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Syl Kiranov

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Posts posted by Syl Kiranov

  1. Pretty much everyone in Ordo has been spectacular but I'd particularly like to recognize:

    Intus, Aelus, Niiya, Mizar, Ethan, and Sosarin for being friendly and awesome and helping me (and others) settle into Ordo.

    Sosarin again for somehow managing to be professional and not too serious at the same time.

    Sera and Vlad for putting a lot of work into our equipment and giving us some great stuff.

    Anlysia, Endra, Dascede, and others for their activity and the significant time they put into guard duty.

    Lestat for being an inspirational and reliable officer.

    Steff for being a much needed hardass.

  2. I think it would really depend on the person

    I agree, it's pretty dependent on the situation. If someone is declined for something that isn't about to change or due to a reputation that will never go away (like copybotters) they should probably not be allowed to reapply. But I think as a general rule which might be bent under some circumstances, 3 tries or some kind of cooldown period seems pretty reasonable, especially if they're declined for the same reason repeatedly. For example if someone is declined due to avatar age, informed of that fact, and tries 3 more times before their avatar age qualifies, they're wasting your time. A database of troublesome applicants and reasons for denial would be good, if there isn't already one.

  3. I doubt all outside military forces, but specifically, any not in IS. The AN is playing diplomatic footsie with the IS, possibly to avoid the crushing force IS could bring to a fight against them.

    I agree that they probably don't want to fight two fronts, and with Ordo alone being stronger than the combined commonwealth, they want to beat on a group that won't crush them. It seems strange that we were banned from AN territory and, after the shakeup, they opened themselves up to possible attacks by us by removing the bans, but that's likely a tactic to appear friendly and reasonable to the IS. (And possibly to be able to call on us for assistance under some conditions.) Without a crystal ball all we can use to predict what they're doing is their history, which is why people are so cautious... it's pretty much expected that the old AN would be in this for themselves, and would either turn on the IS or try to control it. We can hope that it's not the case and that this is the beginning of a new AN, but I doubt anyone is going to let their guard down.

  4. I assume the idea behind this is that we don't want to expose our gear to a known copybotter, thus no visiting EU with gear on (just as we don't wear our gear outside of our official duties, partly for the same reason.) So there's no reason to give other EU a hard time when they show up in Titan.

  5. Keno Pontoppidan wrote:
    Keller Teichmann wrote:

    [13:19] Ruin Nefarious (COM): omg this pistol sux no blowback.

    [13:19] Zrazor Rozenstrauch (COM): OMG DIS PISTOL DOES NOT LAG I H8 IT D:

    [13:20] Keller Teichmann (COM): NEEDS MORE SHELL CASING


    [13:20] Syl Kiranov (COM): Okay guys I'll fix it. Next version will shoot casings but not bullets.

    It should shoot electrified harpoons that are on fire :(


  6. I'd like to add that anyone can come to me directly with bug reports, constructive criticism, or suggestions. This applies to anything I make. If you actually present your criticism properly, the worst that will happen is that I'll politely decline if it goes against required specs (which casings and blowback would in the P-99.) The reason this turned into drama is the abuse of group chat.

  7. Dascede Aluveaux wrote:

    Let me point out that he stated purposeful kills. Accidents don't look real nice, but if it was an honest mistake, then I don't think the Imperator will shave your ranks off down to E-1.

    I've made some friendly fire mistakes myself in the heat of battle, but people are running out of excuses with the kung fu too. It's probably safe to consider it the "instant demotion button". Weapon discipline is very important.

    Here's some tips for reducing accidental friendly fire outside of battle:

    -Remap your grenade gesture to a shift-Fkey instead of just F2. (Might be default with the new hud.) It's really embarassing to blow everyone up, even accidently.

    -Stay out of mouselook if you have a weapon drawn until you're ready to aim at a hostile. Or better yet, keep them holstered during down time.

    -Do not randomly fire in Titan. It doesn't matter if you don't see anyone in front of you or if you think you're using training bullets. We have a firing range.

    -The fist icon on the hud symbolizes what the Imperator is going to do to you if you play with it outside of battle. It's not a dance.

  8. Though he was trying to be annoying, Moy's actions so far were easy to ignore. Independent of his previous actions though, I believe his attack puts him into hostile territory. Rather than airing grievances here right now, perhaps everyone should settle down and see how the Imperator deals with him once he's returned home and has some time.

  9. I'm not sparkly new anymore but since I'm kind of quiet I guess I should introduce myself here anyway. I'm one of Terra's bullet absorption technicians and can often be found around Titan hiding behind snowbanks or flipping through the handbook, looking confused. If you happen to see me under your crosshairs... I'm on your side.


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