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Everything posted by Valos

  1. Valos

    Ordo Tournament

    lets have a in house tournament with a tiered reward system. so if we can get a poll/vote for a game and lets get it started
  2. well is it funny that i am the most boring person?
  3. hmm sounds like im here
  4. Valos

    E3: 2014

  5. my opinion when i played hardline: matches are usually pretty quick. armored vehicles are OP. gun recoils are much higher so are damages from wat i notice. the map is a decent size but most is unused. running from rooftops is not common. vehicles are rly sturdy which makes it hard to take down. helos are clunky. driving feels very awsome cars will skid and drift if turn to hard and speeds are nice. character models are lacking. group working together improves the game feel aswell how well you do. still alot of people sniping. and sniping is more difficult and less rewarding. so far it is far more rewarding to camp the enemys vault then to do anything else. the feel of the game i will have to agree with some people it feels more like a expansion then a standalone game. the game is pretty in its state and it will improve. the frames i get 30 with odd drops when levolution and large explosions happen but only drops to 20. netcode feels bad but i dont know for sure my ping was 50 but cud feel off for a large number of reasons. servers are for 32 players only and with a full server it still feels largely empty and not much combat. the gameplay trailers showed something that you will proly not be able to achieve ingame. overall i feel with more improvements and variety of items it could be more then a decently fun game. however im going with $20 game that should have been a expansion. map variety would not do much else for the game. on a side note ziplines is hard to use with very very limited use. grappling hook i havent used but looking around map doesnt seem to have much use. most gadgets seem okay but you have to trade functionality of class for a "special" item like a taser. the tear gas seems more effective then frag too. i will aslo be uploading a video and will send it you when it is done.
  7. i got into the beta. maybe we can play together. ill record a few videos maybe if no nda
  8. i might play it again. is there new content now? and how many ppl do we have playing
  9. is watch dogs worth it? and is the multiplayer any good
  10. i havent tested other servers on teamspeak no hamachi or tungle or vpn nothing called tap playback device set to default only default ports
  11. Valos

    May Game Giveaway

    me me me me me me me me
  12. Valos


    so ps2 and dayz combined?
  13. Valos


    will check that out. stilll need to schedule something get this kicked off
  14. Valos


    on steam there is a tabletop simulator idk if its any good but with some mods and wat not it could help us do this alot easier. as a suggestion. also how are we gonna start this and who is the dm
  15. Valos


    now if dave would put his sword away maybe we can try kick this off?
  16. Valos

    Valos' Raffle

    thank you for all being apart of the raffle. the winners: epic huttser michan moonlight thanks to everyone else angelin kavia aldotsk Cyphre Iredell nuzzy xoza cookie awanken tsume xevrand i might feel generous and select another winner.
  17. Valos


    i guess we can try it out with you as DM
  18. Valos

    Valos' Raffle

    last call winners will be announced tomorrow evening

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