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Phillip Hultcrantz

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Posts posted by Phillip Hultcrantz

  1. Sera, in March I'm moving to Canada, apartments are cheap there + I'm going to be close to others here on SL. (Sirus is only a 30 min drive away <3) I'm sure Sirus would be happy to help get you a job and apartments are cheap. I could get a 2 bedroom instead of a single.

  2. Yeah, about that. Everything you'll need is issued to you. We don't allow the use of very much outside gear. If I remember correctly the -only- outside gear you may use are a few weapons from Fairlight, Operations, and Mistral Munitions(Seras Company)

    On top of that, the ship you have is most likely too big and not scripted with our standard of efficiency.

  3. Lilium Supermarine wrote:

    Well i was just standin'...and obama won the election...asked myself

    Why? why did obama win the election...and mccain made a sad face..

    SO I PULL OUT MY GUN, Tell me why he won the election, or im gonna shoot someone

    Just Standin' here obama is the president..Now joe biden is the VP now..

    Biden is the VP now.. Please Obama and biden don't fuck up america..

    Im gonna calm myself down and i'm gonna pull out my GUN!If biden and obama

    Fuck up america, i'm gonna impeach these bitches, Now i've been asked to speak about mccain.

    He should be president..Man this is some crazy shit why cant mccain just be president and obama said

    "i wont fuck up american i swur, So stop being mean to me :("

    But noone likes you and you're VP sucks "that doesnt matter cause he was nice to me :3"

    Now im starin to get anry, SO I PULL OUT MY GUN, Im gunna give you the count to three to repick yo VP

    1 I'm gonna impeach yo ass, 2 i'm gunna cap some bitch 3 (Tackled by secuirty) Now i'm in prison..sitting in a jail cell too :(

    You know, us Obama voters were feeling the same way about McCain.

  4. Phillip Hulsey

    200 Railroad ST

    RockyHill, Ky 42163

    No phone

    I own 74 Guns many of which are illegal in most states. I have atleast 1000 rounds for each gun except my S&W 500Mag. I dare you. It is perfectly legal for me to shoot your ass as soon as you step foot on my property. And I'm a good enough shot to have my concealed weapons permit.

    Oh and I am very close friends and play cards on saturday nights with my county Attorney.

  5. Dagger Exonar wrote:
    PADI321 Arida wrote:

    Hmmm this actually seems highly lodgical to me....i think we SHOULD now make them do this and instead of having all the sleepy Officer handle the cannons it should only be like numeriis who are allowed to handle it or people who are mostly always online ^_^ LETS DO IT!!! :o

    Um, you know it uses Numerii for ammo right?

    That puts a whole new meaning to Cannon Fodder.

  6. I know you have it narrowed down to those two cards... but honestly, your better off saving a crap load of money and getting an ATI 4850. It's only slightly slower than the GTX 280 and it's a hell of a lot cheaper.

    but between your two, if your PSU can take it, go for the 9800 GX2.


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