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About Qoph

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    [ γ ] Gamma
    [ γ ] Gamma


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  1. Qoph


    I'm Qoph, aka SirCorn Alter on Second Life. I was in the Ordo on SL for 2 years between 2010-2012. I joined here mostly because I want to participate with the Planetside 2 outfit and help it to be more active. Hope to see some familiar faces but looking forward to meeting new people too.
  2. Welcome to the community Qoph! =)

  3. Name: SirCorn Alter Rank: E-5 Squad: B-I Merits/Date: Corona Vallaris 2011-07-24 Alpha Contubernium 2011-04-17 Combat Prowess MK2 2010-12-19 Combat Prowess 2010-10-17 Homeland Defense 2010-12-05 Good Conduct 2010-11-07 Ordocon 2011-07-03 Armatura Completion 2011-01-09 Medicus 2010-10-17 Current Curricular/Extra Curricular Activities: IEA Formet Tactica, IAC Position you are wishing to be considered for: Consiliator
  4. Slaying the innocent inncoent drinks
  5. Here's some people nuking their own base
  6. I might not have said it directly enough but I have a laptop now.
  7. There's not really a cap but my dad's not gonna pay more than he has to. I can probably get away with more than usual since i haven't gotten anything big for a while.
  8. Well my computer has basically had it after just over a year and a half. It's the only thing I've ever done combat on. But now my screen is locking up every time I fire a gun and my ping is around 250 during combat. But now I'm looking to get a desktop cause I don't take my laptop around with me on campus anyways. I'd prefer to get one of the things I get a student discount on, which are these and this The most intense thing I'll be doing on these will probably be SL. I play a couple other games but SL seems to eat up my computer more than anything else. I'd like to be able to get 30 FPS during combat but I don't wanna go all out and get some super gaming system cause I really am not that big of a gamer, plus I still need to do school stuff anyways. So I was hoping all the resident computer nerds could help me pick something out. Or maybe I don't need a new computer and something else is causing the problems. I dunno, for a CS major I'm not too good with hardware.
  9. It said I have Brink instead of TF2, gg The total came up as $79.97 but since TF2 was 20 bucks instead of 40 for brink it's around $60 I play the same games a lot <_<
  10. Did he say 'Decemver' or did you mess up :v
  11. Potential Ordo member! [12:30] ghost5500: sir are u rascist? [12:30] George Reisman: Yes. [12:30] Johnny Law (neil.coveria) is Online [12:30] George Reisman: I am very racist. [12:30] Sinna Bayn has left the sim. [12:30] Mercury: Lost contact: Sinna Bayn [12:30] ghost5500: sircorn are u [12:30] SirCorn Alter: Take off the gun or you'll ber emoved. [12:30] SirCorn Alter: removed. [12:31] ghost5500: srry he said i could keep tht 1 [12:31] SirCorn Alter: Who is 'he'? [12:31] ghost5500: george [12:31] SirCorn Alter: No he didn't. [12:31] ghost5500: wait are all of u guys rasict [12:31] SirCorn Alter: Take off all scripted weapons. [12:31] ghost5500: they arre [12:32] ghost5500: the pistol is a gear prop [12:32] George Reisman: Detach the AK 5 [12:32] George Reisman: Or I will hit you. [12:32] ghost5500: george r u rasict to black or every thing thts not american or white [12:32] Gun (ervont.rascon) is Online [12:32] George Reisman: Yup. [12:32] ghost5500: im cuban [12:32] George Reisman: So take off the gun. [12:32] ghost5500: my guz are off [12:32] Radryl Allen has left the sim. [12:32] Shizzerk Kostolany (Channel 1): sling [12:32] Shizzerk Kostolany (Channel 1): rsling [12:32] Shizzerk Kostolany (Channel 1): ldraw [12:32] Radryl Allen has entered the sim. [12:33] George Reisman: I can see it. [12:33] George Reisman: Right hand [12:33] George Reisman: detach it. [12:33] SirCorn Alter: It's slung but it's still attached [12:33] Shizzerk Kostolany: Ghost you have a weapon attached to your right hand [12:33] George Reisman: Thank you. [12:33] ghost5500: oh srry (oh srry) [12:33] ghost5500: didn know [12:33] SirCorn Alter (Channel 1): sling [12:33] SirCorn Alter (Channel 1): draw [12:33] ghost5500: r u rascist [12:34] Shizzerk Kostolany: Um no (In a) [12:34] SirCorn Alter: I'm racist to fennecs [12:34] ghost5500: watz the asians? [12:34] Shizzerk Kostolany: So I heard you applied [12:34] SirCorn Alter: Fennec foxes [12:34] ghost5500: ur rascist to cubans an yes i did () [12:34] ghost5500: ? [12:34] ghost5500: r u (ru) [12:35] ghost5500: cause tht other guy was rascist [12:35] ghost5500: nvm let me drop tht shit [12:35] ghost5500: yes i applied [12:35] ghost5500: y (and) [12:35] SirCorn Alter: I'm onle racist to fennecs and andorrans. [12:35] Ookamiwulf Lemton has entered the sim. [12:35] Ookamiwulf Lemton is Online [12:35] ghost5500: ok (ok) [12:35] ghost5500: so cubans are good? [12:36] SirCorn Alter: Cuban cigars are good. [12:36] ghost5500: lol (lol) [12:36] ghost5500: yes want 1 [12:36] SirCorn Alter: And Mark Cuban won the NBA title for his team. [12:36] SirCorn Alter: So I'd say Cuban things are okay. [12:36] ghost5500: ok yes i applied [12:37] ghost5500: did it get acepted [12:37] Shizzerk Kostolany: I dont know [12:37] SirCorn Alter: I'm not part of the application process [12:37] Shizzerk Kostolany: Same [12:38] ghost5500: howd u guys hear [12:38] ghost5500: wait y u get hold gunz but i dont (yu wait to get hold gunz i dont) [12:38] SirCorn Alter: Because we're awesome. [12:38] ghost5500: lol (lol) [12:38] SirCorn Alter: You need to prove your awesomeness. [12:38] ghost5500: good reason [12:39] ghost5500: to start training do i hav to get exepted (two start training do in ocean få exepted) [12:39] SirCorn Alter: Your training, if you're accepted will be arduous. [12:40] SirCorn Alter: You'll need to walk a tightrope over 10,000 hungry rabid raccoons. [12:40] SirCorn Alter: You'll need to bear being pierces with 1000 needles. [12:41] SirCorn Alter: You'll need to survive for a month on nothing but a can of Swedish meatballs. [12:41] ghost5500: does it hurt ur sl charecter [12:41] ghost5500: ? [12:41] SirCorn Alter: The pain may not be physical. But it will be mental anguish. [12:41] ghost5500: ok (ok)
  12. faster than 85% of US INCLUDING ZRAZOR Also I know how that feels arokh from the school ISP I had, where wireless was mysteriously faster than clan

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