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Posts posted by Dascede

  1. I -did- try to install Zbrush just to have it there and updated for when I do use it, but I had a problem. I will re-run the disk sometime tonight or tomorrow and see what happens. If it still has problems, I may throw a question your way about it!

  2. Wow, Aryte with a big smile! Don't see that every day. Fantastic pictures, haha.

    I'm really strapped for money right now, but if I ever get the chance, I am going to make my way to AC someday and meet all of ya's. It'll be fun, no doubt (but I won't be drinking any alcohol).

  3. I was in my second grade class, being read Laura Ingalls Wilder aloud by our teacher. She then told us that "someone has done something very very bad today." I don't remember when I realized what exactly it was, but I distinctly remember watching some concert or awards ceremony where they listed all of the casualties and MIAs on a screen during heartfelt song.

  4. I received:

    - paid roundtrip to Westfield, MA to spend vacation time with the Fermi

    - Minecraft University sweater (to match with Fermi :D )

    - pretty little engraved charm bracelet from Fermi~

    - SWTOR, which doesn't work on my home computer -- at least not until I'm outta here and have upgrades

    - makeup and barrettes, which I will probably never use

    - Skechers shape-ups walking shoes and a pair of UGGs boots that I got dirty while helping outside D:

    - a set of Eeyore PJs

    - Candycandycandycandy

    - a chance to eat sushi for the first time in my life (and now I crave it)

    - two cell phones, one yet unused (neither is a smart phone but it's better than NO phone, which is what I was at before)

    - feathers in mine hair and a much needed 5" trim for freeeee

    - a chance to watch Sherlock Holmes: a Game of Shadows and The Adventures of Tintin in 3D at the theater

    - $50 amazon gift card

    Everything counts for me. :> because I don't get a lot as it stands

  5. The mechs lined up in that picture were from the time of Gulliver Carpool's oversight of Antesignani, if I remember correctly. They are the aggressor model, and we were up there testing the flak and rocket rounds. The Venerator was a considerably larger model that looked more advanced. It was only given out to a select few. I was not one of them, but I believe Zerowinged and Kono Kestenbaum were. They were limited in deployment, but it was fun to stomp around and practice with them anyway.

    Ahaha, I remember taking that picture for you. I had an ancient graphics card that couldn't even handle basic shaders. I was.. E-3? For the first time, anyway.

    A year ago, we were already onto the skyscraper city build that Keno created, actually. And I liked the old desolate build, but it was no fun for attackers -- sort of like clay pigeon shooting, and once the line was broken through, there was no way to pull back. That was also before we'd had objectives.

  6. Found 22 Games with a value of

    $400.79 USD

    ... and almost all of them were gifts. ~$35 on the list was for two games, and then $50 on BRINK which I don't actually have -- just there because of the temporary free days or whatever.

  7. The three individuals they described in the CBS 2 video were all under the age of majority, let alone the age to consume alcohol. And fourteen? This is just appalling! Yes, I believe I will find a way to help out. I wish the poor man luck and a well-earned recovery. And I hope that the people responsible come to understand what they have done...


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