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Posts posted by RazorFox

  1. The term 'NED' comes from a media acronym from 70's-80's british newspapers, it was something the upper-classes used to describe the scruffy masses that couldn't afford to, or didn't go to school, and usually became petty criminals or just scumbags. Hence "Non-Educated-Delinquent." They even recently made a film about it called "Neds" The Scots later adopted it as slang to describe 'chavs'. Which are basically the modern day same thing.


  2. Dear people that make the Kit Kat bar,


    I am not sure which of the marketing geniuses in your advertising department concluded that the sound of people chewing food was a good central concept for a commercial, let alone a long-running series of commercials. I know it seems a natural connection to make. After all, soda companies frequently use the sound of liquid being poured or soda fizzing to sell their product, but unfortunately, this logic does not apply to food. I personally find the sounds produced by other people as they engage in the mastication phase of the digestive process to be among the most unpleasant of aural sensations that I can think of. Were I to attempt to quantify my disdain for such a sound in the form of a list of sounds I find unpleasant, it would be located somewhere between the lamenting wail of a mother witnessing her first born being devoured by wolves, and that crazy frog ringtone from a few years ago. This sound does not make me want to buy your candy bar. In fact, there is really very little that would make me want to buy your candy bar, as it is rather bland and there are infinitely more appealing alternatives offered by the vending machine in my building's parking garage, but I digress. These commercials are not only ineffective in their goal of enticing me, the viewer, to purchase your product, but are entirely counter-intuitive in that they achieve the opposite result, which is to inspire me, the viewer, to slam my head in a door repeatedly until comatose.




    Please consider a more appealing advertising concept for your candy bar. If you need inspiration, I have included a list of ideas for commercials that I would find less intolerable, repulsive, and annoying than your current commercials:




    - A still image of John Goodman's bare ass pressed against a glass window set to a dubstep remix of a cat being disemboweled




    - Raw footage of Glenn Beck being very drunk




    - Techno Hitler




    - Grainy black and white autopsy footage




    - A jingle written as the result of a collaboration between Rebecca Black and Insane Clown Posse




    - A horse. Literally just a horse.




    - Child pornography




    - Straight up TV snow set to one of those creepy CIA numbers stations for 30 seconds




    Really, just about anything you could possibly come up with is better than what you have now. You really have nowhere to go but up.







  3. sir, little sense that makes... Not quite looking for a translation, thanks though. most my dreams i use for inspiration in art and ideas in and out of SL. as screwed up as some may seem to be, i can always make something out of it.

    It was a joke. :teeth:

  4. Few days ago, from what I recall I had this dream I was guarding some vehicle/military/weapons conference of some type. A large plastic toy colored truck (yes the one's kids play with in sand boxes) quickly drove up and backed into the hanger, A man jumped out and linked a trailer of equipment to the Tonk Trunk and jumped back in. I drew and started firing at his truck as he sped off. Apparently plastic vehicles tires are hard to stop...


    Herr Tyron, I believe ze truck represents your childhood. Ze man represents your fahzer, vhile ze hangar und equipment vhich you vere guarding represents your muhzer. Your fahzer enters your muhzer und takes from you ze trailer vhich represents ze closeness vhich you desired to feel to muhzer. Ze veapon is symbolic of ze phallus, und its ineffectiveness in stopping zis fahzer figure is indicative of anxieties revolving around ze sense of masculinity, und is tied to a cut und dry Oedipus complex. Ja indeed.

  5. Well last night I had a dream where I woke up and I was like both in my room and on the Ordo base IRL, there were lonewolfers and I was the only one there. So I had to get up and find my stuff to fight. I was considering getting a 'real knife' instead of just the LL damage guns because I wanted to go back to sleep. I could see how far away people were on radar somehow, and there was a guy outside my window and I yelled LEEROY JENKINS or something like that and threw my shoe at him. So anyways eventually more people came on base and they got fought back.

    So then we were at like an Ordo RL conference or something and there were hundreds of people there, and I was surprised how many females there were. We apparently had a new base, it was sort of like a savannah kinda thing with a stone fortress for the base. We did some sort of training thing but I was getting frustrated because we were issued these frayed hoodies and my hand kept getting caught in it, and also because the wires for my headphones got impossibly tangled, as in a ball of knots a couple feet in diameter with thick wires. So then after a speech we all left, and some numerii was spraying me with a water gun, and so since I was pissed off I threatened them with a friendly fire report.


    Let us explore ze symbolism of zese dreams, herr Alter. Vhat can you tell me about you mozer?


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