Corsi in notecards still. We'd much prefer it'd be in that thread, at least I would, because it's easier to keep track of.

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