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Corsi Mousehold

Ordo Meeting 19JUN10

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**********Meeting Report**********

NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Corsi Mousehold / E-7 / Antesignani


DATE: 19 June 2010


SUBJECT: General discussion; diplomacy, developments, reminders.


SUMMARY: Lots of buisness, new Astra uniforms, Test attack on Titan



Meeting Opener

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Good evening everyone and welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get started.

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia underlines the shout part like ten times.

Imperator's Report

[18:00] Aryte Vesperia: To begin, our weekly statistics:


Members: 301

Cadets 5


New: 12

Accepted: 1

Denied: 8

Review: 3


Defensive: 83

Offensive: 15 (awesome)

Diplomatic Report:

[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic occurences this week: TAC essentially is now comprised of every military that isn't the Ordo Imperialis or the Merczateers (or the AN, who are loners or something).

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: So, the military allegiance group that was against alliances is now a massive alliance against the non-alliance the Iron Symphony.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: If you can make sense of that, kudos.

[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Aside from that, even for being comprised of . . 7, 8 militaries now, TAC continues to get stomped across the board by the IS.

[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: There's really no way to put that nicely. Yesterday, CS abandoned their base to attack us, leaving a huge VG force in defense. We walked all over them.

Divisional Reports

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports?

[18:05] Sosarin Demar raises his hand.

[18:05] Agares Tretiak raises his hand.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Demar.


[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Demar.

[18:05] Sosarin Demar: Combat participation is nominal. The immediate training queue is clear. Nohime Runner has been appointed to replace Wolfshaman Warrior as flight leader of First Flight. Wolfshaman Warrior will now operate at the Squadron Command level. As the newly appointed Apostle Commander, Kryo Recreant has taken it upon himself to add cohesion to the Apostles and plan their future. A meeting was held today by Nohime Runner to that effect. Detox Exonar hosted some free for all engagements this week -- thank you. On a final note, Nikki4 Aquitaine needs help in conducting her Astra League. If you'd like to host events of that nature, please contact her!

[18:06] Sosarin Demar shouts: Thanks to Aryte Vesperia and Disembodied hand Astra now has flight suits. Just want to thank you both again for investing in such an article for Astra. You can get one from the group notice.

[18:06] Sosarin Demar shouts: Finally, there's quite a lot of flurry on the forums discussing Astra, Astra diplomacy, organizational imporvements, etc. Please go scope that out if you haven't already. Your input is valuable. That concludes this week's report for Astra.

Praetorian Guard

[18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Mr. Tretiak?

[18:07] Agares Tretiak: The Praetorian Guard has held it's first Induction ceremony early today, which included a few witnesses outside of the Guard. So I'd like to congratulate all of the Initiates on thier work. Secondly, activity has been solid and remains strong. That about covers things...oh! We held the Vae Victus till the end, I am told.

[18:07] Agares Tretiak: (Along with other people from the Ordo <3 )

[18:08] Agares Tretiak: That's all, sir.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Terra command is apparently missing. So we'll deliver by unit. Cohors A representatives?


[18:08] Zrazor Rozenstrauch raises a hand.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Rozenstrauch.

[18:08] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: The crossbow build is finished and is ready to be scripted/animated/sound...ed. Ideally this will be completed within the next week or two, especially since Zabimato, our in-house scripter, is back from his inactivity leave. Next on the development agenda will be an update for the MK.14 PDW and a holdover uniform mod until such time as Disembodied finishes the squad's armor.

[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. On behalf of Invictus: Another week of high activity and exceptional performance by the squad. Looking to add one more body before I head off to AC, and hope the squad continues its high activity.

[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: On behalf of Antesignani: Antesignani is welcoming our new XO, Williamca Zenvoka and are bringing in our newest addition, Vinnie Lei - he placing our roster back up to its full count. The Negev was placed into the locker earlier this week, minor bug found and fixed. The XCR is well underway to being completed sometime in the near future with texturing and minor scripting (Don't kill me if I am wrong) left to do. Please take your time Keller and Tsume, quality is better then a release date. Activity is kicking up and we are starting to get things back on track here, example being the last few weeks with trainings and raids being preformed once again on a regular basis. This concludes the comprehensive report for Antesignani.

[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Cohors B representative?

[18:10] thatguy Andel rasies a hand.

[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Andel.

[18:11] thatguy Andel shouts: Activity with Cohors B is in the middle of high and low. A few more activities getting done, more PRF's than last time, and more to come. Cohors B will be undergoing an activity sweep when we settle in our new B-II CO, meaning a lot of people will be moving to Cohors C. Hoping for more events and activities next week, and like always, keep asking your CO's for PRF's!

[18:12] Mercury: New contact: Teron Gray

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.


[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports this evening?

[18:12] Ron Bleac raises hand.

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Bleac.

[18:13] Ron Bleac shouts: We've done cool stuff this week, and are still looking for more members. I'm a bit slow on the applications, because I've got a ton of stuff going on aswell. We've prioritized some targets (Marked Blue), as can be seen from the raid map upstairs . Again, I remind you of its presence, it's there for you. As time goes by, those folders will be filled to the brim with gold and other goodies. Corsi is going to be working on a new Emblem for our Armor as well. I've also nearly finished writing up the restructure, more about that at the Tactica meeting.

[18:13] Ron Bleac shouts: That is all!

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you very much.

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Any final reports?

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Very good

Old Business

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Any old business to bring up this evening?

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Moving right along then.

Keynote Topics

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Foremost this evening, an update from Disembodied:

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Flight suits completed and release-- turn eyes to Heavy in the north seats for a glimpse of 'em.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: They look fantastic. Disembodied did a great job. Armor is next up for construction. He intends to be completed on schedule and appears to be right on the timeline,.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: In addition to which, Disembodied has decided to stop resisting and will be joining Munitorium.

[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Questions on that?

[18:18] Kryo Recreant raises a hand.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Recreant?

[18:18] Kryo Recreant: Will he be pressganged into Ordo service a la Mark Karlfeldt?

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Definitely.

[18:18] Kryo Recreant: Astra plz. :>

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Haha.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: He'll probably be whatever uniform he built most recently.

[18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Next:

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: I am going to be recruiting a small staff of adjutants to be attached to my office individually. They will maintain membership in their primary divisions, but operate as my administrative aides. This should increase efficiency by giving me the opportunity to focus on tasks while using the individuals to handle the automation parts of my job.

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: If the individuals I have in mind otherwise decline or run away, I will open the opportunity up to the group-- just keep an eye tuned to the forums for application.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: It will especially be a good opportunity for any individual interested in . . uh, well, heavy amounts of administrative related duties across all branch and assignments. Including policy implementation.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Questions there?

[18:23] Xayvien Rau raises hand.

[18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Rau?

[18:23] Steeltael Lykin raises hand

[18:23] Xayvien Rau: Wouldn't it be easier, if they tried to run, to have Agares break their legs? I mean, we have a lot of stairs and we don't offer wheelchairs...

[18:23] Kinera Haiku: >.>

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: It is probable. But then they can run things for me.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Lykin?

[18:24] Steeltael Lykin: My Lord, Might I recommend having Agares hand deliver your invitations? ...Who would refuse?...

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Serious questions?

[18:24] Radryl Allen raises a hand.

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Takakura?

[18:24] Arokh Takakura shouts: Would this be a temporary or permanent branch of the office of the Imperator?

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: It would be permanent unless for some reason I run out of work (lol).

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Allen?

[18:25] Radryl Allen: Is there any kind of requirement to be able to take this task?

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: I'll provide them in the thread when the time arises. Reliable, consistent, active would be the basics-- individuals in this role would be supporting my work directly, so delay on an adjutant's part would give me the opportunity to slack off and . . do other work.

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Moving on:

[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Vacation expectations: as of the 22nd, I (and several others in the following days) will be out and relatively inactive. I will be gone from the 22nd until the 28th. Although I will hold a meeting on the 21st to reinforce it and provide detailed plans for while I am away, I want to quickly go over a couple things.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: First of which: my expectations. While I am away . . business will continue, so do not go vanish and expect things to be down here. I'll be ensuring raids and the usual antics are carried out.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: We will be making changes to our region here tonight (covered later), so you can definitely expect tons of enemy activity: your presence here will be valuable and very needed.

[18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Overall, I will still be reachable-- through offline messages, texts (officers), and in daily check-ins. I will pop in at least once a day to process things, ensure cadets are inducted, and go over any pressing material to ensure all is well.

[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: As anyone here who's been here for a while is quite aware: when I am away, I tend to worry about the Ordo too much. So I really appreciate everyone being on their best behavior.

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: The happier you make me by keeping things together and ship-shape so I can enjoy my vacation, the happier I'll ensure you'll all be when I return. Last year, when I returned from vacation, we launched or major campaign: I'll be sure to do the same this year.

[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: A very strong administrative group will be present during my time away-- I am completely confident in their abilities and all of your abilites. But, nevertheless, please do the Imperator a favor and redouble your efforts while I am away. It'd mean a lot to me!

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Again, I will be holding another meet on the 21st to lay out plans and say my good-byes before heading out for the week.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Any questions?

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Garfield?

[18:37] Maverick Garfield shouts: Will we be allowed to fight vg if they pull another stunt like last night Sir?

[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: It would be dependent upon the situation and the officer present during the raid. I can't give a blanket answer.

[18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Officers, we will be talking extensively tomorrow in regards to this. Otherwise: everyone promise to be good? :] (YES OR DIE.)

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Azoth is no doubt speaking for all 54 of you. Thank you.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on.

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Bit of a guest commentary here that Consul McKay wrote up for me a couple weeks ago-- I wanted to share it all with you, as I found it pretty awesome.

[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Again, this is authored by Consul McKay-- not me.

[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Credit where it is due! Ahem:

[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: "Upon entry to the group, a majority of those present here now were read the words stated below. It constitutes a binding agreement between each individual and the group. At this moment, let us reflect on the words below."

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: "I, <state your name>, do affirm and acknowledge my membership within the Ordo Imperialis. I understand the expectations bestowed upon me, among which are: to work towards the collective good of the Ordo in my every duty, to uphold my leaders as they will uphold me, and to, above all else, never betray the trust of my comrades and peers through my actions. I shall henceforth be considered amongst the legion and shall carry out my orders with full faith and to the best of my abilities. Glory to the Imperium. Pro patria."

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: “I do affirm and acknowledge my membership within the Ordo Imperialis.” In this first sentence of the oath, the stage is set for the covenant which binds us all to the group. To better offer an understanding of a covenant, it is “a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement” according to Webster’s dictionary. The words we utter are a contract, binding and solemn.

[18:45] Mercury: Lost contact: Maverick Garfield

[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: “I understand the expectations bestowed upon me, among which are: to work towards the collective good of the Ordo in my every duty, to uphold my leaders as they will uphold me, and to, above all else, never betray the trust of my comrades and peers through my actions.” To elaborate on the nature of the collective good, part of Schola addresses the nature of utilitarian thought. Utilitarian morality, simply put, is a sacrifice of personal interests for the sake of the benefit of the whole.

[18:46] Aryte Vesperia: Two prominent philosophers in this school of ethics are Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill. Mill states in his work Utilitarianism, that “the happiness which forms the utilitarian standard of what is right in conduct is not the agent’s own happiness but that of all concerned. As between his own happiness and that of others, utilitarianism requires him to be as strictly impartial as a disinterested and benevolent spectator.”1 This ideal is also espoused within the classroom within the Schola experience. Imperator Vesperia wrote the following, “Why should someone care to accept the valuing of group before self?

[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Individual esteem lasts only as long as the individual: your accomplishments and value for them are brief. A group is immortal, so as long as there is someone to carry it on. Individuals come and go; they move on, they become disillusioned, they change paths in life. But a good organization, a good group, will outlive and remain strong long after the passing of any single person.”2 Think about it.

[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: “I shall henceforth be considered amongst the legion and shall carry out my orders with full faith and to the best of my abilities.” Despite any unpopularity in following the rules and orders established for the sake of the group in all cases, it is beneficial to do so, as it preserves the unity between yourself and your fellow brothers and sisters in arms. Ordo was established to be a professional military organization within the military community of Second Life. It is “serious business” as the slang states.

[18:49] Aryte Vesperia: On a second note, you vow to carry out your orders to the best of your abilities. This can mean everything from the common, everyday life of Titan and Chronus, an allied military’s base, to a base in which you are assaulting. Cooperation proves to be the strongest element in the Ordo’s defense or assault methodology. It is what leads to productive and successful raids, and a stonewalled defense. Cooperate; listen to the (NC)OIC and SoG, or the raid team leader. Respect your fellow combatants, both your siblings in arms, as well as those you are fighting. When we lack that respect for one another, divided we fall, as the expression goes. Success comes with cooperation and respect for one another.

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: For those who feel this warrants a “too long; didn’t read” I will offer the following in summary and conclusion. I took on this effort if you will call it such to address the concerns about our cooperation as a group and respect for one another. We took an oath upon our entry, and I wish for you to reflect on that oath again, and the time when you first took it. This I write for the fatherland, as the oath concludes with.

Primus Consul of Officium Curia

Heather McKay

1. J.S. Mill, Utilitarianism, ed. Oscar Piest. p. 348

2. [Ordo][Form S-7]: Values of Brotherhood, paragraph 3

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: (She even cited her sources.)

[18:51] Aryte Vesperia: As a follow up: I really appreciate the commentary and opportunity to present your writing, Consul McKay. It was an excellent read. I hope that everyone found it as valuable as I did.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Any questions from anyone before we move forward?

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Very good.

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Aaand final topic from me this evening:

[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: After this gathering, I will be doing something a bit different than the usual raid-- as we are going to be switching our sim spawn to TItan while awaiting the verdict on if Chronus can be moved.

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: I wish to host a full scale, all hands on deck combat practice, to ensure that Ordo personnel are fully prepared to deal with single sim combat: we definitely do not want to give the enemy the opportunity to take any advantage of any lack of familiarity with our new battle line.

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: This will be a full scale operation, with tanks and aircraft.

[18:56] Kiyaru Kanto: o/

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Any individual who wishes to participate (hopefully all of you >:( ), report to the primary bridge after this is over and line up. It will be a pretty intense opportunity to test the sim integrity and prepare.

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?

[18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Kanto?

[18:57] Kiyaru Kanto shouts: What exactly will the winning conditions be for people that come here, now that we have a flag and all that? It's a bit unclear to me

[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: The flag is purposefully placed between the major battle lines. It is a very basic objective-- I don't know if I plan on putting a time on it or something of the sort. For our purposes in this battle, we'll likely make it whoever can hold the flag t he longest.

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Takakura?

[18:59] Arokh Takakura shouts: I would like to say something regarding the upcoming changes at the end, if we are not having open floor.

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Go ahead.

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Yes.

[19:03] Arokh Takakura shouts: As we look to the future and the exciting prospect of a new base, and entirely new format of combat, I would encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect upon Titan and it's surrounding land, the titan as we know it, over time has served us well. For all it's concrete bullet-pocked surfaces, and rusting, time-tested iron wrought ornamental framing, we made it our home. I would like to wish it a fond farewell, for all of us, and look forward to a brighter future, and the prospect of more intense combat. A farewel to chrons, and Titan, the titan of an imperial city. You will be missed.

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Agreed-- this build served us very well for a good period of time. We will be using the Titan current build for a time longer, nevertheless, we'll decommission it properly when the time arists.

[19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions or comments?

[19:04] Wesley Paine raises his hand

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Paine?

[19:04] Wesley Paine: Will there be an armor and aircraft limit during the exercise or will part of the training be used to see how much we can abuse Titan before it caves in?

[19:04] Aryte Vesperia: I will set those limitations after a few coin flips and during the actual training briefing.

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[19:05] Nrom Normandy (Channel 1): h

[19:05] Mercury: New contact: Jake Stoanes

[19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Very good.

Meeting Closer

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you all for bearing with me this evening, haha. Promotions will be posted tonight.

[19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed. We will be gathering for training at 7:30. Relog and such now.

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