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Phillip Hultcrantz

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Posts posted by Phillip Hultcrantz

  1. Yes, but then that is why I said 'But you're not very supportive...' (or Ethan or someone said they'd make a good bra).

    To which I said I could hold those jugs all day long and never let go. :o (hehe.. o-face)

  2. [20:58] Karla Jigsaw (COM): Phillip, for a talking handbag, you sure are perverted

    [20:58] Phillip Hultcrantz (COM): You have no idea hun. Ask Sirus

    [20:58] Cyphre Iredell (COM): Well, he does carry your tampons...

    [20:58] Sirus McMahon (COM): leave me out of this!

    [20:58] Jester Spearmann (COM): hahha

    [20:58] Sirus McMahon (COM): ....

    [20:59] Karla Jigsaw (COM): Cyphre, jesus christ XD

    I want to say my epic come back so badly...

    I'd make a better bra, I could hold those jugs all day long

  3. Keystone Gray wrote:

    When I was in the Mercz I remember certain members complaining about how Ordo was disorganized and unprofessional to be using Fairlight weaponry. That said, my next best guess would be the killing of competition for Operations. There were also false concerns about lag with any weaponry other than Operations, even when shown weapon performance test logs, which included script time and IPS taken in a blank Class 5 sim. The claim that everyone's own guns don't lag as much as the rest is a bold one, and everyone makes this claim often. Some give that assumption leeway and others do not. The Merczateers have chosen not to.

    That said, it's their sim and therefore those are their rules. We can't do anything about it.

    Wrong, we can talk some sense into them...

    The main issues they have with FL weapons are small things like short reloads and the 2 prim bullets. They blame their -void- sims lag on the HD bullets. They complain about the fire rate of soem FL weapons and some complain about the unlimited ammo option.

    They aren't worried about competition as Mercz have never been allowed to use any weapon other than Operations weapons and their standard issued gear. We don't allow the use of Operations weapons due to Anthony and Lurdan not holding out on a deal they made to allow Mercz to use Titan ind. weapons if we allow the use of their guns by our members.

    Most of their complaints are based on pure ignorance of FL weapons.

  4. Moy Loon wrote:

    Hmm, Basicly this thread is about censorship, and censorship is bad, I'm against this thread.

    Moy said it perfectly.

    When you begin to censure people personal space you will only hurt yourselfs and others. If you tried to enforce this you'll jsut end up with a lot of unhappy people. I agree that we don't really want to see pics in profiles with one person getting rammed in the ass by 3 other people but you know what? deal with it, it's thier profile to manage not yours.

    Censureing a profile is like telling people the only thing they can put on thier blog/MySpace page is their name, race, and thier fav band, while banning all other information. People will not stand for an internet group to begin regulating their personalities.

    Then there is our image to the general public. Take intelligent civilian #1, they see a notecard and hear rumors from others that Ordo has a policy of Profile regulation, they are goign to think about the worst kind of regulation there is and say hell no to even applying.

    I already know Aryte isn't enough of a prick to do somthing like this, so I've not got anything to worry about, but to the rest of you that think this is a good idea, you really need to rethink your morals.

  5. I don't suggest using the LL trees. They lag the simulator to hell. Remmeber LL had to play tricks with them server side becasue the flexi LL trees came out well before flexi-prims. LL have admitted that they add a lot of lag to a simulator.

    As it is, if the defenders don't like it well then boo hoo. We can't build the sim to garuntee that we will never lose, that's just cheap. Deal with the trees like a soldier.

    As for the lag problem, that's got to be on your own end, try the old fashioned cache clear/Client reinstall/Driver update.


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