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Desereck Creeggan

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Everything posted by Desereck Creeggan

  1. Is amazing. :shades: THE OMG LOOK AT MY NEW AVATAR OR SIGNATURE THREAD. Go go. Rate the person above yours avatar or signature on a 1 being the worst, 10 being the best.
  2. Hello! I r going 2 teel u about m3. Lets see. Where to start. I joined SL in July of 2006 after being referred about the game by one of my friends. I joined up, ran around help island for a month before getting kicked off and forced to travel the Mainland. I stumbled across Explorers Rangeland, a small private sim. My first actual friend in SL was Reefer Jamberoo, a SLGANGSTA who introduced me to gambling, escorts, bling, and weapons (mainly Carducci's). There I met JAMES Fritch and JustinCB Twine (who had an earlier account). I got 200L from camping around and started my own military, The Creeggan Militia and armed my entire force of 20 noobs running around a sandbox with modified HALO SPNK rocket launchers, m16s and MIST (autokilling blobs of death) before finaly turning up on North Venuma. Oh the slybucks in the sky. I ran around for a while, getting to know the people. Console Mission, Fat Ogre, Yoko Puff, Sarah Golem, and Dirk DaSilva were among the people I got aquainted with. After turning my application in around September 16th and accepted a couple minutes after, I found myself among Schola. My first Phase I, I failed it miserably (it was an open speech test about the handbook, and I had recieved it at the beginning of class) and soon lost interest in the group. Months passed as I remained a cadet in the NOI until the doors finaly closed and I was ejected from the group. Soon after I visited the Titan Industries store in Ratin which was a giant skyscraper.. getting frustrated at not being able to find anything, I left and forgot about combat entirely. Fast forwarding to April '08, I got into combat with CSL. Running around, rezzing grenades under their feet and getting into their base numerous times with one or two companions was a blast, until I saw Ordo on a raid in early May. I litteraly looked on in awe before getting shot in the face by a SRAW, I decided to teleport in to Titan and pick up an application. Submitting my application, I returned to attacking CSL until the news arrived, and appeared in the Vae Victus (with a whole .5 FPS) to grab my second box of Schola gear. I finished Schola in June and joined Astra, and was crushed due to owning possibly one of the worst computers in the world where I went inactive for a couple of months while I gathered my money. Coming back with a brand new computer, I resumed and passed my flight training and went up the ranks to E-7. I transferred out of Astra and joined Terra, becoming the XO of Antesignani and the rank of W-1.
  3. lllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooool. Sorry I missed it Crash, I had work :<
  4. Isnt Pjrey some Brazillian? There's already enough of these combat groups (The one made for Takkun alts, one for general discussion and then the NJ group).
  5. *pounds on his work computer because it wont load them* Then I puked rainbows, since I imagined two ferrets.
  6. I have it, but haven't played in in foreeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeer
  7. You know you've been in the SL army too long when you read over this and see "CATI Island" instead of "CAT Island". :yeahyeah:
  8. So, got a torrent for Windows 7, uninstalled a lot of programs I don't use any more, and started installation. Stayed like that forr... 16 hours, so I unplugged my computer and turned it back on (hopefully.. hopefully it will be restored when I get home), waiting for it to restore to Vista. I'm assuming the torrent was corrupt, or something. Suggestions? (since I have the CD key, I'm going to try my hand at getting a Windows 7 CD)
  9. [21:01] Desereck Creeggan: Nice boobs Cyphre [21:01] Cyphre Iredell: ...thanks [21:01] Cyphre Iredell: >_> [21:01] Xayvien Rau: SWEET MOTHER OF MAMMERIES. [21:01] Desereck Creeggan: :D [21:01] Aryte Vesperia: Cyphre's boobs are part of the expo. [21:01] Aryte Vesperia: ORDO DISTRACTION DEVICE.
  10. I'm sure some of you remember the Vae Victus and its hangar doors, if so, you remember the ruelz. The hangar doors on the outpost provide a direct way into our base by enemy personnel dropping from an airplane or any other craft, and it is a BAD idea to have them open. This is the second day in a row I have seen them open more than slightly and I want to make sure everyone is aware of them. The hangar doors are meant so Astra can get out of the base quickly (and for a sub- fleet ships), so it is generally wise not to mess with them unless it's for training, let Astra do it. In short; don't open/leave the hangar doors open without a reason.
  11. BACK TO PAPERWORK YOU DOG *whips* Very nice, very nice.
  12. I was expecting a rick roll. Damn :madfrown:
  13. Rygads fall down. reeeeeeeetardlolololo
  14. I highly recommend everybody to get a copy of the grid wide com and /wear/ it. The previous greifer attacks will be easier to communicate to others with the com (Mercz/AN) and will keep you informed if you're going off sim, since it's not in our HUD just yet.

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