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Kytec Switchblade

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Posts posted by Kytec Switchblade

  1. I believe it should be fairly easy to make a larger particle to cut the amount in half, and the lenth would be easy to rescript.

    The issue with enemies using wireframe is inevidible, but somewhat disorienting. If someone uses wireframe it makes it easier to spot avatars behind walls, but you generally lose most concept of objects in the way. Also it opens up the posibility for people behind a somewhat safe wall to draw fire away from the rest of the group.

  2. - Looking back on our assault on TFM where vangard showed up in mass, alot of the problems we were having was due to being limited to an incredibly small corridoor or sim design flaw. I was thinking about a solution to this and only had to remember counterstrike's biggest asset in said situation. Flashbangs and smoke grenades.

    - While reading up on it the Utility hud usage it dawned on me, If we had laid down a line of smoke and lobbed a couple flash grenades over their wall we could've had more fluid entry into the TFM base.

    - I will be outlining a training session to be distributed to anyone who wants it including appropriate use along with the counter measures needed when facing the same problem against us.

  3. [3:24] Fox Mulgrave: Hell, when wishing to Engage in Combat to Ordo.. Don't go to Titan, sit down and get someone to shoot you whenever you Teleport somewhere.

    If he's complaining about sitting and teleporting around a sim he's going to be seriously disapointed with every single sl military spare noob groups that dont notice.

  4. ugh... johann was talking to me yesterday too, all he would do is rant about how your the devil or something and then when i told him to quit complaining about you he was just like oh i dont care about aryte, oh i dont care at all, but heres another 20 minutes of incessent rambling about me hating him with no clear reason.

    Also, that particular merc has killed ordo members including civilians without reason or any chance whatsoever of it being a mistake.

  5. We have to do this, srsly, it would be amazing and fitting. we could even put a little dock out the back where we bring in the crates we used to have in port malus. xD maby a warehouse next to it that leads into the main building so we could have ranged figts with crated around the edges for cover.

  6. Oh! dude!! the Slybucks Empire. Make the sim a massive slybucks to do training in. we could set it up just like a slybucks megastore and script the cashiers and cups to break away when their shot. give it multiple floors and balconies lay it out strategically, sort of like the twin towers map of CS:S

  7. bored at work, as you can tell :D

    Alex: So thismorning my girlfriend wakes me up and says theres a bitch in the window, so im thinking its some slang term like my car window is down or someshit, sure enough i go downstairs and theres some chick halfway in my kitchen window. That window was about 6 feet off the ground so she was having trouble gettin in over the sink, so i just stood there and watched it laughing. Eventually she just got in and walked out the front door.

    (quote from my boss Alex Mercado)


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