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Everything posted by Xoza

  1. XD ... oh never mind... I MAY check it out, but doubt I'll have time for it...
  2. I've never heard of it.. the company must be slow to advertise...
  3. Never got into it.. just didn't look interesting to me... (moved to Gaming:Public, better accommodating place anyway.)
  4. Just wait for character transfers to become available... I've two 50's, lvl 26 legacy and a few 30-40 characters.. :(
  5. We've all seen the movies, television shows and games based around certain types of disasters, natural or man made. We've seen them happen on any level or type, in any place, at any time. Some of us have even prepared for them in the past or helped clean them up. So i'm sure we've all speculated what you would do if you were part of it, you certainly wouldn't be one of those extra's that get taken out of the picture in the first few minutes, you'd be that main character. As part of a personal interest and a Critical Thinking project for class, I'm curious as to you would have planned for such things. When I was younger kept track of some conspiracy theory and analysed it, though I'm not much into it anymore I remain vigilant and observant as I believe to a degree it stems from some kind of truth or warning to us. That aside, this is not a '2012 OMG end of the world discussion'. I'd just like to see what the every day individual would have planned, if anything. The level of these scenarios do not change the position of the earth but may alter the livable environment or structure of society. Scenario's Anomaly: Nearby, a scientific anomaly devastates and destroy's a large portion of the planet or continent leaving it desolate and uninhabitable, during which an EMP effect engulfed the planet rendering most electronic devices useless. You live close enough to feel and be part of the effect but it did not effect you directly. Government: Your government or effecting governing world has collapsed in on itself and splintered. Border wars and skirmishes begin to break out and basic law begins to break down. Time: Through whatever means, you've traveled hundreds of years through time. The area you find yourself in is heavily overgrown. Virus: A virus takes hold of the population slowly killing off higher brain functions often later killing the host or turning them into rabid animals, this virus however has no effect on children under the age of 14 or animals, but can be carried by animals and can only be transferred by blood. War: An invader of any type attacks your country or group of countries simultaneously with devastating weapons. You're area has not yet been hit with a weapon of mass destruction but you hear occupation is taking place quickly. This invader is dedicated and relentless to whatever goal they may have. Weather: Most of the livable planet quickly becomes too hot, or too cold for whatever reason and causes major flooding and unpredictable weather changes across the globe. What's your plan? How would you survive or approch the situation? If you formed or joined a colony or community to help yourself survive the scenario, what could you contribute?
  6. Completely agree with both comments... but I stumbled upon this thread while searching for another and people insist on giving me stuff every year... so...
  7. That time of year is coming up, poking it to push it to the top so it's not hard to find...
  8. [iframe][/iframe] Open in new window
  9. Fast travel is available for everyone, but subs have a less cooldown... Sprint is level 15 for Free players, lvl 1 for Preffered? mounts are 25 subs are 10...
  10. I'm not defending it or their choices of how it was implemented there's some really stupid shit I think should have been included and couldn't agree with you guys more. I think one of their major issues at the moment is their lack of stuff on the market so they had to figure something out... Give it some time, it will take a bit for them to understand what they need to do during live testing, prices will likely change or features reactivated.
  11. It's tolerable... If you've not spent a cent on it though (obviously to discourage farmers and spammers) you don't get access that would benefit them. Also many of these items are available to purchase in game with credits...
  12. I WILL DESTROY YOU (played this too much in school manager tournaments and all) Moved to Public Gaming
  13. I agree... BUT I suppose I could level a character I've not yet done, while I wait for server transfers to be available again...
  14. Yup, servers are up, we're on "The Shadowlands" "Begeren Colony" server...
  15. I completely understand what you mean and always felt the same way, it was hard to get me to play Empire side last time, my main character has always been a 'Jedi'. But for the same reason this is why the Ordo will be on the Empire side, as it's similar, not in alignment as that's everyone's choice, but structure, design and standing. That's the nice thing about SW:TOR, just because you're sith, doesn't mean you "ARE sith" or Empire... It's more about 'the character and their story'. I play my agent that hates the sith and only enjoy's the spying and espionage... My Bounty hunter is light-sided, doing everything out of honor and code. You can play each class light or dark sided, it's actually pretty in interesting when you play a light sided sith. It feels kind of like... You are empire, but don't have much of a choice, like you grew up there though it may not be what you believe in, it's just what you are. but Bounty Hunter is fun
  16. I don't see why not start a small republic guild for those who want to play that side, but we'll likely primarily be based on Empire side. The only thing really different on both sides for similar class types are the story lines, classes are very similar for their equivalent classes for both sides.
  17. Xoza

    Mobile Apps

    Chrome Torque Minimalistic Text All the Google stuff MLP Star Wars: Angry Birds aCar androidVNC c:geo Hotspotting MX Player Teamspeak Scanner 5-0 Skype Steam Super Manager Schemer Wallet Winamp
  18. Xoza

    Mobile Apps

    Throw down some of your everyday mobile apps, games, new updates, releases or whatever! Chrome Torque Minimalistic Text MLP and Star Wars Angry Birds just came out...
  19. Free to Play goes live in 3 days. After the poll and research into each server I've run an Imperial Character to the guild registrar on "The Shadowlands - PvE" server and registered "The Ordo Imperialis". Rank structure will be partially based off our current Ordo structure and we'll honor position, time in service or contributions made to the Ordo abroad. Other games like this are great places to make a presence and get known with an abundant amount of potential. This will allow us to continue our recruitment process for other areas, like Planetside 2 and allow new members to integrate and participate with us as a whole in similar interests.
  20. [iframe][/iframe] Open in new window"
  21. Free to Play announced for November 15th Please make sure your polls are correct.

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