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Posts posted by RazorFox

  1. Something like a year or two ago, I had one of those spectator-mode dreams where I'm just watching events unfold rather than actively doing anything. The whole dream took place in a large, futuristic throne room with a huge window overlooking the ocean taking up one entire wall. The setting sun cast an eerie orange glow over the room as Aryte sat upon his throne, and as Dark Svenska entered the scene through a large hydraulic door. Dark said some stuff to Aryte, and they had a brief and very dramatic dialogue, which I don't remember at all because dreams are weird like that. All of a sudden, Dark pulled out a chainsword and rushed the throne.

    And Aryte shot lightning bolts out of his eyes and killed Dark.


  2. It's not called "No-Shave November" its "Mo-vember", a month to grow moustaches for charity events, it started about 2 years ago, can't remember how but from then it just spread like wild fire and people made it an annual event.

    Except my friends and I started doing it five years ago and it predates that by some time. :actually:

    Movember was an attempt to centralize and put to good use something that was already a social phenomenon anyway.


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