I am looking to add mods to the server to liven things up.
StoragePlus v2.1
This will add more storage units. Looks nice.
Progressive Weapons & Tools
This one looks cool just am worried about impact on the server.
Metal with Glass Set
Visual changes to buildings. This I do want to add.
Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls v.4.2
Same as above. Looks very nice.
Metal Cages Mod v2.0
Ark1337 Admin rifle
House cleaning gun
Stack Plus (v1.0)
Please give feedback and add more if you want.
Hello all
We have moved web hosts once again. Please monitor the webpage to see if there is any issues. If you find something, report it to one of the officers.
Well our bases got runed and dynos killed. Yet we are still doing ok. Considering when you start stock piling and use your stock pile, people get all butt hurt. We repossessed the one fire cave. The other tribes can go fuck themselfs.
http://www.razerzone.com/gaming-audio/razer-kraken-71 is what I got now. They are LOUD!!! and the Gamescom Plantronics 780 is good. Had them when i was overseas.