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Posts posted by Xevrand

  1. Love the Kraken 7.1, has great sound quality and great mic quality. Only problem is, (for me at least) that it hurts the ears after a couple of hours of constant wearing. Other than that? Great headset, would recommend it to anyone.

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    Watch Dogs 101, tells you basically everything there is to the game, what is available to you as the player and what you can do, so on and so forth. Want.

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    It's unfortunate, but there is going to be a Season Pass and day 1 DLC for Watch Dogs. Though at least I know where the Chicago mobster outfit went. The season pass is $19.99 and is now available to be purchased at digital retailers like Steam, and Ubisoft.

  4. The Codex: Rules are made to be broken is perhaps one of the oldest lines in life that people love to repeat. But, the Codex itself is more of a set of rules. It is something we as members of The Ordo Imperialis that we are to enforce upon ourselves and our brothers/sisters in arms. To see the Codex enforced more would be nice, because I feel that people see the Codex is just something they can shrug off and not to worry about.


    Chain of Command: We have a chain of command in our normal lives, why can we not have one here. Chain of command if you are a child/teen/young adult living with your mother and father, then mom and dad are the final say so in your house because they pay the bills. Its the same way with all governments in our countries, because anarchy sucks. We have a chain of command here, and it should be respected more. Yes, I know I have said things to our chain of command, and I always do it in a joking manner. For if the officer in question is being serious, I drop my joke face, put on my serious face, and do as I am told. We should see that the chain of command is enforced as well, some people might see it as a problem, but if we lose respect for our chain of command, then we lose respect for our brothers/sisters in arms.

  5. I was considering getting this game for some time now, but with all I have read in this topic...Guess I'm glad I'll be saving the money now. Such a shame, I enjoyed the show too, and have been looking forward to playing this for some time, as it looked like it was going to be good.


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