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Posts posted by RazorFox

  1. Me to Aryte via text:

    "I'll just keep this as brief as and respectful as possible. Christoph is bringing VG back. He wants me to be on his new Kommand staff and I'm taking him up on it. Ordo's been great and all but deep down, I have to remember where my allegiances have always lain."

    Aryte's response:

    "I hate you."

  2. Once upon a time, I was on Bourbon Street in New Orleans getting shit-faced (and believe me, they don't just party out there on Mardis Gras, they do it every goddamn night, weather permitting) when my phone rings, and it's a friend of mine telling me how he waited in line all night to get a Wii and he got one, and he proceeded to ramble for ten minutes about how worth it the wait was and how awesome the Wii was. Then he asked me what I was up to.

    I was like "Oh, I'm on Bourbon Street right now and I'm fucking hammered."

  3. I drink one beer, then I drink two beers, then I drink eight beers, then I pass out, then I wake up ten hours later and my head feels like it's full of really pissed off bowling balls.

    I do this at least twice a week. :awesome:

  4. [2009/03/25 20:01] kenster2 Bade: Hello. Can you teach me how to make a website like the ordo site

    [2009/03/25 20:03] Intus Infinity: Hello Mr. Bade. What will the website be used for?

    [2009/03/25 20:19] kenster2 Bade: Not sure yet. Still planning

    [2009/03/25 20:23] kenster2 Bade: Does that answer your question?


    [2009/03/25 20:37] Intus Infinity: It's a lot of hard work to code a signup page in PHP, SQL and HTML

    [2009/03/25 20:42] Intus Infinity: Especially if you've never coded before.

    [2009/03/26 8:04] kenster2 Bade: can i have all the code?

    This is the same weird little half-autistic motherfucker that's always randomly either asking me for money or offering me TPs to furry clubs and shit.

  5. Hey Aryte, add Kaioha or whatever his name is, the guy who phys-delinked the EU base. Alt of Synthetic.

    I love how Ordo ejects some members from one Chaos group and catches an enormous wave of shit for it, and then Chaos phys-delinks an entire base and nobody says a thing.

    GJ military community. GJ. :durr:

  6. Oh my God, the stories I have about Rhakark/Yggdrasil.

    There was that time he was in the Krieghabicht bunk throwing an emofit and arguing about nothing and he just kinda randomly interjects with "AND IT'S NOT ANY OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS IF I WANNA CHOP OFF MY DICK," and everyone's like "lolwut"

    Or that time that Vallen Murdock filled his office with pink dildos and Christoph did nothing about it because he thought it was funny and Rhakark was like bawwwwwing and shit because he was in love with Christoph and stuff.

    Or that time Lance and Cyanide kept building boxes around him and throwing him all over Supox and he got mad and they started shooting each other and Rhakark got out a Reaper and started carpet-bombing the sim indiscriminately and Christoph just kinda stood there AFK the whole time because it takes him four and a half hours to eat a piece of chicken. When he came back, he ejected Rhakark from all the groups on grounds that he was "being emo."

    All things considered, I'm not surprised to hear he's in Chaos.

  7. You're banned?

    I don't have the logs, but it amounts to me being all "Oh I'm 12 IRL, brb while I go play with my Lego blocks" in open chat with Jibble in earshot, and him ARing me and getting me banned within like five minutes.

    I'm 22 IRL. :shiftyeyes:

    Currently working on getting age-verified. I'm hoping they'll accept pictures of my driver's license I took with my cell phone.


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