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Sol Cult

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Everything posted by Sol Cult

  1. But what about... wuuuurrrrms???
  2. I'll be back... *flexes!* :P
  3. Or mine, I've been bottling that one up all day!
  4. Yep, in about another month.
  5. So close, soooo close... mwahahaha.
  6. Sol Cult in the library bumming a computer. D:
  7. ... but you don't get any cake. Still alive, still paying for the vent, just no home Internet connection yet. PS Thanks to whoever sent that one payment for vent.
  8. Saw Avatar; pretty good!

  9. In this game, you write something about the person you know that has posted above you! I'll start. ^----- Is an asshole.
  10. I keep playing the gun vs. destroyer over and over, best music and fight of the video in my opinion. :P
  11. Ten minutes long but I liked it. Too bad it'll probably turn into an instanced thing unless they have some incredible tricks to pull out of their ass. />

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