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Posts posted by Xevrand

  1. There are a lot of QTE stuff in the game, but I can't remember what happens exactly if you decide to not follow through with the events and just go on and hack and slash them. I'd have to replay the game again, but I haven't really played it again since I beat it a few months ago after I got my Xbox One.

  2. If you'd want to get on gaming with is, you can do that or get a character transfer. If you were still below level 20 I would say just remake, but if you have more than that character with a high legacy level, I would then transfer. If that's your only one and still pretty low, just remake and we will most definitely help you get back up to the level of your warrior real quick.

  3. Went into Open Beta as of yesterday. Been playing it since Tuesday evening and I am enjoying it. Kinda what I have been expecting from Bungie, and I am sure there is more to come.

  4. People are upset on the GMG forums with the lack of no news what-so-ever for their keys. People in Australia/New Zealand are 10 hours past when they were suppose to have their keys, and have yet heard anything. I'm just watching the forums go and people are just all kinds of mad at it.


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