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Lestat Umarov

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Everything posted by Lestat Umarov

  1. The Last Spartan Basically some random guy falling for the bridge trap, cut to catchy music to fit the situation! :D
  2. After reading Sosarin's post I feel obliged to add a little of my own. I'll be using certain parts of my essay as I feel that they apply here. As odd as it may seem etiquette is very important in a military environment for a number of reasons. First off is the general behavior and appearance of a soldier. If a soldier with poor etiquette, walking through an airport in his dress uniform, jamming out to music doesn't care about the impression he gives than most likely the impression he'll give off is a bad one. There were many times in history where peace was fragile and avoiding a world war was achieved solely on proper etiquette. Such as during the cold war with the Kennedy administration during the Cuban missile crisis, or during the early years of the pacific theater dealing with china as a potential ally. In short, etiquette can be all that stand between a full scale nuclear war or the loss of an important ally. You shouldn't automatically expect someone to respect you if you don't respect them in return. For example, a higher ranking officer or NCO could give you an order that you don't necessarily agree with but you'll follow it anyways, not because you like them necessarily but because you respect them. Respecting and liking someone are two completely different things. For instance, you could hate someone's guts, not stand to be around them at all. But I can guarantee you if he takes a bullet on the battlefield any real soldier would be rushing out at the risk of his own life to save him. Not because he likes them, but but because he respects them. Many good things can come of showing respect. It could be anywhere from a compliment to a promotion for being an outstanding soldier. A good example of this would be giving an officer carrying a handful of paperwork the greeting of the day. While you didn't salute him, given the circumstances a greeting was the least you could do. For all you know he could've been having a bad day and walking by him without acknowledging him could've sent him over the edge and made him about face so fast you wouldn't know what hit you. But then again, for acknowledging him, or even holding a door for him as small as the action may have seemed he might remember your face and recommend you for something in the future.
  3. Kitsy Bunnyhug: I actually think Arch currently looks cool while sly looks like...sly Arch Graves: :> Kitsy Bunnyhug: and lestat looks like some drill instructor/fox offspring >.> Sly Axon: Isnt it awesome? Arch Graves: I is a mean looking fucker >: ( Lilium Supermarine: oh hai arch Arch Graves: GO BACK TO YOUR CAGE LOLLI! Arch Graves: D8< Arch Graves: AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Lilium Supermarine: good morning to you to ;_;
  4. Thank you very much sir! It's an honor to receive a promotion and an award. *Salutes*
  5. *Akurei sets up a portal leading to "free pie"* Jayce Iredell: pie You: D: You: He went for it Akurei Sieyes: did he just go in? Knightblade Fayray: maybe Akurei Sieyes: ohman I better hide You: You're gonna get dropped! :o You: Run! Jayce Iredell (COM) sizzle, pop, crisp...... "Akurei! you said there would be pie, instead there was death." D:<
  6. Duels? And a firing range? :o That's epic win!
  7. More people=More lag. At least until we get more sims and more people to manage the new recruits closing applications is an excellent idea at the current time.
  8. Computer: Operating System-Microsoft Windows XP Professional OS Service Pack-Service Pack 2 Motherboard: CPU Type-AMD Athlon
  9. New one of our recent "victory" over 2142...XD
  10. Good to know there's other army vets in the rank. Thanks for the welcome!
  11. Hey everyone, this board was looking pretty empty so I figured I'd man up and be the first to post here. I'll just start by telling everyone a little bit about myself. My name's Dan, I'm 21, and am Currently living in Massachusetts in the U.S. Of A. I'm an army veteran, my former MOS being 45 Bravo (Small Arms/Artillery Repairer). I went to basic training at Fort Jackson, AIT at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, and spent about 2 year stationed at Fort Sill in a field artillery batallion. I got out this january as a Specialist and am currently just chilling until I figure out what I wanna do for college. I like to work on my car, go fishing, spend time and the range, and mess around on my computer and 360. As for talents, I'm fairly skilled in graphic design and sound production. All in all I'm a pretty laid back guy so if you ever feel like talking just send me a message via im or sl. Well, that's enough about me. Peace!

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