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  1. Agares Tretiak

    Eight Years

    I am Agares. I remember when all of this was ocean. Ocean created by Keno flooding the sim so he could drive his boat. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. AN ships on fire off the beltway of Tethys, Brazilians glittering in the darkness near BOPE's base. All these memories are lost, like bullets in a raid on Titan.
    3 points
  2. Tsume Xiao

    Eight Years

    I had planned to write something big and fancy for this but then having a real job and preparing for our biggest event every two years kinda took hold. I am old. I won't go through my history because I don't really think many of you care nor do I really want to type it all out. I have been many things. Grunt. NCO. Warrant Officer. Officer. Head of Fleet. 2IC of one of the first Alpha squads. Armorer. Recipient of one of the five Imperator's Stars and the only person to be given theirs in person. Woah. I was initially planning to mark my 8th anniversary with a resignation letter. I don't feel like this is Ordo anymore. In fact, I sometimes refer to it as "The group formerly known as Ordo". I am one of the old timers. I remember the hay-day of the SLMC in 2010 and 2011. The comradeship. The closeness of a tight-knit group. In the decline period on SL I stopped fighting and just scripted things, which I realize may not even mean anything to most of you now. When Ordo withdrew from SL I felt it was already a shell of its former self and the collective had given a DNR notice. Leaving SL just confirmed my feelings. When we initially started to become a more traditional gaming group, I figured things would pick up, but they just kinda scattered. People who I would see daily were now off doing their own thing in their own channel. I can look around and see the group, whatever it is now, has grown. I see officers I have never met. I feel resentment towards some people who looked at their "rank" as though it had great meaning even though in my eyes they did little to earn it compared to most of the SL fore-bearers. Then that resentment turned to pity: here were people who would never know anywhere near the pride that I felt every time I logged on to SL and fought alongside my friends. I feel sorry for them as I feel they will never know the sense of accomplishment over something they may work hard at. Why? Because no matter what the group is now, it can't compare to the tightly focused group of before. Things were more free and more interactive "back in the day". Now I look at the group and I see a group of people who play games together within various sub-groups. Is that a bad thing? Not at all, but I don't think it can compare to the past. I remember when i would come home and log on to SL and TS3 (or before that, Vent) first thing and check forums on campus during the day. Now I feel so disconnected I rarely seem to check at all. Hell I didn't even notice Xoza's promotion until today. At the same time, I will always see Aryte as the Imperator no matter who, what, where or when Ordo is mentioned. Nothing personal. So enough of the depressive trip down memory lane. I don't know many of you. You don't know me. Maybe we shouldn't care? Maybe we should? Maybe you have heard stories about me. I am that guy who makes things and rants about things. The guy who stuck up for the moral thing even if it was unpopular (because Ffff e-rank you get respect when you deserve it. The guy who cared more about enjoying things in this game than ego-thumping. I am the guy who has a lot of guns and Ffff you it is a magazine. Or maybe I am just that crabby old gun-nut. Who knows? But I'd like to try and get some of that changing. I plan to get Arma 2 installed on this new computer (because no one plays Arma 3), maybe even Planetside 2 if it has improved from the sucky POS it became and dust off the Sunderer. I've taken up some shenanigans on PayDay 2, World of Tanks, Battlefield 3.5 4, Heroes and Generals, and Firefall. If you play any of those feel free to drop me a line! So after eight years, what do I have? I have some great memories, some fantastic accomplishments, some people who I despise like the plague, and most importantly, some people I look at as life-long friends. I hope to try and find games you guys play that don't suck and that I can enjoy and hopefully be a bit more active again. I still may not be the most active person ever but I guess I can try and climb out of semi-retirement. Ordo has been part of my life for too long to just move on. I made a pact with Aryte that I couldn't leave until he did, but even then I am still sticking around. You can't get rid of me that easily. So in a TL;DR format: Hello. I'm Tsume. I'm old and you look like you are new around here, at least in my reference frame. Tell me about yourself and what you enjoy about this group, whatever it may be now. LASTLY. If Aryte gets to troll people with images in his Old and Grumpy post then so help me I do too. So for those of you who may have heard the rumors, let me get one thing on the record, let me set one thing straight... Let me make one thing PERFECTLY CLEAR.
    1 point
  3. Lanny Ansar

    Eight Years

    Tsume is the reason why I cringe at things. I cringe now when people say "Clip" instead of "Magazine". I cringe when I put on a really nice-looking weapon in SL, and see that its' built-in animations don't blend over to my AO, or that the gun eats twice as many resources as Ordo gear. And lastly, I cringe because every time a Jewish holiday came around and it was talked about, I got to sit back and go "I know those feels, man", although I'm pretty sure Tsume still doesn't believe I'm also Jewish. <3 you Tsume. I'll still heckle things in the ISA group with you, bud. :D
    1 point

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