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MikeMurdock McMillan

Terra Command Meeting May 30, 2010

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[17:56] Lestat Umarov: Alrighty...

[17:56] Lestat Umarov: Is this everyone?

[17:59] MikeMurdock McMillan: I'm here representing on zerowinged and desereck's behalf of antesignani

[17:59] Lestat Umarov: Where you going karl? :V

[18:00] Karlhockey Forte: no where.

[18:00] Lestat Umarov: you got up :p

[18:00] MikeMurdock McMillan: des I dunno he's in space .. maybe? zero still at RCFM :|

[18:00] Karlhockey Forte: rather stand

[18:00] Mercury: Lost contact: Niiya Narayan

[18:00] Lestat Umarov: I'd rather everyone sat but oh well

[18:01] Karlhockey Forte: FEIN

[18:01] Lestat Umarov: Anyways.

[18:02] Lestat Umarov: I don't really have a lot to say specifically about Terra as a whole. I know there's some vacancy's and temp positions until it can be filled.

[18:02] Lestat Umarov: Have you thought about ny possible candidates keller?

[18:02] Lestat Umarov: any*

[18:02] Keller Teichmann: fooor? c_c

[18:03] Keller Teichmann: (one sec, phone)

[18:03] Lestat Umarov: Your squad

[18:03] Keller Teichmann: They're both right here. c.c

[18:04] Lestat Umarov: k

[18:05] MikeMurdock McMillan: I couldn't get a hold of Zero at the moment. and with desereck in who knows where it will take some time to find out possible replacements for antesignani.

[18:05] MikeMurdock McMillan: i mean desereck out c.c;

[18:05] MikeMurdock McMillan: *when

[18:05] MikeMurdock McMillan: sorry abotu the spelling errors

[18:06] Lestat Umarov: Is there anything any of you have on your mind?

[18:06] Keller Teichmann: Personally nothing. Our roster's full, activity (one case notwithstanding due to RL reasons) is extremely high. We're fine.

[18:06] Nikeo Fairlock is Online

[18:06] thatguy Andel: (Sorry I'm a bit late.)

[18:06] Lestat Umarov: It's ok

[18:07] MikeMurdock McMillan: Well for myself with college now out of the way I expect activity in antesignani to be higher than usual. we already have our 10 people and With help from zero I want to get more training and possibly raids to get antesignani back on track

[18:08] MikeMurdock McMillan: I'm also hoping that with now armor training starting to get more of our squad efficent with the tanks

[18:08] Lestat Umarov: Do you have what you feel is necesary for your squad in terms of equiptment?

[18:08] Lestat Umarov: That's for antesig and invictus

[18:09] Williamca Zenovka: Antesig is still awaiting their crossbow model to be finished. c.c Zrazor was looking around for a prim builder to help with that.

[18:09] Keller Teichmann: We're reworking the Vesica, and building a shotgun. One of the two'll be our second equipment slot.

[18:09] Williamca Zenovka: err insidiae lol

[18:09] Lestat Umarov: O hai

[18:09] MikeMurdock McMillan: As of this moment we have the tools to get the job done, but I am discussing with zero if we are in need of any other weapons or vehicles for our squad.

[18:10] Xayvien Rau: I'm sort of drunk and spending Linden I should really keep. Don't mind me being slow.

[18:10] Lestat Umarov: umm, k

[18:10] MikeMurdock McMillan: we are waiting on the new LMG to be finished soon so we can get our squad equipped with the new model

[18:10] Lestat Umarov: Do you have what you feel is necesary for your squad in terms of equiptment?

[18:10] Keller Teichmann: We're also looking into either replacing the drop pod, or starting an initiative of sorts to get it unbanned from numerous sims... or, lastly, simply finding another piece of gear to give us another way of meeting our goal of ruining everyone's day.

[18:11] Lestat Umarov: Whatever works best for you

[18:11] Keller Teichmann: As it is, it's banned from... everywhere but VAC, which will likely ban it again because we ruined their basebuild with it. :>

[18:11] Xayvien Rau: Oh God, we're talking about gear.

[18:11] Tatara Ling is Online

[18:12] Lestat Umarov: I read all the reports I got and I didn't really see any big issues

[18:12] Lestat Umarov: So, not a lot to bring up about the squads in general

[18:13] Teron Gray: (Have to excuse me, family sprung a surprise on me and I gotta head out.)

[18:13] Xayvien Rau: Insidiae: No Crossbow, HUD is finished, SMG-Rifle abomination is finished, wristblades were removed due to Munitorium being snippy. Armor & Gear was due three months ago, Aryte's orders, but has since be paused. Gave up on it a month ago. And that's my squad update for gear.

[18:13] Lestat Umarov: I would like to see some more promotion or merit recommandtions

[18:13] Keller Teichmann: I handed out a ton with the last report. c.c

[18:14] Lestat Umarov: Not you, insidiae :o

[18:14] Lestat Umarov: And antesig

[18:14] Lestat Umarov: Try and stay on top of the prfs as well

[18:14] Lestat Umarov: I've seen a lot lately

[18:14] MikeMurdock McMillan: I understand. I'll notify Zero of this at once.

[18:15] Xayvien Rau: I don't usually pass that stuff out a lot. False sense of gratification when you give people colored textures. Pat on the back is what Insidiae works with.

[18:15] Williamca Zenovka: Zerowinged went missing, he didn't leave me a copy of his report either desereck is also missing.

[18:15] Xayvien Rau: As for PRF's, I have spoken to Zrazor, and told him I'm not around enough to keep track of the people. He said he'd do them for me in my gaps of time, but...Apparently they're getting backed up still.

[18:16] MikeMurdock McMillan: currently zerowinged at RCFM i just got off the phone with him he's nowhere near a internet computer within 30 miles

[18:16] Williamca Zenovka: Xayvien, if you can get me a list of people who need their PRFs I can get them caught up soon.

[18:16] Lestat Umarov: I'm not gonna be happy if I don't see any next week

[18:16] Xayvien Rau: I can't do a PRF when I honestly know nothing of that's persons achievements the past week aside from a few Attack & Defense reports.

[18:16] Lestat Umarov: Just saying

[18:18] Xayvien Rau: You can get unhappy if you want, no skin off my back. I'm currently checking the PRF's for the missed people.

[18:19] MikeMurdock McMillan: I understand your concerns. I will discuss with Zerowinged to get some PRF reports and possible promotions done.

[18:20] Lestat Umarov: One more thing about the squads

[18:20] Lestat Umarov: You got some praise in the Cohors B report, so keep up the good work. Like seeing a lot of information

[18:21] Lestat Umarov: errr, thatguy

[18:21] MikeMurdock McMillan: Thank you Sir. we will keep up the good work

[18:21] Lestat Umarov: Don't know how I forgot to type a name

[18:22] Xayvien Rau: Hmm, I don't have access to the Master PRF. One moment.

[18:22] Lestat Umarov: Last topic

[18:22] Lestat Umarov: Unit of the month doctrine

[18:22] Lestat Umarov: Need some help hammering it out this week

[18:22] thatguy Andel nods.

[18:23] MikeMurdock McMillan: May I ask what is a Unit of the Month doctrine?

[18:23] Lestat Umarov: Didn't have a lot of time since the last meeting due to me running around like a chicken with it's head cutofff

[18:23] thatguy Andel: Thank you, sir. And sorry for the late response. Phone.

[18:23] Lestat Umarov: Getting all the necesary paperwork for college was a pain in the ass

[18:24] Lestat Umarov: So, any volunteers I'll make a thread in the terra forum right now

[18:24] MikeMurdock McMillan: Sadly I do not know what it is so I have to sadly pass

[18:24] Karlhockey Forte: I have to exit in prep for a astra event

[18:27] Lestat Umarov: Anyone interested?

[18:28] Keller Teichmann: If I have time. This week is looking a bit hectic.

[18:28] thatguy Andel: What will you need volunteers for exactly?

[18:29] Lestat Umarov: Need ideas for the combat phase

[18:29] Lestat Umarov: We're going to have a different one every month

[18:30] Lestat Umarov: More challenging that way

[18:30] thatguy Andel: This is going on for the summer time?

[18:30] Lestat Umarov: Whenever the outline is done

[18:30] thatguy Andel: Basically only three months?

[18:30] thatguy Andel: Oh, okay.

[18:31] Keller Teichmann: I personally have flashbacks to the first Invic/Antesig skirmish... over a year ago. It was traumatizing.

[18:31] Keller Teichmann: We'd definitely need to be careful and ensure discipline if it involved any squad-v-squad combat.

[18:32] Lestat Umarov: the squads might not meet up

[18:32] Lestat Umarov: I may just hav a majority of cohors b to face them

[18:33] thatguy Andel: Lestat, in the NC did you mean to put Liaison rather than Liason ?

[18:34] Lestat Umarov: Did I spell it wrong?

[18:34] thatguy Andel: Yes.

[18:34] thatguy Andel: I believe it should be Liaison than Liason.

[18:34] thatguy Andel: In the Adiutor Staff Doctrine

[18:35] Lestat Umarov: ah

[18:35] Lestat Umarov: I'll get that fixxed

[18:35] Lestat Umarov: Basically I need input from everyone in the elite squads

[18:36] Lestat Umarov: This is how your units are going to be judged so it makes sense for you guys to pay attention and offer suggestions

[18:37] Lestat Umarov: Anyways

[18:37] Lestat Umarov: If nobodt has anything else we can wrap this up

[18:37] Ruin Nefarious: Meeting just got cooler.

[18:37] Ruin Nefarious: .. aw.

[18:38] Lestat Umarov: Uh oh

[18:38] thatguy Andel: Just great, meeting's closed due to aids.

[18:38] MikeMurdock McMillan: one question.

[18:38] Gulliver Carpool: AIDS killed our meeting.

[18:38] MikeMurdock McMillan: :(

[18:38] Lestat Umarov: yes mike?

[18:39] MikeMurdock McMillan: what exactly your asking from the squads? like possible training or a exercise that will change weekly or monthly?

[18:39] Lestat Umarov: Monthly

[18:39] MikeMurdock McMillan: and these are combat exercises/training?

[18:40] Lestat Umarov: The ammount of work required to do this makes it hard to do it more than once a month

[18:40] Lestat Umarov: Have you ever played a game that has different multiplayer game types?

[18:40] Lestat Umarov: It'll be like that

[18:40] MikeMurdock McMillan: i see.

[18:40] MikeMurdock McMillan: it'll be like L4D2's mutations

[18:40] MikeMurdock McMillan: so

[18:41] MikeMurdock McMillan: only monthly?

[18:41] Lestat Umarov: Capture the flag, assassination, turf wars, etc

[18:41] Lestat Umarov: Yes

[18:41] Lestat Umarov: Once a month

[18:41] MikeMurdock McMillan: Okay. I get it now. Yeah I can come up with some ideas when I get some time to sit down and think

[18:41] Lestat Umarov: the thing is whoever wins the competition gets to carry the aquilla with their squads colors

[18:42] Lestat Umarov: And possible get a merit or badge of some sort

[18:42] MikeMurdock McMillan nods" I see"

[18:42] MikeMurdock McMillan: Okay then thank you for informing me more about this :D

[18:42] Lestat Umarov: I'll be posting a thread on the forums right after the meeting.

[18:43] Lestat Umarov: Can someonme put up a log?

[18:43] MikeMurdock McMillan: saved a log for Zero

[18:43] Lestat Umarov: On the forums I mean

[18:43] MikeMurdock McMillan: Don't mind putting it up. where does the meeting logs go?

[18:44] Lestat Umarov: In the terra forum I think

[18:44] Lestat Umarov: or under reports

[18:44] Lestat Umarov: Forget exactly

[18:45] Lestat Umarov: under meetings

[18:45] Lestat Umarov: Alright. You're all dismissed

[18:45] thatguy Andel: Before we go, can I bring something up?

[18:45] Lestat Umarov: sure

[18:46] thatguy Andel: I'm sure all of us have seem that Cohors C members transfer to Cohors B, then instantly go inactive, making it a hassle to switch them back later on. I believe that this problem can be solved by creating a Cohors C; Century II

[18:46] thatguy Andel: How this would serve is that members who want to transfer back to Cohors B, or A, would have to be placed in this century for about a week or so

[18:46] thatguy Andel: During this week, they will need to show that they are back in action, and wont instantly go back inactive.

[18:47] Lestat Umarov: Good idea

[18:47] Gulliver Carpool: I just did a neti pot.

[18:47] Gulliver Carpool: WOW.

[18:47] Ruin Nefarious: ew

[18:48] thatguy Andel: One thing included to this could be a notecard to the Cohors C CO saying why they were gone, if they contacted someone about it, and if they plan on going inactive later on or whatever.

[18:48] thatguy Andel: Stuff like that.

[18:48] Lestat Umarov nods

[18:48] thatguy Andel: We can come up with different ideas of how they will be able to show that they are active and what not, but I'm sure that'll be easy to do

[18:48] Lestat Umarov: If you want to bring that up to the cohors c CO you have my blessing

[18:48] thatguy Andel nods.

[18:48] thatguy Andel: This can also stop people from going inactive

[18:49] Lestat Umarov: That's what I'd hope

[18:50] thatguy Andel: I can speak with the Cohors C CO, and come up with a notecard, unless someone higher up needs to do it.

[18:51] Lestat Umarov: You can do it.

[18:51] thatguy Andel: Alright.

[18:51] Lestat Umarov: Don't need anyone higher for C

[18:51] thatguy Andel: I'll talk to them, come up with a notecard, and send you a draft for you to review it.

[18:52] thatguy Andel: About how it serves and what the requirments will be.

[18:52] Lestat Umarov nods

[18:53] Lestat Umarov: Is that all for now? Don't wanna hold anyone up any longer for the raid

[18:54] thatguy Andel: That's all from me.

[18:54] Lestat Umarov: Alrighty. Dismmised

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